Part 1 - Mondstadt

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Mondstadt. A lively place where mostly drinkers come along to taste their infamous Dandelion Wine. Venra, a girl who had lived in Mondstadt most of her life, was walking around in disguise. As one of the Fatui Harbingers, it embarrassed her when people recognized her. Instead of buying wine, she was there to relive memories. In a way, it felt like she forgot what her childhood was like.

Ever since she became a Harbinger, she had to put away her fun for work matters. All it was, was just work. Work was all she knew now. It was just her luck that she was waiting for someone. Pulling the hood over her head more, she kept on walking through the crowded, talkative streets of Mondstadt. The people talked and laughed, but she had no time for games. She had more important matters, yes, but not quite the importance of this. The sun was starting to set and she knew she had to leave. A vendor selling artifacts was calling out to her but she brushed them off.


The night breeze of Mondstadt was always a little chilly. She was stationed in Dragonspine, which was even colder. She shivered just thinking about spending the night, buried in 2 inches or more of snow. Yet, this didn't make sense. Why would Venra, a girl who could control ice, be stationed in, well, an icy place? An even more important question, what would she be doing there? The moon illuminated her path and she safely made it over. She sighed and heard a voice. Actually more than one voice, about 5 voices. "What the hell?" She says and walks up to the ruckus. There, it wasn't some easy rookies picking a fight. It was rather, 5 VERY angry politicians from Mondstadt. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN NOT DO! YOU ARE THE BANE OF MONDSTADT'S EXISTENCE!" One yelled, in retaliation. "Sir. We won't hesitate to use physical force to explain our reasoning here." One of the newer Fatui members spoke, in a stern, yet clear voice.

Venra walked up, and in a very orderly voice, she spoke. "Now what is it that you five want from us?" The man who spoke first, and still clearly angry, grabbed her by the collar. She could smell the stench of wine off of him, and mouthed the words "They're drunk." To one of the Fatui members besides her. "YOU ARE IN THE WAY OF EVERYTHING!" It was supposed to make her flinch, but all the man got was a slap on the face, and he immediately let go. "Using your words, you can't tell us what we can and cannot do. Now, let's settle this fairly, so that nobody gets hurt." She could see that the other four were just there to observe. They were mad, yes, but they didn't do much. They just silently agreed to what the first man was saying.

"WHY SHOULD WE SETTLE THINGS FAIRLY WHEN YOU ARE THE ONES MAKING IT UNFAIR?!" He screamed again. This time, Venra had enough. She kicked him down, and two of the others who were stationed there pinned them down and waited for orders. "Take him away. Let the others leave, but they too, have been warned. Do what you think is best for this unfortunate soul." Venra said, sternly. They carried the man off, who was still struggling to escape the grasp of the Fatui members. She was already in a bad mood, to begin with, and so the third and final member who was there, asked if she was okay. "Yes, thank you. I'm better now."

She was secretly happy that she didn't have to use much force to shut the man up. He was drunk anyway, so it's not like he could do much in the situation. "How long have you been here? All three of you?" The member replied, "Most of the day. It's been mostly uneventful besides this." The campfire slowly died down, and so the member added more sticks and twigs into it, making it burn brighter. The other two members returned without the man (a good sight that they took care of him)

She sighed, looked out at the glimmering snow, and thought long and hard. How long had it been since she escaped Mondstadt for good? A year? It didn't feel that long ago. Whenever it was, she still misses her old friends from there. Indeed, she does have some new friends, but it doesn't have the same bond as ones you've known most of your life. They are like co-workers, a bond you naturally have when working. One by one, the members clocked out for the night, except for Venra. She didn't want to sleep, nor could she sleep. She stayed awake until she realized now the sun was coming up. She had been spacing off and on, looking around, playing with the snow, and playing with her hair. She stood up and stretched, not even feeling the most tired. Actually, she felt more rejuvenated than the day before, which was strange. Her body was used to all the sleepless nights that had just become normal for her.

