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A/npov : They all were sohappy ,and they fixed marriage next week .
Tae : Just in a week !
y/n: Yes, why are you so surprised Don't you wana marry me as soon as possible .
Tae : Not like that baby ,I am just thinking about arrangements .
y/fn &tae father : You guys don't worry about arrangements we will look after that .You go and shop the things which you want .
y/n &Tae : ok appa ,Bye !
A/n.pov : They are moved from the place ,They don't know that someone are burning a lot by listening these things and they both moved by the side of her but they didn't notice her .
Lia 's friend : You said your boss is going to be your future fiance but he is going to marry another girl ?
Lia : I fixed that he is my future husband he is the one he is the only one who i am going to marry . He belongs to me .
Lia's friend : Calm down lia but how he is going to marry another girl right .
Lia : What do you think about me . Do you this i am going to leave him ,It will never happen if once i fixed in my mind it's mine ,I won't let it go from me if anyone tries to take it from me i will just kill them .
Lia's friend : That means are you going to kill her ?
Lia : Ofc ,I am ready for that if she comes inbetween us .

.................... TIME SKIP .....................


Tae : Here you gomy princess shop the things what ever you want . Take your own time and select what's the best .
y/n: ok my prince . (He smiled at her and both walked inside )
Tae : From where your going to start baby ?
y/n : From our wedding outfits ,Then our wedding rings and jewelers then we will go for a restaurant to dinner and we will move for our sweet home .
Tae : ok! my sweet heart .
A/npov : They both went to choose therir outfits y/n said first you select your outfits i will help you . Then he started to show the outfits he liked . she rejected all the outfits which he shows .
Tae : y/ni can't select this you rejected almost all the dresses in shop .
y/n : ok! ok my hubby i will choose a outfit for you .
A/npov : She started to search a outfit for him and took one out . He loved it a lot .
Tae : wow ! Baby its amazing !!
y/n : (she smiled ) ok now you help me to choose my outfit .
A/n pov : y/n showed the outfits which she like . He rejected all the dresses showed by y/n .
y/n : Are you taking revange (pout )
Tae : haha no baby why are you thinking like that ,Ok wifee wait i will choose a outfit for you .
A/n pov : He picked out a wonderful bridel outfit for her .
y/n : Woe ! my hubby has a wonderful taste .
Tae : so that i choosed you my darling .
A/npov : she blushed and hit his cheast playfully ,And they went to choose their wedding rings and jewelers . They selected their wedding rings y/n started to choose her jewelers .y/n liked two necksets she can't choose between them .Tae saw that
Tae : Baby are you done with your shopping ?
y/n : ya , almost . ok ! pack this ( she said to sales girl by show obe neckset )
Tae : ok , wait here i will come back after paying the bill .
y/n :ok !
A/npov : He went to pay the bill and said to pack another neckset also which was selected by y/n . She packed it separatly and gave to him .
sales girl : sir ! you both are really a wonderful couple ,I wish your future will fill with full of happyness and joy .
Tae : Thank you (smile)
A/n pov : They went to restaurant and ate some dinner ,went to their mansion . The next day tae took y/n to their company and invited everyone to their marriage .Lia burning inside but maintained a fake smile on her face and congrajulated them .

....................TIME SKIP .....................


y/n pov : In few min i am going to be his wife , He is mine i am so happy .
Lia : y/n ! wow your really looking so cute , Come it's becoming late .
y/n : Thank you mam ! (smile ) .
A/n pov : she stood up and started walking with lia .
Lia pov : She is not at all cuter than me 😏 , walk fast bitch it's becoming late for your death .
A/npov : Lia taken her near the car and said she said she will come after get ready . y/n nooded ,Tae was at wedding spot then he hot a call which turned his happyness into sadness he left his phone from his hand and he fell on his knees started crying . Then tae father came near him .
Tae father : What happened ?
Tae : y/n ,my.. my y/niee had meet with an a..accident .
Tae father : What ? ( in shock ) wher she is now ?
Tae : She is in XXX hospital .
A/n pov : They all went there tae was crying as hell .
Tae father : Tae stop crying dear nothing will happen to y/n , She will be alright dear .
Tae : I .. I hope the same appa ,B..But why it ha..happens to me . ( started to cry more )
A/n pov : Then doctor came out from I.C.U ,Tae noticed that and he ran towards him and started questioning hm about y/n.
Tae : Doctor ,How is she ,Is she ok now , Can i see her ..
Doctor : Calm down ,She is ok for now ,She had a major injury on her head and heavy bleed we brought her to somebetter position for now . She should be in observation untill 4 to 5 hours after that you can see her . If her body suppots our tretment she will be as normal in few days .
Tae : ok doctor !

....................TIME SKIP ........................

A/n pov : After an hour doctor checked all the reports .
Doctor : She is good now ,You can take her to house but use the medicin daily and then she will be normal in few days .
Tae : ok ! Thank you doctor ,Can i see her now ?
Doctor : ya ! you can .
Tae : Thank you !Thank you so much doctor !
A/n pov : He went near y/n , Catched her hand and started crying a lott . Then she opened her eyes .
y/n : Tae why are you crying baby ( in a week voice ,she tried to sit )
Tae : Y/n wait you just take rest baby .
y/n : ( she smiled at him ) What do you think ? Your y/n will leave you today ?
Tae : y/n ,Stop talking that bloody shit ! (By crying )
y/n : Baby don't cry your y/niee will never leave leave you , I will always be with you .Even i will fight with death for you baby . Now i am there for you right stop crying .
A/n pov : He hugged her tightly .
Tae : Love you ! Lovd you soooo... much honey .
y/n : Love you too my dear hubby .

..................TO BE CONTINUED .................

sorry if there is any mistake :)

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