Part 3 - Wait, Aren't You-

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During the day, she thought about that girl. The girl that she met at the Winery, and very vaguely remember talking to. Her genuine curiousness overlooked the fact that the girl may think she's still evil. Nonetheless, she wanted today to be that day where she could finally have an in-depth conversation. Nothing about the Fatui or the Winery. Just...talking. She didn't need any more stress. Honestly, she just wanted a friend she could really trust. Someone who could be by her side when she needs them the most.

The winery always had the faint smell of grapes, which she thought was a great smell, but could get boring easily. She sat by a tree and waited, just to see if she could see that girl again. She looked quite short, so her guess on her age was 14 or 15. It was probably wrong though. Actually, felt WAY off. In a way, she didn't feel that young, she just looked that way. It's better not to assume that of her without actually knowing. The more she thought about it, the more she thought it was wrong. Nonetheless, she didn't want to ask her age until they were better acquainted. She was still curious as to who she really was, and what she was like as a person.

She made her way over to the Winery, and to her luck, she saw the girl walking off to the distance. Out of pure instinct, she followed her. Many miles later, and two sore, tired legs later...she made her way over to Qingce Village. It was a small, tranquil village. There, she knew why she was there. She felt a weird energy around this gate, and, so, to protect the girl from it, she stood by it, and waited. Minutes later, she watched the girl walk up to the gate, and very quickly, grabbed her. The girl, scared, looked up at Venra and softly gasped.

"It appears we meet again, little Brewmaster."

The girl, questioning, asks.

"Why did you lead me here?"

"It had a...strange energy. Not something I would let a future acquaintance face all alone., I never caught your name, and what is it?"

The girl said,

"Xue. Xue Song."

"Such a pretty name!"

Venra laughs softly, not trying to be too loud.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt if I introduced myself. I am number 10 of the Fatui Harbingers, Verity. Of course, that's just a code name, so feel free to call me Venra. After all, it is a privilege to use the name the Tsaritsa gave me, herself."

Xue looked exhausted, and the girl got out her water, took a small sip, and offered some to Venra.

"No thank you. Please, take it."

Xue chugs it all down with no regrets. She wipes off her mouth and continues speaking.

"Aaah...much did you find me here in the first place?"

"Well, I planned to look for you at the Winery, and when I saw you walking away, I followed you here. I sensed the eerie presence here first and decided to warn you beforehand. Wanna tell me what's going on here?"

"I suspected there was some Abyss Order stuff going on here...and instinctively...I knew I had to protect my town. I knew it was here too...and that's when you showed up."

Venra thought for a second and nodded.

"Figure me helping you is a token of appreciation for the wine."

She hopped into the gate and walked inside. After a little while of walking, there was a mechanism about the same fiery orange like her eyes. She realized it was the core. If her predictions were correct, there would be some Abyss Mages here. There was a cackle behind her, and in a flash, charged her sword, and started fighting. A good 10 minutes later, she was out. A little scratched up but overall okay.

"Hey Xue its-"

There by her feet, was Xue sleeping beside the gate. She smiled, and sat by her, staring up at the stars. After a while of almost falling asleep and spacing off, her trance was broken by a somewhat booming voice.

"Xue? And who must you be?"

"Don't ask questions you won't get an answer out of. Now. Question for you, sir. We need to find a place we can stay for the night."


With the help of a few others, the man carried Xue on a stretcher and guided Venra towards a safe place they could stay for the night. Looking back up at the starry night sky, she smiled. She hadn't gotten the time to admire Teyvats beauty in a long time. And this. This was perfect.

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