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A/n pov : He kidnaped y/n and taken her to a mansion and throwed her in a room

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A/n pov : He kidnaped y/n and taken her to a mansion and throwed her in a room . Few mins later y/n slightly tried to open her eyes her vission is blur so she can't see properly . She can't see where she was so she started to rub her eyes then she saw a men facing his back in some distance then she tried to stand so she took help to of the tabel beside her then wase on the tabel fallen down and the man turned to her by seeing him she was frozen .

 She can't see where she was so she started to rub her eyes then she saw a men facing his back in some distance then she tried to stand so she took help to of the tabel beside her then wase on the tabel fallen down and the man turned to her by see...

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Y/n pov : It's totally blank ,I don't know what happened . I tried to open my eyes and see where i am . But my vision is blur so i rubbed and open my eyes to see a man in some distance facing his back ,I tried to stand by the help of a tabel beside me then the tabel moved slightly so the wase fallen down from the tabel and the man turned to me by the sound made by the wase i lifed my head and i was frozen like that for a moment i came back to sense when he started to talk .
??? : Hey baby girl !
y/n : Ka..Kai

__________FLASH BACK __________

A/n pov : When y/n was studying in high school . kai and y/n were best friends ,They used to move so close days were passed ,Kai started to see y/n in a bad way he praposed y/n but she rejected him and started avoiding him she is not interested even to talk to him .
kai : y/niee i am sorry , don't be with me like this .
y/n : move i wana go .
kai : y/n please listen to me .
y/n : No ! I wana listen anything and i don't wana talk to you .
kai : y/niee please don't say like that . I am sorry , I am really sorry . We will be as a good friends like before .
y/n : But....
kai : Plz y/n ,I am saying sorry right . I will kill my feelings on you . plz y/niee plzzzzz
y/n : ok !
Kai : Thanks you ! thanks a lot for forgiving me y/n . you know tomorrow is my birthday can you come to my house . You know I don't have friends than you .
y/n : But kai ..
kai : y/n plzz don't say no ,Its my birthday wish plzzz .
y/n : Ahhhhh ... ok !

__________ TIME SKIP __________


kai : Hey y/niee ! thanks for coming
y/n : Hey ! Many more happy retuns of the day (fake smile )
y/n pov : I don't wana come here but he ask me as his birthday wish so i can't reject it .
kai : y/niee,have this drink
y/n : No that's ok . i don't want any drink .
kai : drink it just for me .
y/n : ok
A/n pov : kai gave a drink to y/n ,Then when y/n was taking the drink from kai it fell on y/n's dress .
kai : I am sorry y/n .
y/n : That's ok ! where is washroom .

( kai showed washroom to y/n and she went to clean her dress , he stood out side )
kai pov : oh my poor y/niee . Your such a dump ,After this night you can't reject me (smirk)
A/n pov : y/n opened the door then kai pulled her and throw her on the bed and hovered on her .
y/n pov : I just opned the door and cameout of the washroom then suddenly someone pulled me and in the next moment I was on the bed i was trying to digest this incident but suddenly kai hovered on me .
y/n : kai what are you doing get up from me .
kai : Baby girl I am going to become your daddy to night .
y/n pov : I was shocked by his words and before I processed the things ,He started to suck my neck and i tried to push him but i can't do that . I kicked himin his balls and ran out from there stright towards near by cops and complain on him .
A/npov : After that cops went to kai's house ,They searched in his house and got to know that he had connections with biggest mafia gangs and taken im into their custody .
y/n pov : I knowhe has connections with mafia ,I said to leave all those cuz he is my friend but he didn't left those its one of the reason to reject him . If he do so i won't accept him cuz i treated him just as my friend and i can't give him that feelings ,But i am sure that what i have done was absolutely right if he repeat it again . I am not sure that always my luck will be this good . If i can't escape today i would face the worse days in my whole freaking life .
A/n pov : kai spend many years in jail so he started hatting y/n that she hand over him to police ,Days were passed by days his anger and hate grown on y/n and he want to kill her . Its the day he released from jail and started searching for y/n then he meet lia and planned to kidnap y/n .

________ END OF FLASHBACK ________

kai : oh ! have you remember me ?
y/n : How could i forget you son of bitch .
kai : Don't loose your energy y shouting at me babygirl .
A/npov : Then suddenly he got a call and he lifted it after that he came near y/n and tried to give her chloroform like before but now y/n struggled then kai totally focusing to give her chloroform . In between this struggle she took his phone from his pocket andacted as she was fainted .

Tae pov : I just went to bring my car I don't know what happened inbetween but my y/nis not here ,Where she went is she trying to prank me but

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Tae pov : I just went to bring my car I don't know what happened inbetween but my y/nis not here ,Where she went is she trying to prank me but.. i can't understand what's going on . oh my y/niee where are you . I called her many time but she didn't lift the call .I desided to search her and then i remembered that she said she forgot her phone in the car . so i cheaked in the car y/n phone was there .
Tae : Aish .. what should i do now ? Once i will call to lisa may be she know anything about her .
(Tae called to lisa )
lisa : Hey y/niee i am really sorry about last night an...(cutted by tae )
Tae : hello ! lisa just listen to me .
Lisa : Mr. kim ! I am so...
Tae : Stop first listen to me ,Is y/n with you ?
Lisa : No ! she is not with me ! What happened to my bestiee ? where is she ? ( with pannic voice ) .
Tae : Nothing has happened to her just be cool . I am searching for her .
Lisa : where are you don't mind where are you ,Even i will come with you to search y/n .plz plzz I am requesting you ... Tell me where are you .
Tae : Actually i am in XXX theatre .
Lisa : Oh ! By god's grace I am in the same root near theatre
Tae : Oh ! Then come .
Lisa : ya i have seen you .
A/n pov : After kai went from there y/n opened the phone and she unlocked it for unlocking it took some time . immediately after unlocking she called tae .
Tae pov : Lisa came near me and then suddenly i got a call from unknown number immediately i answered the call .
Tae : He....Hello who is this ?

_________ TO BE CONTINUED _________

sorry if there is any mistake :)

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