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Chapter 6

    “So, what’s going on with that Lilly boy?” dad asked me.

    “I don’t know, daddy. I guess I like him,” I said.

    “Well, he comes from good people. If you want to date him, I’ll get my gun,” dad smirked.

I knew it was a dream because this conversation happened two years before life came crumbling down. I remembered the day we had this conversation. Daddy had just got home on a two week leave and we were getting ready to run. We were sitting down on the porch and stretching when Duncan had come outside and when he saw me, waved. I blushed a little and waved back only to look at my dad and see him looking between us.

    “I don’t think I’m ready to date, daddy.”

    “That’s my girl. You’re only fifteen.”

    “But dad, girls my age are getting pregnant,” I said as he was standing up. My comment took him by surprise and he almost fell down.

    “Claire Elizabeth Henderson, please tell me that you are no...”

    “Ew daddy, no!” I exclaimed. “I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m much to busy to worry about boys.”

    “What are you much to busy with?” he wondered. “Not that I’m complaining.”

    “Daddy, you just told me that I could date Duncan.”

    “That’s the only boy you can date.”

    “Can we just go run,” I said, running off the porch. I heard his footsteps closing in behind me. We ran side by side until we got back home. Just before we went into the house, he stopped me.

    “Claire bear, I just want to tell you that I’m proud of the young woman you’re becoming.”

    “What’s wrong, dad? You’re talking like something is going to happen.”

    “There’s no promises over there, sweetie. I just want you to know, that you are a wonderful girl and thank you for not giving your mom and me as much problems as the twins do.”

    “Daddy, please stop,” I said, wrapping my arms around his torso. “I don’t want to think or talk about this. Let’s just live in the here and now.”

    “You are right,” he said, pulling me close. “If I don;t get a chance to say this, if something happens and I don’t come home, be strong for your mother but don’t bottle your feelings up either. The girls aren’t as strong as you so you’ll be mom’s shoulder.”

    “I will daddy, I promise,” I said, squeezing him closer.

I jumped up with my heart pounding, tears streaming down my face. Like I said, I knew it was a dream but it felt so real. I felt his arms around me again and I felt the love that he had for us. I just wanted to feel it again and even after waking up, I could almost feel his arms still around me.

I got up and went to take a shower to wake myself up. After getting out, I headed to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of white shorts and my favorite baby blue tank top. I opted out of makeup today and just pulled my hair back into a high ponytail. After getting dressed, I walked downstairs and saw that mom had not gotten up yet so I set to fixing the coffee and making pancakes for breakfast. I just wanted to keep myself busy because if I stopped, I would break down in tears and I didn’t want that today; at least not yet.

Just as I took the last flapjack out of the skillet, mom walked in. She looked over at me and smiled and sat down. She already went out to get the paper so she looked through it. I poured her a cup of coffee and brought the pancakes, butter and syrup to the table. I went back and got myself some coffee and sat down.

    “How long have you been up?” she asked.

    “Not sure. Took a shower and decided to just come on down and get the day started.”

    “Did you sleep well last night?”

    “Yeah. Daddy was in my thoughts,” I said quietly.

    “Oh yeah?”

    “Yeah, it was the day that he told me that I could date Duncan.”

    “Was the pregnancy comment in there?” she smiled and I nodded. “I thought he was going to flip out on you.”

    “I can’t believe you eavesdropped,” I laughed.

    “It was to funny. That look he gave you, I swear his eyes almost popped out of his sockets,” she said. We sat there in silence for a few minutes and she discreetly swiped at her eyes. “Thanks honey.”

    “For what?” I asked, confused.

    “For the memory,” she smiled and I smiled back.

          *          *          *          *           *           *          *           *

When I got to the Redden household, I thought I was going crazy. Hannah was running around screaming at Mikey. Caroline was in the corner of her room shivering and Mikey seemed like he was trying to get everything in order. As soon as Hannah realized I was there, she immediately came to a stop and smiled up at me.

