Part 6: Great, it's that Redhead

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"Liyue Harbor...such a great place. Would be a shame if it was destroyed." A man muttered underneath his breath. He was a little far from the town, hanging out by the scenery of the place. That man was Childe. The 11th Fatui Harbinger. Though nobody knows his real name, it's just easier to call him by his nicknames, rather than try and find out his real name. It was early morning, and he had been up all night devising a fool-proof plan to destroy Liyue. He had thought of summoning a sleeping god, who he could help in Liyue's destruction if he was able to convince the god to stand beside him in battle and watch the whole town break down. He did have business connections to some of the people who occupied the lovely town, one of them being Zhongli, who has been working at Wangshu Funeral Parlor. He also has access to one of the largest banks in Teyvat, the Golden House.

Xue had been first to awaken that morning since she knew that there was stuff that needed to be done that day. Xue looked over to Venra, who was sleeping peacefully in a chair across the room. She got up and shook Venra. She awoke with a startle, almost confused. "Huh...? Oh, it's just you." Venra sat up, stretching out. "Hah, yep, it's just me. So, we've gotta do some stuff today, yes?"

"Mhm, correct."

"Well, do you have any ideas on what we should do? You're the boss here."

A compliment like that made Venra blush a little, feeling proud of herself. She smiles.

"Oh, you think too highly of me. But back on track, what I think we should do first is get our weapons in check. We can't fight if our blades are too dull."

"True, that would be a good first step, and since we know how to fight, there's not much we need to do in the training compartment..."

"It's always good to get a good spar in before we do the real deal. How about this, we get our weapons sharpened, and then I'll test you while we're waiting for those to finish up. I know how he fights, so simulating how he acts is a piece of cake for me, all you need to do is land a solid hit on me. We'll get sticks so it doesn't hurt that bad. We don't wanna be wounded before the actual thing."

Xue nodded, shocked at Venra's sudden change of personality. She sounds so...professional...

They went over to the blacksmith carrying their weapons. Venra held her blade tightly and almost protectively. Xue noticed and wondered. Is she protective of her weapons? Awh, that's cute! The man who was prepping another new sword wiped the sweat off his face and went to talk to them. "Welcome. What do you ladies have with me today?' Venra suddenly gets super nervous, and looks over at Xue.

Uhhhhhhhhh, uhm, I uh...I...

"We'd like her sword sharpened, please."

Xue speaks for Venra, and Venra slinks behind Xue, nervously.

"That would be 1500 Mora."

Xue hands him the Mora, and then the blade, and then they walk off. Venra keeps clinging onto Xue until they get into a field that seems pretty empty and spacious. Xue decides not to confront Venra's shyness. Venra finds two sticks and hands them to Xue. "Sorry if this isn't your normal weapon, because I don't think it would be safe to use your catalyst on me." Xue nods, and smiles, confidently. "This may look hard, but listen, he has a repeated pattern. Find that pattern, and you're set to find an opening. Don't be too stiff when swinging, too."

"Got it!"

And they begin, as Venra starts circling Xue. Xue keeps a keen eye on Venra, and they begin their fight. Xue swings, and Venra jumps back. Xue get's a little confused by it, but keeps on waiting. "What are you waiting for? Move your feet!" Venra orders, and Xue suddenly gets a chill down her spine. She realizes that she needed to get a solid hit on her, and so she devised a small strategy inside her head.

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