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Ch. 10

    “You gonna take it back?” Clay said as he was holding Brent in a headlock.

    “You two are worse than a couple of kids,” Caroline laughed.

    “Come on, man. All you have to do is apologize and I’ll let you go,” Clay said.

    “It’s to late to apologize, it’s to late,” Brent sang out.

    “Okay, come on children,” I said after I finished cleaning up the guacamole from the floor.

    “Nope, not going to let him go,” Clay said.

    “Well, look at it like this,” I said placing my hand on Clay’s shoulder. “If you hadn’t moved me it would have been me that was slammed with the guacamole.”

    “Yeah dude, you are like her knight in guacamole blocking shining armor or some crap like that. After the kiss, this is a good move for you,” Brent said and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.

    “Dude,” Clay said, letting go of his friend and smacking him on the back of the head.

    “Okay, I’m sorry, Clay. Claire, I shouldn’t have said that so I apologize to you.”

    “Don’t worry about it,” I told him. “Well,” I said looking down at my watch. “I guess I need to head on home. I have try-outs again tomorrow.”

    “Okay. Let me walk you out,” Clay said as I grabbed my keys.

We walked out together and I felt like there was something he wanted to say to me but couldn’t quite form the words. As we neared my car, my phone started ringing again and when I noticed that it was Duncan again, I sent him to voice mail.

    “Duncan again?” Clay asked.

    “How’d you guess?”

    “You made a face,” he laughed.

    “I don’t want to hear anything he has to say to me right now.”

    “I can’t blame you,” he said. Just as soon as he said that, I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around him, hugging him close. It wasn’t long before I felt him pull me closer.

    “I really want to thank you, Clay.”

    “What for?” he asked.

    “Just the things you say. They’ve helped me out a lot over the past couple of weeks.”

    “You’re welcome. I told you that if you ever felt like you needed to talk, I would be here for you.”

    “I’ll talk to you all later.”

    “Okay. Good luck with try-outs for the rest of the week.”

    “Thanks,” I said getting into my car.

When I got home, I found my mom in the kitchen making tea. She motioned for me to sit down and started making a mug for me to. After she boiled the water, she brought over the sugar and some scones that we bought the day before.

    “You rushed out of here so fast, I didn’t get a chance to ask you how try-outs went.”

    “I’m sure Cassie and Lacey told you,” I said, sipping my tea.

    “They did but you know you all have different opinions.”

    “Well, I was confronted with that Jessica girl again.”

    “The one that Clay brought when you all went to the carnival?” she asked.

    “Yeah. She just told her girls how pathetic I am because I tell you goodbye every time I leave the house.”

    “You don’t have anyone to answer, sweetheart.”

    “I know mom and I told her that unless she knows how it feels to lose a parent than she has no room to talk.”

    “Have you talked to Duncan recently?” she asked. I kind of made a face at her when she mentioned his name and that caused her to start laughing. “That bad, huh?”

    “He told me that he didn’t like me spending so much time over at the Redden’s house. He thinks that there is something going on between me and Brent or me and Clay.”

    “Honey, you do spend a lot of time over there, but I know that you go over there for Mikey and Hannah. You should bring them over some time, I’d like to meet them.”

    “Okay, I’ll tlak to Caroline and see when we can make arrangements.”


    “Well mom, I’m going to head to my room and see if I’ve gotten in hate mail from Duncan. I should probably call him also.”

    “See you tomorrow. Oh, I have an interview tomorrow so I probably won’t see you until you get home. Make sure Cassie and Lacey behave themselves.”

    “Sure will, mom. Night.”

After I changed into my nightclothes, I signed onto my Facebook and waited to see if Duncan would message me. I looked and saw that he was online and after five minutes of not hearing back from him, I signed out. Just as I was getting ready to close my laptop, I got an invite for Skype. I saw that it was Duncan and almost didn’t answer it but decided to go ahead.

    “I’m so sorry, babe,” he said as soon as he became visible.

    “You flew off the handle for no reason.”

    “I know. I guess I was just jealous.”

    “Duncan, they are four years older than me...”

    “And that’s what’s got me so riled up. They’re older and more experienced so why wouldn’t I think that you would want one of them instead of me.”

    “Because I love you, Duncan.”

    “I love you to. As soon as I hung up on you, I left the party and came home. I tried calling but I went straight to voice mail.”

    “I was still upset at you and didn’t want to talk,” I told him, leaving out the fact that I was actually talking to Clay when he called.