    “Claire, can you help me pick something out so I’ll look pretty for Clay?”

    “Absolutely Hannah Banana,” I said and she giggled at her nickname.

    “Thanks,” she said, turning on her hair. “Oh and I want piggy’s today,” she smiled. I smiled back at her because she referred to pigtails as piggy’s.

    “Okay, we’ll make you look beautiful. Don’t you worry about it,” I said.

After sending Hannah back up to her room, I told Mikey to take a break and go play a game or something. I went upstairs to help Caroline who kept laughing and crying. She asked me to help her back into bed and that she wanted to rest a little before it was time to start getting ready. After all that, I went back downstairs and started on the cake.

When the cake was finished and was cooling down, I fixed the peanut butter icing and then started putting the lasagna together. Putting the pan in the oven, I went up to help Hannah get ready. We picked out a green and white checkered dress that had a green rhinestone rosette on the waist. I fixed her curly red hair into pigtails and sent her back to her room to stay clean. I checked on Mikey to see how he was doing and then I went to help Caroline get ready.

She said that she had a long purple summer dress that she wanted to wear so I looked for it in her closet. After finding it, I sat it on her bed and let her get dressed. I helped her fix her hair into a simple side braid. After getting her hair fixed, I found a light sweater in an ivory color so she could slip it on to keep from getting cold.

    “You do to much for me, Claire,” she said.

    “It’s nothing,” I smiled.

    “I bet your mom is proud of you.”

    “I think she is. We’ve been through so much lately and I just want to help.”

    “You’ve certainly helped me through enough since you’ve moved here.”

    “I’m happy I can,”

    “I hope your staying for supper,” she said. “It wouldn’t be right that you cooked all of that and not get any.”

    “I don’t want to impose, Caroline. This is family time.”

    “You’ve been like family to me and the kids for the past month.”

    “Yeah, but...”

    “Oh please please please, Claire,” Hannah bounced from the doorway. “Please stay for us,” she said with her hands together and pleading eyes.

    “Well, I certainly can’t say no to that face,” I smiled.

    “Yay,” Hannah exclaimed.

After finishing everything up, the timer sounded for the lasagna. I went to the kitchen and pulled the pan out of the oven. Just as I put it on top of the stove, I heard a throat clear. I turned around startled and saw a very attractive young man leaning against the door jamb with his ankles crossed and arms crossed over his chest. I knew instantly that it was Clay but he looked so different from the pictures that I had been shown of the oldest Redden boy.

    “I really hope that I’m in the right house because if not, this is really awkward,” he said, smirking over at me.

    “You must be Clay,” I said, taking a step closer to shake his hand.

    “That would be me,” he said, firmly shaking my hand. “So, I am in the right house because what other reason would you have to know my name. I don’t remember you being here the last time I was on leave because let me tell you, I would have remembered those legs,” he said, looking down at my legs. I automatically wished I had chosen jeans or something now.

    “You get to the point, huh?”

    “No reason sugar coating it,” he smiled.

    “I’m Claire. Your mother hired me about a month ago as Hannah and Mikey’s nanny.”

    “Oh,” he said and just as he was about to say something else, another voice boomed from the living room.

    “Hi honey, I’m home,” it said.

    Brent!” the kids screamed and came running downstairs.

When we heard the laughter from the other room, Clay smiled and motioned for me to go to the living room. The young blond guy was laying on the floor, bench pressing Hannah and Mikey was on his legs.

    “Where’s Clay?” Hannah giggled.

    “Ahem,” Clay cleared his throat. Hannah gasped and looked in our direction.

    “Clay!” she screamed and scrambled down and ran to her brother. Mikey jumped up and slammed into his brother just as he picked up Hannah.

I watched as Brent got up, looked at me and flashed his dazzling white smile at me. He reached out for my hand and when my hand slid into his, he brought the back of my hand to his lips.

