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When Brent came home and told me that he was taking Mikey out for the weekend, I was so relieved. I was almost at my wits end with him and I was hoping that the weekend away would do him some good. I knew that more than likely it would be wishful thinking on my part, but I was really hoping that spending some time with Brent would help with whatever issues he was having.

I decided that while the guys were off doing whatever they were going to do, I was going to have mom bring the twins over and call Haylee over and just have a girls weekend with Hannah. I know that she still had so much on her mind over Clay not being home and I wanted to help take her mind off of things. I was sure that even if Haylee and I couldn’t do it, than Cassie and Lacey would be able to do something and they would tell me. After calling and making the arrangements, I went to the kitchen to call in a couple of pizzas for pick up when mom brought the girls over.

When I suggested the plan to Hannah at first, she didn’t want to join in but when I told her that I was having Haylee bring over her nail polishes and facial stuff, she perked up, just slightly. When mom and the girls got there, I already had some cans of soda ready and some paper plates and napkins for the pizza. Lacey and Cassie came in already dressed in their pajamas and Hannah and I were also. Mom places the pizzas on the coffe table, gave the girls and I a hug and left. Now, we were just waiting on Haylee to show up.

It took about fifteen minutes after mom left when my best friend came walking in through the door. She sat her bags down and we all immediately dug into the pizza. After we had our fill, the twins talked Hannah into picking a movie out and then they started painting each others nails.

“So, Brent has been kind of weird the past couple of days,” Haylee mentioned.

“Thank God I wasn’t the only one who noticed,” I said to her.

“He called me the other day and said that things were starting to change around here.”


“I don’t know. He said something about making sure when Hannah’s school awards program was.”

“I’ve been telling him for weeks that it was next month. He can be such a scatter brain sometimes,” I laughed.

“Claire, can I ask you a question?” Haylee asked after a moment of silence.


“You know I’m hoping and praying right along with you that Clay comes home but what if he doesn’t? What will you do?” she asked. 

I’ve thought of this question so many times since Clay’s disappearance but I don’t think I’ve ever been asked out loud. I’ve thought about a life of loneliness, only taking care of the kids until they grew up and could take care of themselves. I’ve always dreamed about the day I would get married but until I knew Clay’s fate, I didn’t see that happening. I knew Haylee was beating around the bush at her real question and that was could I see having a future with Brent. I think there could be a possibility that something could happen, IF Clay doesn’t come home but I had to be absolutely sure that he was never coming home and even if I did, it’s not like I would jump straight into a relationship with Brent. I figured if something would come of it, it would strictly be because we were lonely.

“I don’t want to think of Clay never walking through that door again but if there is a possibility of that, I guess I’ll just live one day at a time.”

“I understand that,” she nodded and then bit her lips together. “You know Brent will always be here for you?”

“I know. I also know that what you really want to ask is if Clay doesn’t come home, will there be a possibility of Brent and I being together. I can’t say yes and I can’t say no. I guess I would have to take it day by day.”

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