007: Goodnight.

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     AND then the voting began, the players were all in one side of the room. "As you can see there are two buttons in front of you. If you wish to continue playing, press the green button with an O. If you wish to stop playing, then please press the red button with the X instead. After you finish voting, move to the other side of the white line and wait. Voting will be done in reverse order of the numbers on your chests."

Everyone glanced down at the numbers on their jackets before looking around. "Player 456, please cast your vote." He said and the man walks through the crowd, to the voting pillar. They watch as he walks up and stood there for a moment before reaching up and pressing on the X button, making the number zero under the X side of the tally switch to one.

He walks to the other side of the room as the next person, 453, was ordered to cast her vote now. She looked back at the money and turned back around to press the circle button. The same happened with many people as it carried on, everyone walking up and looking at the money before pressing O or not hesitating to press the X. When it was Hyun-Jung's turn, 250 grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I know you'll make the right choice..." He says and she just sends a small smile.

She walks up to the voting poll, staring at the options before pressing the O. She timidly walked to the other side and stood there, playing with the hem of her jacket. She doesn't have to look to know 250 is looking right at her. When it was his turn, he chose to continue playing as well before turning around and meeting eyes with her right away.

He walks up to join by her side, when a man got mad. "Have you all gone crazy? We have to leave. We can't keep putting up with this insanity." The man raised his voice. "So what if we leave?" Player 212 who just voted shouts back making them all look at her. "Tell me, what changes? Just as bad out there as it is in here, goddamn it." She then scoffs.

"She's right!" Everyone looks at 322. "If we stop right now, that only helps the ones who are dead. They'll get a 100 million won and not us. We made it through! They're out! That money is ours." He shouted at them.

"Please! Think about what just happened out there. Come on! Let's go!" 369 yells at them, whimpering with a distraught look. "Where am I supposed to go, huh? Out there, I don't stand a chance. I do in here." 322 tells him, looking around. "No, I've got nothing out there. Come on, let's finish this thing!" He shouts.

"I'd rather stay and keep on trying in here than go back to the bullshit out there." He shouts and then 119 ran over to him, grabbing his jacket. "You jerk! You got some kind of death wish? Go die alone! Don't drag everyone else into this, you little shit!" He shouts and then a guard held a gun to the back of his neck.

It stops the fight almost immediately as the man who started it froze up, wide eyed. They both turn and raise their hands. "We will not condone any kind of act that impedes this democratic process. Now, let us resume and continue voting." The man tells them.

Above on the screen, 52 people have said yes to continue and 50 people said no to playing. More and more walk up, when 067 walks up, Hyun-Jung kind of strains her neck a bit to see what she does. The girl just immediately pressed the O button and walked away.

No second thought or anything.

The voting goes on and on until it says 100 and 100, meaning that there was a tie. And the last one left was the old man. "It seems we're down to the last vote. Player 1." The masked man says and all of the other players look over at 001 standing by himself now.

He walks up to the front, stood there for a moment and stared back and forth. Hyun-Jung's heart began racing, she wondered what he would pick as she watched worriedly.

"If you wish to continue playing, then press O. However, if you wish to stop playing, then press X." The square masked man tells the elderly man who just keeps glancing back and forth. Everyone waited intently as the old man looked up at the board then down at the choices. He chose the X making everyone shout and give grunts or sighs of disapproval.

O: 100. X: 101.

"The majority of the players have voted to terminate the game. Therefore, this game is now terminated." The man announced as 322 rushed to the front. "Hey. Okay, anybody who wants, they can go. But let the ones who want, stay till the end, though. Half of us died already! We can't just stop here!" He shouts.

"He's right! Please let us stay! We'll keep playing the game!" Player 212 shouts at them as Hyun-Jung just rolls her eyes, sighing. "Yes! Let us continue!" Another man shouted. "It truly is a pity that we must say goodbye to you like that. However, we will not completely seal the door of opportunity for all of you. If the majority of you wish to participate again, then we will resume the game. So, goodbye for now."

Hyun-Jung got tossed out onto hard cement and groaned, "ow. Fucker..." She muttered. "Wow, such a trashmouth on a pretty girl." It's 250 and Hyun-Jung reached out. "Hey, hey, take off my blindfold." She said and he reached up to her face, pulling it down. He untied her first and she quickly untied him but both spun around right away when they realize they're nearly naked in only their underwear.

She quickly pulled on her tanktop, tucking it into her panta before she pulls on her shoes and button up shirt which she then buttons up, right as he turns around. "Hey, 260? I'm... Ji-Hoon. Kyo Ji-Hoon. You're Chae Hyun-Jung... can I call you that or do I have to be formal with you?" He asked and she shakes her head. "You can call me Hyun-Jung... it doesn't matter." She said as she then pulls on her hoodie.

"Oh... okay. Well, um, Hyun-Jung, do... you, uh, want me to walk you home?" He asked her and she nods softly. "Sure..." She sighs and they walk together down the alley way they had been dropped off. "We're actually near where I live but I'll walk you home first, alright?" He says and she looked up at the boy.

"You can just head home... I'm use to heading home alone." She says and he shakes his head. "I'll go with you." He says and she glanced away, looking all around them. They walk in silence for a while and then Hyun-Jung sighs. "We have to tell someone... right?" She says suddenly and he laughs, almost scoffing.

"No one's gonna believe me... anyone gonna believe you?" He looked at her and he had a point. "No..." She says, looking down sadly as they continued walking down the road. They walked in silence yet again, until they got close to her neighborhood. "I can walk the rest of the way... my apartment building is that one." She pointed and he simply nods.

She looked up at him and suddenly hugged him, taking a huge deep breath in. He hugged back slowly, unsure of the feeling as he rubs her back gently. She closed her eyes tightly and pursed her lips together. "Can we see each other tomorrow? Let's meet up somewhere." She said as she took out her phone.

"Sure..." He said and waited before he took her phone carefully and entered in his number. "Just text me the time and place... get home safely, alright?" He says and she nods quickly. "See you tomorrow..." She walks away.

"Goodnight, Chae Hyun-Jung!"

"Goodnight, Kyo Ji-Hoon."

i'm thinking of making ji-hoon like a college student so like maybe 19-24 or so, that's like how old he looks to me tbh

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