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Chapter 5

I started working for Caroline two weeks ago and I absolutely loved it. Her house was just a little bit smaller than ours but if you walked in, you could automatically tell that kids lived there. Hannah clung to me like I was the greatest thing ever and I even taught her a few little dance moves. Michael was still stand offish with me but I could tell that his wall was crumbling.

The kids always talked about their older brother and even though I hadn't met him yet, I knew a lot about him. He was twenty-one with brown hair and green eyes. He's been in the Army since he was eighteen and his best friend, Brent, joined him. I could tell by the stories they told about him, he was the one that provided everything for them.

One day, while I was coming back from the park with the kids, Hannah insisted on getting some information from me.

"So Claire, do you have a boyfriend?" Hannah asked.

"I sure do," I smiled, looking in my rear view mirror.

"What's his name?" Mikey asked.

"Duncan. He lived across the street from me and just after I learned that my dad was missing in action, he asked me out. I said yes insistently because I've always had a little crush on him."

"Mom worries all the time that something is going to happen to Clay," he said, looking out of the window.

"Well, that's why you guys just got to keep praying and hope that nothing happens to him."

"I say my prayers for him every night," Hannah piped in. "Claire, what color eyes does Duncan have?"

"He has beautiful, big brown eyes. You know the color of chocolate?"

"Yeah," she smiled.

"That's the color of his eyes."

"I wouldn't want a boyfriend with eyes that color," she said.

"Why not?" I asked, curious.

"Because it would make me want chocolate all," she said, dragging the 'l' out.

"I didn't really think about that."

"Hannah, you're a doofus," Mikey said.

"Stick and stones, Mikey. Stick and stones."

I couldn't help but laugh at the siblings because even after the worry they have about their brother and whatever was wrong with their mother, they still knew how to cut up and pick on each other. I think that's important especially within a military family. When we got back to their house, Caroline was laying down so I sent the kids up to get ready for dinner and I started cooking.

Just before I called everyone down for supper, the phone started ringing and just as fast as it rung, it stopped. I heard some giggling and then Hannah ran downstairs followed closely by Mikey. I could tell that Hannah was chomping at the bit to say something but Mikey kept shooting her glances. About ten minutes later, Caroline walked down and had a slight smile on her face. I put the food on the table and watched as Hannah almost bounced out of her seat.

"Can I ask what's going on?"

"Yes, of course," Caroline smiled. "Clay just called, he and Brent will be back home in two weeks."

"Oh, that's wonderful," I said, giving my best smile to the family and hoped that they couldn't see past it.

Don't get me wrong, I was happy that the family would be reunited with their oldest son and brother but deep down, I was kind of envious of their happiness. I knew that my family would move past the fact that my father wasn't coming home, but we would never experience that type of happiness again. I ate as fast as I could and quickly excused myself to step outside for some fresh air. I fought against the tears and once I felt composed again, I went back inside to clear away the dishes and clean the kitchen.

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