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My alarm clock was blaring at six a.m. Saturday morning. I wanted nothing more than to throw it out of the window. I hit the button to turn it off and sat on the edge of my bed. Not a second later, my phone beeped. It was a message from Brent asking me if I was bright eyed and bushy tailed yet. I sent him a message back and told him that he better be nice or my bad side would make an appearance. After going back at him for a few more minutes, I went over to my desk and turned on my laptop.

I saw my notifications and saw that I was tagged in an status from Marley. I commented on it and then did my own, tagging Marley and Brent both. Marley private messaged me and asked me about Brent. I told her that he was just a really good friend that I had no interest in. She told me that she couldn’t wait to see me and was actually counting down the hours. 

We were suppose to meet at three at the closest Starbucks near Central Park Church of God where the wedding she was attending would be held. Brent claimed that he wanted to go early and just look around. I told him that he needed to at least give me two hours to get ready. With the two hours that I would take to get ready, the two and a half hours it would take to drive there, that still gave us about four hours to do a little sight seeing. I had to admit that I could not wait to spend some time away.

At exactly eight o’clock, there was a knock on the front door. I was already dressed and had my makeup on but the only thing I had to do was slip on my boots. Brent said that the forecast said it was suppose to snow so I wanted to stay warm. I was in my favorite gray and black striped sweater dress with a pair of black leggings and my gray boots were downstairs. I grabbed my beanie and ran downstairs. Mom already opened the door and let Brent in and he was standing there smiling as I took the last step.

    “Don’t you look cozy,” he said.

    “I don’t want to get cold,” I said pulling my boots from the closet to slide them on.

    “Well, let’s get going than,” he said opening the door trying to usher me out that much faster.

    “Bye Brent,” mom said as he stepped out. “Honey, you let me know as soon as you all get there. Call me as soon as you are with Marley and call me on your way back. I’m overlooking your curfew tonight since you’ll be with a responsible adult but you had better let me know if anything happens,” she said.

    “Sure thing, mom,” I smiled, giving her a hug and on the way to Brent’s car, busted out laughing.

    “What are you laughing at?” he asked as I buckled my seat belt.

    “Mom is overlooking my curfew tonight since I’m going to be with a responsible adult.”

    “And that’s funny how?”

    “Brent, you are so far from being responsible it’s ridiculous.”

    “You’ll be safe with me,” he smiled, pulling out of the driveway.

    “That might be true but you are still not that responsible,” I said.

I had to admit that I had a blast being in the confines of a car with Brent. There was definitely never a dull moment with him. We stopped at a little diner just over the New York state line to get a bite of breakfast. While we were waiting on our food, my phone buzzed letting me know I had a text message. It was from my mom asking how close we were. I let her know what we were doing right at that moment and told her not to worry. A second later, I got another text. This time it was Ken telling me to give Marley a big hug from him and to tell her that he wants a visit soon. 

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