    “I don’t blame you. I really am sorry,” he said, moving just a little closer to the camera.

    “Okay well, I’ll think about forgiving you. Right now, I need to go to bed. I have try-outs again tomorrow.”

    “Okay. I love you, Claire.”

    “I love you to,” I said, closing my laptop.

                         *               *               *               *              *               *

The rest of the week, I was caught up with try-outs. Caroline told me that I didn’t have to come because Clay and Brent was going to be there. I had to admit that it felt weird to be spending more than a few hours at home but it was nice. As nice as it was though, it gave me time to really think about my dad again.

I thought about how he would encourage us to follow our dreams but he never pushed us to any certain one thing. I thought about how when I was seven and on one of his leaves, he took me out to watch a a little play and I told him as I was leaving, I said I wanted to be an actress. Than when I was twelve, I wanted to be a teacher. Daddy said that we could be whatever we wanted to be as long as we were passionate about it and put our hearts into our accomplishments.

The following week was the dance team would be posted. I felt bad for the girls that wouldn’t make it but at the same time, I wanted a place on there myself. We got up early and went to the school. I met up with Haylee and Scarlet and together we all went in together, my sisters following behind us with their new friends Layla and Marcy.

Barbie and Marsha were at the table for a long time before they stood up. Each one had some papers in their hands. They walked to stand in front of us and started talking.

    “It was a really tough try-out and we had some really good dancers. But we had some that excelled and that’s what we’re looking for on our team. This list I have in my hand are the names of the girls who are welcomed onto the team. I will say this much, there are a few returning but more new members.”

    “We are going to post the names on the door and as soon as they are poster, we ask the girls that didn’t make it to go ahead and leave. If you are able to, come back next year and try again. A little advice to those who does not make it, practice. Practice what you already know and get it perfect. Come out to games and watch the girls and practice that,” Marsha said.

    “If you all will follow us,” Barbie said.

    “Step outside and wait until we have stepped away before you swarm the window,” Marsha laughed.

The second that they taped the paper on the window, all the girls rushed over to the window. Cassie, Lacey and I stood behind. I watched as some girls jumped up and down and others start crying. My sisters and I held each others hands and walked up there together. Under Haylee’s name was mine, Cassie and Lacey’s. My sisters started jumping up and down, hugging each other. I stared at the list like my name was just going to vanish. Haylee ran over to me and hugged me.

    “Welcome!” she screamed.

    “Thanks,” I smiled.

    “The girls that have made it though, please come back inside for a small meeting,” Barbie said.

The meeting only lasted half an hour and we only had to get the proper forms for the doctors and then me and my sister’s had to request for our transcripts from North Carolina to show that our grades were good enough to allow us on the team. We had to come back next week to get our uniforms and then our first official practice was than also.

After walking out of the building, I was feeling really good. Cassie and Lacey was walking beside me, giggling. I saw Mikey and Hannah walking toward me with Clay and Brent not far behind them. They ran up to me and hugged me and when Brent and Clay got to us, they were smiling.

    “So, how did it go?” Brent asked, a knowing smirk on his face.

    “Like you don’t know,” I laughed, smacking his shoulder.

    “Mom told me last night. I was itching to tell you so bad last night but I was sort of threatened if I did.”

    “Threatened by who?” I asked and Clay held up his hand.

    “You knew to?”

    “Only because big mouth can’t keep his mouth shut,” he laughed.

    “Claire, why is that boy looking at you?” Hannah asked, pointing to our left. I looked over and saw a mop of messy blond hair. I locked in on his eyes and gasped.

I dropped whatever I had and ran over to him. He looked up as and I started to run to him. When I slammed into him, he picked me off of my feet and just held me.

    “So, am I forgiven now?” Duncan asked.

    “No,” I said kissing him. “I am still... very... mad... at you,” I said between kisses.

    “Oh, I can tell,” he answered.

    “Why didn’t you let me know you were here?” I asked when he sat me on my feet.

    “Wanted to surprise you,” he smiled.

    “I’m surprised,” I smiled. “Where are you staying?”

    “Hotel down the road. Your mom already knew I was coming so that’s how I knew where you were,” he said and I heard the girls finally running up to us.

    “Hey girls,” he smiled.

    “Hey,” they smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. When Clay, Brent and the kids walked up to us, Hannah couldn’t wipe the smile from her face.

    “Duncan, this is Hannah. Mikey. Clay and Brent,” I introduced.

