011: Honeycomb.

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     AS they line up, Hyun-Jung sets her hand onto Ji-Hoon's shoulder, making him lean down as she leans closer. "So last night. Me, cute freckles girl and that annoying one with a baby she hasn't named go to the bathroom. Cute one goes up into the ventilation and she saw other masked guys melting some sort of sugary liquid. Do you think it has something to do with the game today?" She whispers.

"Sugar?" Ji-Hoon mumbled, looking around and she slowly nods as they get closer to the front. The guard hands over their food and milk before Ji-Hoon and Hyun-Joon go over to their usual spot they sit down and eat at.

"Sugar... oh, I don't know, Hyun-Jung... I don't remember anything from my childhood about sugar." Ji-Hoon sighs and Hyun-Jung glanced to her friend. "It has to be related to the game today though, right?" She asked him and he nods. "Definitely." He tells her.

After the duo finished eating, an announcement plays over the speakers, "attention. The second game will begin shortly. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall. I will now repeat the instructions. Attention. The second game will begin shortly. Please follow the staff's instructions and swiftly make your way towards the game hall." Ji-Hoon got up and nods to Hyun-Jung.

"Let's do this..."

As everyone lines up and follows the staff through the staircases with colourful walls and doors, Hyun-Jung got to thinking as she follows behind Ji-Hoon. She remembers the many times her dad would talk about when he was a little kid, about a game he'd play at the playground with his friends. A woman would melt sugar on a ladle, and pour it out onto parchment paper, press it down and make a shape into it of the child's choice.

Then they'd have to scratch it out, and take off the pieces around the shape. She looked up as they entered the game area and she tugs onto Ji-Hoon's sleeve. "Look at this giant ass playground." He pointed around and she keeps tugging. "I know the game." She whispers. "Yeah?" He asked and she nods.

"Players, welcome to the second game. We will begin shortly." The woman spoke over the PA again as Hyun-Jung glanced around. "Just follow my lead..." She tells him. "Players, before the second game begins, choose on of the four available shapes you see on the wall. Once you've chosen your shape, please stand in front of it." They announce and Ji-Hoon looks at all of the four different shapes.

"To be on the safe side, should we pick different ones?" He asked, looking down at the short girl to his right who quickly shakes her head. "We're gonna go with triangle..." She tells him. "Are you sure?" He grabs his arm gently and she nods. "Yeah. You trust me, right?" She looks up at him and he quickly nods to her.

"Yeah, of course." He says. "Choose a shape and stand in front of it immediately." They announce and repeat as everyone go to choose their shapes. Hyun-Jung glanced over to see Sae-Byeok making her way towards a specific one, looking sure of her choice and she follows the girl's gaze. She walks over to Sae-Byeok, grabbing her arm. "Let's do this one together, Sae-Byeok, I chose the triangle." She tells her and the girl looks at her.

"Yeah? So?" She says and Hyun-Jung glanced around. "I know the game... just trust me, and you'll know you have me as an ally." She looks up at the girl in the eyes. She walks back over to Ji-Hoon to line up with him in front the triangle. She glanced behind her and saw the girl standing behind her with her hands in her pockets. Once everyone was lined up in orderly fashion, the announcement goes off again, "the time to select your shape has ended. I will now explain the rules of the next game." The doors with the shapes open up.

A man stands before a table, with circular containers stacked up on it. "All players, please take one case each from the table at the front of your line." The announcement just repeats as each player walks up and takes the case from the man. Hyun-Jung takes hers and nods softly as a thank-you before walking away with Ji-Hoon and Sae-Byeok. "Let's hope you're right, Hyun-Jung." Sae-Byeok says suddenly as they're walking. "I'm never wrong."

The trio all sat down together and Hyun-Jung gestures to Ji-Hoon, "this is a dummy named Ji-Hoon. Dummy, this is Sae-Byeok." She gestured to the other girl next as to introduce them to one another and Ji-Hoon merely nods to the girl. "Please take a moment to open the case and check the contents." The woman on the PA announced and they open up their cases and sure enough it was honeycomb.

"The second game is sugar honeycombs. The shape you have chosen is the shape you must remove from the honeycomb. The time limit is ten minutes. You will pass if you trim out the shape without it breaking or cracking within the time limit. With that, let the game begin." The woman announced and the three got to work almost immediately, using the needle in the container to scratch out the shape from the rest of the sugar honeycomb.

"My dad use to tell me stories of when he use to play this game with his feiends on the playground... he would be given a time limit too. And he'd always beat his friends." Hyun-Jung said quietly to them, smiling as they completely focused on cutting out the shape. "That's nice. At least they didn't get killed for losing." Ji-Hoon says and she just glanced at him. Then she looks up at the guard near them.

It didn't take long until someone cracked their honeycomb and the loud gunshot made everyone scream and Hyun-Jung flinched, looking over at the slide where the dead boy comes sliding down. "Fuck..."










i'm trying to get more of hyun-jung and sae-byeok content because i mostly been focusing on hyun-jung and ji-hoon's friendship 😭

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