018. Bedtime.

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     THE group of ten now all sat together with their meals, eating as 212, Mi-nyeo began blabbering and running her mouth like she always does. Hyun-jung is staring at the screen where the count of players gone down to 40 and the amount of money had went up to 41.6 billion won. "You know what? I really thought we were going to die out there. And then, as soon as we're all leaning back, I felt so powerful. Like, whoa! It works. Is this real? Hey, old man, how do you know that?" She says.

Player 101 chuckles, "as a kid, I would always--" "Oh, you copied that one thing." 212 cut off the elder right away making Hyun-jung look at her right away, her brows furrowing. "From that movie. What's it called? The guy who dodges bullets like this." She demonstrated to them. "Matrix." Ali answers her right away as Mi-nyeo looks at him. "Hmm... Hey, when you got to Korea, is all you did watch movies?" She says and Hyun-jung scoffs.

"No need to be so rude..." She mutters as she glanced down and the woman ignored her as she looked at Sangwoo sitting above Ali to the side of Ji-hoon. "And our man... Everybody, three steps up when I signal." She then gasps loudly, turning her head away and Hyun-jung glanced between her and Sangwoo.

"Oh, my god, I can't believe how cool that was." She gushed over the man and Hyun-jung looked at Ji-hoon right away who's looking at 212 with a blank stare. "How did you come up with it under all that pressure?" She asked.

"Earlier, you were the one who said no." Ali says and Mi-nyeo looks down at him. "Yeah?" She scoffs. "Was that what you heard?" She asked him. "You cried and said but that's the edge. There's no way I'll go. Like that." He mocks her, the exact way she had yelled out there during the game. Hyun-jung couldn't help herself but chuckle, raising her corn to her face. "Hey, you. You got a visa? I bet you don't." She said and Hyun-jung looks at her right away, her smile and laugh fading away. "You're an illegal alien. Hey, boys, how about it? Why keep this strange foreigner when we could just ditch him? Our team's more secure that way, huh?" She said and Hyun-jung scoffs.

"Our team would be more secure without you." She says and Mi-nyeo looks at her right away. "Of course... you." She says, her hands on her hips. "Who's captain here, anyway? Mr. Brains, you've been captain, right?" She smiles at Sangwoo, completely taking her attention away from Hyun-jung who rolls her eyes, taking a bite from her corn cob again.

"There's no captain. We're all equal here."

"Ah! That's great. Building an egalitarian society! Damn, guys. I gotta say this is quite a change from that huge asshole who just bosses you around and pretend he's king." She says, looking at 101 and his gang. "Oh, about that, grandma, why did you get kicked out?" Gi-hun asked and Hyun-jung laughs again, looking at 212 who immediately looks at Gi-hun.

"Grandma? Don't you ever call me that!" She exclaims as she waves her hand at him. "Here, Han Mi-nyeo." She steps closer, smiling. "Got it? Mi-nyeo. That's my name." She says. "And I didn't get kicked out. I made the decision to go, alright? Those crazy thugs there? You can't lock me in with that crew." She added.

"They only got rid of you, then they only wound up with male players. Right before the game at that. You know, it's almost like they knew about it ahead of time." He said and Mi-nyeo looked over at the gang again as the PA goes off. "Players, your bedtime will begin in 30 minutes. Please return to your assigned beds and prepare for lights-out." They announced.

"Another fight could break out like last night. We should make a plan." Sangwoo tells them. "What can we do, huh?" 196 asked as he gestured to Sae-byeok, 240 and Hyun-jung, "we've got three girls and old man and us. Our team is the weakest one in here." He says.

"We should choose a weak team and go after them first." 244, the God worshipper, said first. "Aren't you a priest?" Hyun-jung tilted her head to the side and 240 scoffs. "He sure is bloodthirsty." She says and Hyun-jung crossed her arms. "I mean, everyone's hands are bloody. We're all sinners, but we're still here, aren't we?" He said and Hyun-jung sighed.

"Attacking is our best option. So I think that's our plan." 196 tells them. "During the fight last night, the man in the bed in front of me got killed. And the person he thought was on his side broke his neck. Do you trust me then? I don't trust one person here, other than Hyun-jung." Sae-byeok said and Hyun-jung looked over at her. "Dark..." She whispers.

"Alright. I think let's still do something." Gi-hun said as he stood up so they all looked over. "Before the lights go out, let's create a barricade. It might be good to make sure that we have cover." He said and they all stood up to get to work with the stuff around them, propping them up to make a big barricade and had their beds inside, all set up. "Let's sleep side by side, Sae-byeok." Hyun-jung said suddenly to the girl who looks up. "Since I'm supposedly the only one you trust..." She smiles.

"It's for all you've done for me..." Sae-byeok says, plopping down a bed beside the one Hyun-jung chosen. "I'm glad we're on the same team, Kang Sae-byeok... I hope we continue to play together... as a team." She says and Sae-byeok just stared at her for a moment. Then she softly smiled, looking away. That was a big reaction out of Sae-byeok, who's usually just staring blankly, with her monotone voice.

It gave Hyun-Jung butterflies.











sorry i haven't updated for a week, i was enjoying the holidays and having fun. i hope everyone had a good time with their family during the holidays/christmas, and such!!

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