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The next couple of weeks flew by. Clay and Brent had some kind of training so I didn’t see them around a lot. Whenever I was at dance practice, I brought the kids with me so Caroline could get rest. I still didn’t know what was wrong with her but believe me, I would ask once I saw Clay again.

I had to admit that the time Clay and Brent weren’t home, I missed them. They had become part of my everyday life and when they weren’t around, it felt weird. I still wanted to ask Clay about what was up when he looked at my locket but I never got around to it.

I was finally starting to enjoy myself in Hartford and actually had made a couple of friends. Haylee was becoming an everyday thing and she really was a sweetheart. Tara was becoming another close friend of mine, much to the dislike of Jessica. Cassie and Lacey also bounded with a couple of the girls from the dance team that would be in the ninth grade with them. I was also happy that Duncan was finally getting the picture. Two days after I told him it was over, he flew back to North Carolina and since then I’ve only heard from him maybe four times. Four times to many but it was better than what it had been.

Today was a Wednesday and it was also the first day of school. I was nervous because even though I had a couple of friends, I was still the new girl. Cassie and Lacey were buzzing around the house last night about finally being in high school but I could tell that they were getting nervous. They even had their outfits picked out since yesterday morning. They were going to wear cute, flowy skirts with baby doll tees.

When I got out of the shower and back in my room, I laid out my white crop capris and a yellow cap sleeve top that had a rhinestone embellishment just under the breast, on my bed and took a seat at my desk and started to pull all of my makeup out. I was keeping the majority of my makeup natural looking with the exception of my eyes. I did a smokey eye with some deep brown eye shadow.

After that, I applied little mascara and eyeliner and then dabbed my lips with a little bit of clear gloss. When my makeup was done, I sat to do my hair. I decided that I would do a sideways waterfall braid that started on the left and wrapped around th back. I left the rest down in natural waves. When all was said and done, I slid my sandals on, grabbed my purse, phone and keys and went downstairs.

    “Good morning, honey,” mom said as she heard me enter the kitchen.

It was a tradition in our house that the first day of school, we would sit around the table and have breakfast as a family. It still hurt that dad would never be part of that equation again. Mom was cooking scrambled eggs, sausage gravy and biscuits and I was actually very hungry. Just as mom finished up, the girls came in. They wore smiles on their faces but they were nervous as they took a seat.

    “Don’t you all look beautiful,” mom said, finally noticing what we were wearing. The twins were actually wearing different clothes but in similar colors and their hair was done exactly the same.

    “Thanks, mom,” we all said together.

Ater breakfast was finished, mom gave each of us money for lunch and we were on our way. The ride to school was quite. The only reason I was nervous was because of being in a new school but the girls not only were in a new school but this was their first day of high school. I remember my first day of high school and I wasn’t this nervous. I guess it was because I already actually had a few friends to start with. Here was a whole different kind of ball game. Other than the girls on the dance team, they didn’t know anyone.

We walked to the office and asked for our schedules. The girl handed us the pieces of paper and directed the twins to the auditorium. There was some kind of freshmen orientation that they had to go to. I was thankful that they would be getting some kind of help but I was worried about me because I only knew the gym. I was wondering around and I guess I wasn’t paying attention because I bumped into someone. Once I realized who it was, I instantly regretted running into her.

    “Well, look who it it. Does mommy dearest know you’re wandering the hallways of the big, new scary school,” Jessica sneered.

    “Well, at least I can with a little bit of class about myself,” I said and turned around. She reached out and grabbed my shirt to stop me. When I whirled around and slapped her hand off of me, it earned a shocked expression on her face.

    “Who do you think you are?”

    “Claire Henderson. We’ve met,” I said smiling at her.

    “You’ll do good to know who runs this school,” she said.



    “It’s, you’ll do well to know who runs this school and as far as I’m concerned, unless you’re the principal, I don’t answer to you,” I said and actually heard a few people around us snicker. When I said my peace, I turned and attempted to walk away. Once again, she grabbed onto my shirt and once again I slapped her hand away when I turned around. “You’ll do well to know that if you are going to put your hands on me, I will not submit like some scared little girl.”

    “Excuse me,” I heard a male voice from behind me. I looked up and saw a man in a tie standing behind us.

