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Dedication goes to goodnplenty for the encouraging words that I have received in this hard time and for listening to a complete stranger just babble on about everything.



This day had come up way to soon for my liking. I woke up feeling like the weight of the world was on my chest. Mom let me spend the night over at Clay’s house last night because it would be the last time we would be able to hold each other for whoever knew how long. When I rolled over, Clay was already out of bed and I decided to get up and get dressed. I just pulled my hair back into a messy bun and skipped putting makeup on.

I slowly walked downstairs and into the kitchen where Clay was standing with his mom in his arms. I just stood there for a minute, not wanting to interrupt the moment between these two very special people. Not a minute later, I heard Hannah and Mikey coming downstairs. I stepped out of the way so they could join their mom and brother. Clay noticed me standing there and motioned for me to come closer but I just shook my head. I felt like I would be stepping in the way of family time. He un-latched himself and walked over to me, taking my hands in his.

    “From here on out, you are a part of this family,” he said and pulled me over to his mom and siblings. 

We all just stood there, wrapped in one another’s arms. We about didn’t hear the doorbell from all of the sniffling but then we were swarmed with two more arms. I knew it was Brent because there was no one else that would walk into the house like that. After another fifteen minutes or so, we untangled ourselves and Caroline gave her son and Brent one more hug and a kiss on the foreheads before having Mikey help her back upstairs. I knew she would be going up there to cry herself to sleep and I felt bad because I was going to be going to the airport with the guys. We were taking Clay’s car and I was driving it back.

Brent took the backseat and after Clay closed the door and the trunk, we took off. He held my hand the entire drive there. When we parked in the parking garage, I almost didn’t think I would be able to handle this but I knew I had to. We walked through the airport and I just held onto Clay like my life depended on it. When we got to the gate they needed to get on, he dropped his bags and wrapped his arms around me. I loved this man with all of my heart but at the same time I almost wished that I didn’t fall in love with a military man because this part was always hard. A moment later, I felt Brent’s arms wrap around the both of us.

    “This is so sad,” he fake sobbed, causing me to laugh and pull away from Clay. I turned to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck. “You just keep your head up, Legs. We’ll be home before you know it.”

    “Don’t promise me anything that you can’t make happen, Brent. But promise me one thing.”

    “What’s that?”

    “Keep your eye on my man,” I said looking over at Clay.

    “He’s my best friend, I’ll die to protect him.”

    “Come here,” Clay said, pulling me back over and into his arms. “I promise that I’ll stay as safe as I can,” he said, looking into my eyes. “I’ll call or write as soon as I can.”

    “God, this is so hard,” I cried, throwing my arms around him again.

    “You can drive my car anytime you want just keep it safe.”

    “I love you Clay.”

    “I love you to, baby girl. I’ll come home to you and then we can talk about making a life together because that’s all I want to think about.”

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