One by one again, they woke up, and they went off on their own. They said their farewells and left. Venra cleaned up the area and left as well. On her way traveling Mondstadt again, she happened to stop by Dawn Winery. There, she stopped to look at a particular two people. One she recognized, the other, completely unfamiliar. "I thought I knew everyone here..." she said to herself and watched more. It didn't feel wrong to eavesdrop, since she was just curious. The girl was talking to Master Diluc, or what people like to call him. She could barely tell out the words "...Title, role...enjoy." It was all she could make out, and honestly, all she needed to know. She swiftly left the winery and continued to walk around, aimlessly. "A new Dawn Winery...that's...interesting." She said, out loud, thinking. "What a world. She didn't seem...well, human. She may have been an Adeptus...but why get a job at Mondstadt? So strange..." The girl intrigued her, and it was all she could think about for a while. Why here? Why at the Winery? She had so many questions to ask the girl, but she knew that she would look oddly suspicious when asking, so, then and there, she decided that she didn't need to ask them unless they knew each other closer. She did seem like a person who would be nice to her, but considering what she does for a job, I don't think the Brewmaster girl would like that very much. The woods gave her nostalgia from when she got her vision and speaking about it, she took a long glance at it. Seeing it shine in the sunlight gave her hope that maybe one day she'll find a purpose.

As the sun went down again, she realized that she didn't get any missions, or things to do all day. And, an even better inquiry, why had she been walking all day and not remembering a thing? She gasped for air suddenly, and fell to the floor, shaking. "What the hell?!" She whispered out. She realized that something poked her. Something...paralyzing. But why here? Yeah, this is a forest, but this isn't the technology to catch wild animals. Someone must've placed this here to specifically capture people. She couldn't move her body, and her legs and arms were in pain. Her side was, too. Probably that's where she got poked at. She could hear...someone. "Haha! Got'em! Look at the girl on the ground!" They...laughed at her. Kicked her. Hurt her.

Where is my weapon when I need it?

Where exactly am I right now?

I can't move a thing...

On and on, these thoughts persisted through the pain. She couldn't even scream anymore. Her body was just...exhausted. She gave a glance at the guy who was beating on her and frowned. Why? Why is it that I'm the prey? I should be fighting back...not on my hands and knees like an animal...she didn't cry, but was desperately begging for him to let her go. Throughout the evening, the beatings persisted, and she was knocked out in the end, on an unnamed path. She was there until some roaming scouts from the Fatui found her and took her in for a while. There, she rested for 2 days straight, until she fully recovered. She woke up, dazed, and confused about where she was, and immediately pulled out her sword when she saw other people, who, at first, she didn't recognize. She pointed her sword at them, but they didn't flinch. "GET AWAY!" She yelled, still somewhat exhausted. She growled under her breath, waiting for them to attack her. Instead, they walked up to her, laid her down, and said "You need more rest." It didn't take long for her to realize that they weren't trying to hurt her. But on the safe side, they put away her sword, until they all knew that she was ready for combat again. "Sorry for...adding extra weight to you both." One of them chuckled and said. "Don't worry about it, Venra. After all, you are one of the Harbingers."

A Harbinger...a job for those who are physically, and mentally capable. They are strong, with a sense of justice, and an overwhelming power to have the world their way. It was incredible, seeing these people shape themselves into who they are today. Venra was no different. Though it was often when she regretted the decision to join the Fatui, it also gave her the confidence she didn't have before. She was renewed, a different girl than before. Many still treat her like a little kid, but inside, she knows she isn't one anymore. A child, but not one. She learned many lessons over the years, and it has also shaped her into who she is now. When on the battlefield, people say she's...different. She has a more powerful aura, some say. To her victims, they don't live to tell the tale about her fierceness. Those who spectated, say that for her age, she's incredible. But why her? People ask from all around. Why does she deserve the glory of this title, of this role, of this life? This was an easy question for her to answer, and in her words, "I'm not asking for forgiveness, and I am not asking for people to accept me. I deserved this role because people think I am strong and worthy. I worked for this role, and to feel special, is something I cherish."

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