    “Mr. Richmond,” Jessica said, surprised.

    “Unless you want to visit the principal before school officially starts, I suggest you not start any problems,” he said.

    “Yes sir,” she smiled and turned her back to me.

    “You’re new here, huh?” he asked when I was able to walk away from her.

    “That obvious?”

    “Not really but I’ve never seen you here before and I’ve been here for three years.

    “Yeah well, this isn’t my first run-in with Miss Larson,” I said. “We have a mutual friend in common.”

    “So, what made you move here?” he asked.

    “My dad passed away and he was from this area.”

    “I’m so sorry,” he said. “If you need someone to talk to about it, our counselors are great.”

    “Thanks but it’s been awhile. Anyway, thank you, Mr. Richmond. I’m off to find my locker,” I smiled and continued down the hallway.

I was able to find my locker pretty quickly and was lucky to find my first class easily also. I was the first one in the class and I took a seat in the second row in the middle of the room. I watched as different kids walked in and looked at me curiously. I wanted to shout, yes, I’m new. Get over it, but I maintained my cool. I was excited to see when Haylee walked in and took a seat beside me.

I told her about my little run in with Jessica and how she just looked on like an idiot when I snapped back at her. She just laughed and said that it was time for someone to put her in her place. Just before the bell rung, a woman with long brown hair walked in and started writing on the board. Her name was Ms. Lyle and this was her first year teaching English.

    “Let’s go around and introduce ourselves, tell us what you want to study in college and tell some little something about yourself. I’ll start.My name is Sophia Lyle and I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. I’m twenty four years old and engaged to be married next summer. My past time is photography, which was my minor in college.”

I sat there and listened as everyone went around. Haylee, of course told everyone that she was a dancer and that her brother was in the military. I sat there and continued to listen while Ms. Lyle  called off names to tell about themselves. When I heard my name, I wanted to freeze. Like all of the other students, I stood from my seat and walked to the front of the room.

    “Hi, my name is Claire Henderson. I moved here from North Carolina a couple of months ago. I’m a dancer and Haylee is pretty much the first friend I made here at the school.”

    “What made your family relocate to Hartford, Connecticut?” Ms. Lyle asked. “One of your parents jobs move you all or something?”

    “Um... That answer kind of deserves a yes and a no. My dad was in the Army. He’s originally from the area and...” I choked up. “He told mom that if anything ever happened to him, that she would move us up here so we can be closer to family.”

    “Oh, I’m so sorry. How long has it been? If you don’t mind me asking.”

    “Six months,” I said quietly. After that, I felt everyones eyes on me and was feeling pity. That was the last thing I wanted so I just took my seat.

The day went by pretty fast and I was thankful when I recognized a few faces in a couple of my classes. I was walking to the cafeteria for the second lunch hour, when I heard footsteps running up to me. I turned around and saw my sisters coming toward me.

    “Please tell us your in this lunch hour to?” they asked together.

    “Yes. I was in down that hall last block.”

    “Thank goodness," Lacey said and each girl looped their arms through mine and together we walked in. When she noticed me, Hayle started waving her arms like a madwoman and we walked over to take a seat.

After lunch, I only had two more classes left and internally groaned that I had one of those classes with Jessica Larson. This girl was a thorn in my side and I really could not stand the sight of her. She kept glaring at me when she had a chance but I did my best to just ignore her. When the bell rung, I darted out of there because I knew that she would try to confront me again and I was not in the mood to deal with her mouth.


Okay... so aparently when I first wrote this chapter, it deleted about half of the end I had. The last paragraph is not what I originally had written but I could not remember what I had written out for it. That on top of being sick and constant arguing, I've not felt like doing much.

My husband has switched positions within his compay and trying to adjust to it is an absolute pain in the hind quarters. I AM ABOUT IN THE VERGE OF STRANGLING HIM ! ! ! ! ! I love him but I get tired of the crap.

Anywoo.... To say the least, I'm not completely happy with this but it's as good as it gets for now. Hope it was up to your guys expectations because it certainly wasn't up to mine. As always, if you liked it, let me know by voting, commenting and fanning. And thank you all for sticking by me.

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