Bonus Part: Oh Barbatos...not Boats

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One day, Xue and Venra were required to get on a boat for a commission they were doing together. Bags packed, they made their way to the port. All the while, Venra was rather nervous, which she normally isn't. Xue smiled, trying to comfort her.

"Relax, it's gonna be fine! The commission is rather easy!"

"That's uh...not what I'm worried about..."

" it?"

"'ll see."

They reach the port together, and they board it. It appeared to be a rather small ship with few passengers and crew. Just the thing Venra needed at the time. She stared at the sea below her in fear, and as soon as she felt the boat move, her hands started to sweat, and she grew pale. Xue noticed and patted her back.

"Are you okay? You aren't looking so well..."

" think?"

Venra held onto the boat for dear life, as they slowly got to their destination. During the trip, Xue learned a quite unique fact about Venra. She was very...VERY seasick. Xue stayed by her side as Venra dared not to puke. Xue also learned that Venra was highly scared of throwing up, and so most of the trip she just looked green. Xue was worried about her going overboard, and so she kept a firm grip on her just so her weak body didn't accidentally fall off.

"B-boats...I-I love boats..."

"Yeah, I can tell..."

"I want this to e-end already..."

"The faster we get done with this commission, the faster we get on the boat. Either way you're gonna have to well...try not to fall off..."

"This reminds me of the time Childe and I went on a mission together and he learned it the hard way..."

"Oh? Tell me!"

It was an early morning, and Venra was still half awake, while Childe had this very energetic look on his face, excited to be working with Venra again.

"It's gonna be a long trip, so I'd suggest we can probably go back to sleep for a little."

"Meh, I doubt that I will. But maybe if they have comfy beds."

The two of them board the ship, and lots of people behind them whisper and mutter. They've never seen a Harbinger before, and most of them are scared to even go near them. The fresh smell of the sea greets them both, and she smiles, staring out into the distance.

"Have you ever been on a boat before, Venra?"

"Hm. No."

"Heh! I hope you like it! The views are amazing."

"I hope I do too. I'm excited!"

That excitement quickly faded away as soon as the boat started moving. She felt weak and sick to her stomach, and she walked towards the rails to catch her breath. Childe had walked away at this point, and left Venra holding on for dear life trying not to throw up. Venra stared off at the sea, trying to calm down. Instead, the motion of the waves made her even more nauseous. She could feel her legs giving out, and suddenly she fell overboard.

Out of the corner of Childe's eye, he could see someone falling, and quickly, springing into action. He only realized it was Venra until they got back onto the boat, both of them soaking wet, and very cold. They sat in the sun to dry off.

"Venra, are you okay?"

"D-do I look okay? I...think I'm seasick..."


Venra coughed and groaned, laying back, letting the sun hit her face. Childe kept a hold of her, and then later carried her inside the infirmary inside to help her get over her nausea. All the while, Childe stood outside, contemplating whether this was a good idea to take her out or not. In the end, they reached their destination, and Venra was very happy about that.

"Oh wow. Heh, I have something to say, Venra."

"What is it?"

"Hehe...I think...Childe-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence."

"Awwh, why not? It ruins the fun in seeing your reaction!"


Venra blushes in embarrassment . The conversation they had distracted her from her seasickness, and they had a friendly bicker about whether Childe was crushing on Venra or not. Good times for sure. Xue looks at Venra and grins, making a mischievous face.

"Xue...what are you planning..."

"Oh nothing...!~"

"...oh Barbatos..."


Xue ran around the boat, and Venra, too weak to even move, just sighed and sat down, wondering what she would do. Xue found some paper and a pen and started to write. (Keep in mind, they would be on good terms at this point so no angry responses) She asked Childe if he had an interest in Venra, and mentioned the story that Venra told her. She knew it would take a while for a response, and so when they got to their destination, before they started their commission, she delivered the letter to Childe. She was eager for a response. Venra was feeling way more like herself when they were on dry land, and asked Xue what she did.

"Xue. I need you to tell me what you did...I mean, you sent a freaking letter. What could POSSIBLY be in that letter?"

"Oh nothing!~"


"Not telling you!"

Xue walked faster with a huge grin on her face. Behind her was a very confused Venra. The commission was simple. They were in Inazuma, and they were requested to go beat up some random samurai in the area that were causing trouble. It was easy for them to come in, since Venra was a part of the Fatui, and she disguised Xue into being a partner of her's, allowing them hassle-free entrance inside Inazuma. Storms raged around Inazuma, and that piqued Venra's interest in this place. Xue was also pretty excited, seeing all the sights and people Inazuma had to offer.


Hello! This is the author speaking! Thank you for those who took the time to read this fanfic! I will continue to add the parts that I have already written into this book. Always remember that the events are mostly based off of the actual Genshin storyline, but some of the characters are my and my friends own personal OC's. Thank you!

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