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I decided the next day that I would not let whatever it was between Duncan and I come in between our time together. I didn’t know when I would be able to see him after this and I just wanted to enjoy the time he was here. I still tried to convince myself that it was only the time apart that was making things seem weird.

When I woke up two days later, I jumped in the shower and got ready for the day. I had looked online last night and saw that there was a minor league baseball game today and I purchased the tickets right than. I figured that we would get there and eat some nachos or something instead of having to go out for lunch. I wanted him to enjoy himself while he was all the way up here and even though baseball really wasn’t my thing, I would sit through it to have time with him.

When choosing what to wear, I stuck with a pair of jean shorts and a black t-shirt. Wanting to keep it as casual as possible, I slid on my pink converse and just pulled my hair into a ponytail. I ran downstairs and had a cup of coffee and a light breakfast with mom before I was out of the door and heading to the hotel.

Duncan was standing outside and climbed in as soon as I pulled up. I leaned over the console, expecting a kiss but after buckling his seat belt, his focus was on his cell phone. I didn’t let it bother me to much but thought that it was weird that he hasn’t hardly even acknowledged me. I just drove around for a little while before heading to the ball park.

    “A ball game?” he said as I pulled into a parking spot.

    “I figured you would like it,” I shrugged.

    “Thanks babe,” he said, getting out of the car.

    “No problem,” I whispered before getting out myself.

Walking up to the window to get our tickets, he walked at a little bit of a distance from me. After walking in and finding our seats, I asked him if he wanted anything to eat. Deciding that I just wanted to walk around for a minute before the game started, I went and got our hot dogs and soda. While I was standing in line, I felt two arms wrap around me. When I turned around, I saw Brent smiling down at me.

    “What are you doing here?” he asked.

    “Should I be worried that you know me from behind?” I laughed.

    “I saw you walking up here. I was just walking in with Mikey and Clay.”

    “I brought Duncan out for some guy fun.”

    “I didn’t take you as a baseball fan.”

    “I’m not. I just wanted Duncan to enjoy himself and I’ll suffer through it to spend some time with him,” I said just as Clay and Mikey walked up.

    “Hey Claire,” Mikey smiled.

    “Hey kiddo,” I said, ruffling his hair. “Hi Clay,” I smiled.

    “Hey. So, where’s the BF?” Clay asked.

    “He’s still at his seat. I needed a little walk so I came for our munchies,” I told them, taking a step to the window.

    “Where are your seats?” Mikey asked.

    “Section E, Row four.”

    “Hey, we’re in Row five. What seats?” Brent asked.

    “Seventeen and nineteen.”

    “Well, it would be to good. We’re all the way at the end. You all have better seats than us,” Brent said.

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