    “Hello gorgeous, that’s a nice set of stems you have there,” he said.

    “Wow, smooth one,” I laughed.

I took a good look at Brent and noticed that he was just as attractive as Clay. Where Clay was dark complected with dark hair and eyes, Brent was light complected with blond hair and blue eyes.

    “So, what do I call you, legs?” he smiled.

    “My name is Claire and legs? Really? Is that the best you can come up with?”

    “Hey now, I’ve been away from beautiful ladies for awhile so I’m a tad bit rusty.”

    “Mhmm,” I smiled. “Likely excuse.”

I heard Caroline shuffle into the living room and when she saw her son, her eyes misted over. Clay immediately put his siblings down and walked over to his mom. He carefully wrapped his arms around her frail body and I started tearing up. Hannah and Mike even joined their mom and brother and that just done me in. I silently excused myself and walked through the kitchen to the back door.

Once outside, I sat down on the steps and put my head in my hands. Urging myself not to spill tears was hard. It wasn’t because I didn’t want to cry it was because I didn’t want to on such a happy day. When I felt like I had composure, I stood up and bumped into something hard. Before I fell down the porch, two hands reached out and grabbed me. I looked up and saw Brent.

    “You okay?” he asked.

    “Yeah. It’s just really emotional in there. I’m just happy to see one family reunited,” I smiled. “So, how long have you and Clay been friends?” I said, hoping for a change in subject.

    “Since age five. How do you know the family?” he asked.

    “I met them after I moved up here. I found Hannah in front of the store lost and I helped her find Caroline.”

    “Okay good.”

    “How is Hannah getting lost a good thing?”

    “I meant that I know I didn’t remember you so I was thinking that in the years I’ve known the family, I never remember meeting you so I was hoping that you weren’t some relative that I was throwing my A game at.”

    “This is your A game? That’s funny so you might want to stop before you embarrass yourself,” I told him.

    “What?” he scoffed. “Brent  Buchanan does not embarrass himself.”

    “I have a boyfriend,” I smiled.

    “Pffttt. Details,” he smiled. “And I bet he isn’t as hot as me.”

    “He’s more humble.”

    “So, you’re calling me hot, huh?”

    “He’s not conceited either.”

    “And Brent here is the most conceited person you will ever meet,” Clay’s voice came from the door.

    “I can see that,” I said.

    “Mom said that you made a homecoming dinner. She’s gone on into the dining room.”

    “I made a lasagna and for dessert I made my grandmother’s famous chocolate cake with peanut butter icing.”

    “I love lasagna,” Clay smiled.

    “Your mom told me,” I said, walking into the kitchen, Brent and Clay following behind me.

    “Do you need any help?” Clay asked.

    “I’ll get the kids. You all go sit down.”

    “Okay, we’ll send them in," Brent said.

Not a minute later, Mikey and Hannah came running in. I told Hannah to grab an extra place setting for Brent and Mikey to take the salad into the table. I grab the lasagna and the bread basket and carried them to the dining room. During dinner, there was a lot of flirting. I somehow got stuck between Clay and Brent and while Clay was a little more subtle about flirting, Brent was loud.

    “Brent, you do know that she has a boyfriend, right?” Mike asked.

    “Yes, runt. She already told me.”

    “Yeah,” Hannah said, "and he has chocolate eyes.” Everyone busted out laughing.

    “Hannah, I said that his eyes were the color of chocolate,” I laughed.

    “Oh,” the little girl giggled.

    “So, what’s this boyfriend’s name?” Brent asked, bluntly.

    “Duncan,” Mike answered.

    “Thank you, Claire,” Clay said, looking at his little brother.

    “What kind of name is that? Does he make donuts? Oh no, wait, wait, I know. He makes dunkin’ booths,” Brent laughed.

    “Oh har har. You’re so funny,” I said, each word dropping with sarcasm.

    “Where are you from, Claire? You have a slight country accent so I know that you’re not from around here,” Clay asked.

