Happily Ever After

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Bittersweet moment--this will be the last chapter of You Don't Love Him. What a journey it's been, but the journey isn't over. I do plan on writing a sequel story to this if that's something you guys may be interested in... let me know. Thank you so much for all the love you've given it!

September 26, 2020

Six months had gone by since lockdown had started. Slowly, people were starting to go back to work but not like they used to. Emily and Sue were now going into the office only once or twice a week and continued to work from home the rest of the week. Covid was still very much present in the world and businesses were letting their employees work from home as long as they were able to do so.

Emily was sick of it, though. She wanted this pandemic to end. Her and Sue had officially been together for some time now and they were never really able to go on a real date because of everything going on. Restaurants were slowly increasing the capacity of how many people could dine in. Sue and Emily still wanted to keep things safe and ordered takeout instead. They had little home dates, or they'd take the food to the park and eat it outside on a picnic blanket. But Emily wished she could give Sue more than that.

It was a Saturday and they had a busy week at work, so the two girls decided to go to the park nearby and enjoy some food while taking in the unusually warm September day. This time of year, the air began to get cooler with Fall really settling in, but it had been warm enough to go outside without a swearer. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the leaves were finally turning red, orange and yellow—falling to the ground one by one as the days went on.

Sue laid out the picnic blanket and flattened it before Emily put the picnic basket down between them. Emily had decided to make them food today instead of ordering it and bringing it to eat. She pulled out the containers one by one while Sue began to open them. Emily made chicken salad, potato salad, and chocolate chip cookies. She also brought some pita bread for the chicken salad, veggies and hummus for dipping.

"It's such a nice day." Emily said, closing her eyes and taking in the fresh air. She turned to Sue who was putting some chicken salad into a piece of pita. Emily leaned over, "And I'm so happy I get to spend it with you."

Sue smiled and scrunched her face at Emily, leaning in forward to meet Emily's lips with hers. They pulled back slightly and stared at each other's lips before locking eyes again. "I'm the luckiest girl in the world because I have you—you know that?" Emily spoke softly.

Sue blushed and chuckled, "Emily..."

"I'm so serious." Emily said, grabbing Sue's head and pulling her in for another lingering kiss.

They were so in love. Being officially together changed something in both of them and the romance between them was at an all-time high.

"I love you." Sue said, trying to bite back her smile unsuccessfully.

"You have to say that," Emily teased, winking at her, "You're my girlfriend."

Sue chuckled and grabbed Emily's chin in her hand, bringing her face close to hers, "You know I mean it, you brat." She said in a low voice, pushing her face back while they both scrunched their faces at one another. "No, but really..." Sue continued, taking Emily's hand in hers, "I love you so much."

"I love you, too." Emily said, squeezing Sue's hand before bringing it up to her mouth to kiss it. "Let's eat." She said, putting Sue's hand down before taking out the plates, silverware and napkins from the picnic basket.

Sue put her pita filled with chicken salad on the plate and handed Emily a pita to fill, too. They both took a scoop of the potato salad and added some veggies and dip to their plates and began digging in.

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