Celebrating Jane

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Okay.. just a quick story night. I imagine Emily in this story to give off the vibes that Hailee gives off as Kate Bishop--same style, mannerisms... you get me? This chapter is a bit of a longer one. I'm going to TRY and make the chapters longer in this story than in my other stories, HOPEFULLY! Anyways.. Enjoy! 

October 4, 2019

It was a Friday and it had been a very busy one at work for Emily and Sue. Emily had a deadline to reach by the end of the day and Sue was finishing a few last edits on the piece Emily had written about a protest at the State House. All articles had to be in by 4:30 and they only had twenty minutes left to send it to the publishing office.

"How's it looking?" Emily asked, pacing back and forth with her hands behind her back.

"Em, chill. We have twenty minutes left to get this sent in and I'm proofreading the last paragraph. You need to relax." Sue said, staring at the article the entire time. She knew Emily was getting flustered, but she also knew she didn't have to be—Sue knew what she was doing.

Sue had been working for the Boston Globe for just over a month now, and she got the hang of things rather quickly since she was already experienced prior. Typically, her and Emily have been on a good track getting all articles sent into the publishing office at least two hours before their deadline—but today they were absolutely swamped.

"Okay," Sue said, tapping the bottom of the papers on her desk to equal them out. She got up from her desk and walked over with them to a pacing Emily. "All done."

Emily stopped pacing and sighed with relief as she took the papers from Sue's hands. "Thank you."

Sue nodded and sighed, going back to her desk chair, and slumped down slightly.

Emily noticed Sue's change in mood immediately and was going to address it—after she dropped the article in the drop box in the hallway. She quickly walked out into the hallway and walked it over to the drop box toward the main hall. She walked just as quickly back to the office and stared at the back of Sue's head for a moment.

Emily opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out at first. She shut the door behind her and then walked over to Sue's desk slowly. When she reached it, she leaned back against it, slightly sitting, and facing Sue who had been facing the desk. She looked down at her sitting and Sue was rubbing her eyes—she looked exhausted.

"You okay, Sue?" Emily asked, her voice soft.

Sue nodded, leaning back in her chair now with her hands resting on the back of her head. She looked up at Emily and kicked her feet up on her desk after a very long and stressful day—and there was still a half hour to kill until they could leave. "Today was just very overwhelming."

Emily sighed and nodded with Sue, "It was. But we got it done." Emily looked down at Sue's feet on the desk and nudged her shoe, "Sorry for being in a panic over the deadline. I know I can get very stressed out and then that probably stresses you out, huh?"

Sue chuckled, "Just a little bit."

Emily nudged Sue's foot again in response and Sue shook her head and continued, "It's just—it felt like you were doubting me that I couldn't get it done."

Emily quickly interrupted before Sue could continue, "I'm sorry, Sue, I really didn't mean for it to come off that way."

"I know you didn't," Sue said, nudging her foot back into Emily's hand—causing them both to chuckle. "You just have to trust me, okay?"

Emily smiled, "Okay." She looked over at the clock on the wall and it was slowly approaching 5:00—but too slow. She turned back to look down at Sue, "You ready for Jane's party tonight?"

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