    “I’m from Greensboro, North Carolina.”

    “How in the world did you find yourself this far north?” Caroline asked quietly.

    “My father was from this area. He made my mom promise him that if anything ever happened to him, that she would move us up here. Plus my grandparents are still around here.”

    “Not to pry, but what happened to your dad?” Brent asked this time.

    “He was killed overseas,” I answered.  Everyone was quiet but I wouldn’t dare lift my head because I knew I would see looks of pity in their faces like I have seen so many times since my father’s passing. I cleared my throat and said, “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll go get dessert.”

When I walked into the kitchen, the tears that I fought to hold back, spilled over. It seemed like I haven’t cried forever for my dad but considering that there was not only one, but two soldiers that was back with family and loved ones, it broke my heart in half. I was so preoccupied with my feelings that I didn’t even notice anyone had come into the kitchen until I felt hands on my shoulders.

    “This has to be hard for you, Claire. I’m so sorry,” Clay said.

    “It’s not your fault that my father can’t come home,” I squeaked.

    “No, but it can’t be easy to see one family mended while yours is broken.”
    “It’s not. I didn’t want to be here for this because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to remain strong. We’ve been here for two months and this is the first I’ve cried. I keep putting off from going to see my grandparents because daddy looked just like my Pop. Mom and my sisters have put off going also. Nan and Pop call every night, they understand why its hard, because it’s going to be hard for them also. I just want my dad back. I wanted him to be at my last track meet. I wanted him at my last dance recital. I want him to threaten my boyfriend on Prom night. To be there to walk me down the aisle when I get married. To be here to show off his first grand baby. I need to feel his arms around me so I can be strong for my family again. I need his comfort when my... heart is breaking... like... now,” I cried.

I guess Clay couldn’t stand seeing a girl that he only met a couple of hours ago because he took a step closer to me. Not knowing where it came ffrom, he wrapped me in his arms and I just wanted to melt. Not from being hugged by this attractive guy but because I felt that he actually cared because I was hurting so bad. I held onto him and cried on his chest.

    “I know it’s not the same, but I’ll be here for as long as I can. If you ever need anyone to talk to, call me. I know what it’s like losing someone very close. I lost my dad to cancer when I was about four. I never really had a father figure in my life. Mike and Hannah’s father told my mom that he didn’t want anything to do with me so I got screwed out of a step-father.”

    “Thanks. I’m sorry about your dad. And your shirt. And for crying. I hate looking weak.”

    “Claire, don’t worry about it. Tears aren’t a sign of weakness. They’re a sign of caring and having a heart”

    “I know, but I’ve only just met you and Brent and I’ve already been caught tearing up by Brent and now I’ve cried all over you. I’m doing nothing but embarrassing myself.”

“Look, I don’t think your embarrassing yourself. You’re simply a daughter who misses her father. And if anyone knew the reason behind his death, they would understand,” Clay said.

“I just get tired of getting pity looks,” I said.

“That’s where someone who has dealt with the military lifestyle wouldn’t judge you or pity you for your tears. I’ve seen plenty of the guys in my unit cry. I’ve cried a couple of times. There is absolutely no shame in it. But I’ll tell you something, I don’t know what it is about you, but I cannot stand seeing that pretty face of yours, streaked with tears,” he said.

“Thanks,” I blushed.

“You should let your boyfriend know that he’s a very lucky man to have you in his life. Now, I know you said something about dessert. What and where is it?”

“It’s a homemade chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. It’s in the refrigerator” I grinned.

“Again, your boyfriend is a lucky man,” Clay smiled, pulling the cake out. “Yummy.”

I laughed at Clay’s child-like expression on his face and after grabbing a few dessert plates, following him back into the dining room. As we all sat there and listened to Brent and Clay talk, I wondered about the stories that dad told his unit. I also wondered if, by any chance, Clay and Brent knew him.

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