A Night In With the Girls

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October 26, 2019

It had been a few weeks since Jane's party and Emily was still thinking about that evening. The feeling she got that evening had been lingering about over these past couple of weeks and she had wondered what Sue was thinking. When they went back to work that following Monday, it was business as usual, and honestly—they haven't discussed the night of Jane's party at all after the fact.

Sure, the girls had definitely had quite a few drinks, but Emily was completely coherent, and she thought Sue was as well—but she could be wrong. Things weren't weird between them, though. Just like work was business as usual, their friendship was the same—close, fun and, well, suddenly kind of flirty.

Though Emily didn't like to label herself, Sue knew that she liked girls and Emily knew that she knew. She knew everything about her. Could Emily be reading this all wrong? She had thought about it and the little flirting she's noticed happening between her and Sue and she thinks it's pretty clear that there's something happening there. Like Emily had said before, she's a go with the flow kinda gal, and if Sue wants to flirt with her, she's going to flirt back. Because she liked it. A lot. It was fun, yet dangerous in a way. Sue was engaged to James and I'm sure he wouldn't love to know that his girl is flirting with someone else—a woman who she spends hours a day with nearly every single day.

Emily considered that maybe Sue was bored with James. Maybe that spark they had was starting to burn out. But they JUST got engaged and Sue has never expressed interest in a woman, at least not to Emily's knowledge. Emily had game, though—there were many women and even men that would throw themselves at her. There was just something about Emily that drove them wild, and she never really knew what it was. She never understood what it was about her that people liked so much. Was Emily starting to drive Sue wild, now? Emily knew when someone was flirting with her and what Sue was doing at Jane's party was just that. Though subtle, it was still very apparent to her.

It was a Saturday evening and Emily had plans with Sue, Vinnie, Jane and Abby—the girls night that Sue and Emily had discussed before going to Jane's party. There were a few missing from the group, but not everyone could make it this evening. Emily was excited—she enjoyed spending time with her sister and their friends. Having the guys around was fine, but Sue was right—sometimes it's just nice for it to be just the girls.

Originally, they had planned to meet up at their usual bar called Sully's but made the last-minute game time decision to just get together at Emily's apartment and keep it lowkey instead. They were going to get takeout and each of them would be bringing a bottle of wine. Similar to the get together at Jane's earlier in the month—just less people and less party-esque, to be honest. Emily anticipated it to be a chill night overall—eat food, chat, have drinks, maybe smoke a little, maybe throw on a movie—who knows?

7:00 P.M.

Emily had told the girls to come to her apartment for 7 and they all arrived in a timely fashion. Vinnie and Jane showed up first—just a few minutes before 7, then Sue showed up right at 7, and Abby arrived closer to 7:15. They all settled into Emily's apartment quickly and it was easy to do so—Emily lived in a nice 2-bedroom apartment, lots of space in the living room and kitchen, big bathroom—in short, it was large enough for the five of them to be comfortable and not overcrowded.

Abby had picked up the food on the way over from a local sub shop and set it out on Emily's counter when she arrived. They ordered a bunch of appetizer type foods—chicken fingers, french fries, onion rings, mozzarella sticks, buffalo wings, and a couple of calzones. The girls gathered in the kitchen and made-up plates of food for themselves as well as pouring themselves each a glass of wine from the multiple choices they had this evening. They all took a seat down at the table in Emily's kitchen and began eating.

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