    “Hey, nice to meet you all,” he said, looking at Clay and Brent. When he reached for Hannah’s hand, he brought her hand up to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. I could almost see her swoon over it and Duncan smiled down at her. “Mi’lady,” he smiled.

    “Good sir,” she laughed. “Claire was right.”

    “Oh yeah,” he smiled at the little girl then looked at me. “About what?”

    “Your eyes really does look like chocolate.”

    “Oh, you’ve been talking about me?”

    “She won’t shut up about you,” Mikey said. “Duncan this, Duncan that.”

    “Well, I can’t help it. I’m crazy about you,” I smiled.

    “Okay,” Brent clapped his hands. “Congrats on the dance team, all of you,” he said looking at me and the girls. “We just wanted to see your face when you got out. Hannah and Mikey were itching to see you but now we most get going. Caroline has to go to the doctor and I’m taking the rugrats to a movie.”

    “Is everything okay?” I asked Clay. When I turned my attention to him, I felt Duncan tighten his arm around me.

    “Just a checkup,” he answered.

    “I thought last week was just a checkup.”

    “She has to go for them frequently.”

    “Let me know how she’s doing, okay?”

    “Okay,” Clay smiled and with that I turned back to Duncan and smiled back up at him.

    “I don’t like him,” he said once Clay and Brent was out of hearing distance.

    “Are we going to go through that again?”

    “Sorry,” he shrugged.

    “Whatever,” I said, pulling away from him and walking over to the car. “Get in and let’s go.”

After we got back to the house, I left Duncan in the kitchen with my mom while I took a shower. He said something about going out for dinner and a movie so I needed to get ready. When I was out of the shower, I looked through my closet for something to wear. I wanted to dress up a little since my boyfriend was in town and when I came downstairs in my white skirt and black tank top, Duncan couldn’t take his eyes off of me.

    “You look amazing,” he said.

    “Thanks,” I smiled. “So, where are you taking me?”

    “Well, since I don’t know where anything is, I thought you could drive.”

    “Okay, let’s go,” I laughed, grabbing his hand and with a goodbye over my shoulder, we were out of the door.

We just ended up going to Harry’s Pizza and ordering a Hawaiian pizza and then went for a walk around town. It was a beautiful night for the walk and the sky was full of stars. We had been walking for about an hour when he stopped in front of a bench and pulled me down beside him.

    “This has been great,” he said.

    “Yeah, I’ve missed you so much, Duncan,” I told him. I half expected him to say something else but I had a feeling that he was holding something back from me. It didn’t feel the same as the last date we had. Granted, that’s been months now so I guess it was just the time that we’ve spent apart that made me feel like this.

When I dropped him back off at his hotel, I didn’t want to walk in with him because I was afraid that he might take it the wrong way and I just really wasn’t ready to take that step with him. So instead, we sat in my car for awhile and just kissed. It was nice but just like at the park, something felt off and I could not put my finger on it. When he got out of the car, I wondered what could be wrong as I drove back home.


This chapter just seems blah for me.

I needed to bring Duncan into the picture because even though they are no longer in the same state, they are trying the long distnace relationship stuff. When I first started this story, the actor I had in mind to play Duncan was Chord Overstreet but now I just can't see him playing the part of who Duncan really is. So I'm thinking either Tom Felton (without the accent) or Toby Hemingway without the accent. Decisions decisions decisions.

On another note... this day, this hour... 3 months ago, I got the worst call of my life. Today is the 3 month anniversary of the passing of my uncle. It's hard to believe that it's been that long. Most days, it still feels like yesterday. I miss him so much and I'm still waiting to wake up from my dream and he'll be the one to call me. Now, don;t go thinking that I'm crazy or losing my mind.. I am 28 years old and I know it's real, I just don't want it to be. It has definitely changed our family. there's something that reminds me of him everyday. Rather it's a song on the radio or a movie on the TV. I hear his voice all the time and dream about him constantly and even though the tears are becoming easier to manage, they don't stop. I just miss him... plain and simple.

Anywho... Easter is Sunday... Do you all have any plans???

I'm going to go be with my family and my church family. I'm hoping that the rain that's in the forecast holds off because the church is going to have a big Easter Egg Hunt for the kids and I want to see my daughter out there having some fun. After church, we're going to head back tomy aunts house and have dinner. And even if you don't believe... I do. Don't forget that... He is Risen. I might not be the best Christian out there but God knows my heart and I know that He'll never leave me. He is always by my side.

Anyway... hope you all enjoyed the chapter and if you did... let me know what you think...

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