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Chapter 9

Two weeks later, I was walking to the school with Cassie and Lacey for dance try-outs. I didn't even want to do it but after the girls begging and mom telling me that dad would not have wanted me to give it up, I agreed. As we were walking by the track, I heard a few girls starting to snicker. Two guesses as to who it was.

"Yeah, that's her. She's the girl who has to check in with mommy dearest every time she leaves the house," Jessica cackled.

"Jess, you don't even know her story," a petite brunette said. After that, she walked up to the fence. "Hey, sorry about her. She seems to think that you're going to replace her somehow. I'm Tara, by the way."

"Hey, I'm Claire and these two are my twin sister, Cassie and Lacey."

"How can you tell each one apart?" she said after looking and coming up with nothing.

"We get that a lot," Cassie said. "I have a birthmark right here," she said pointing to her left cheek.

"Oh, I see it," Tara smiled. "So, you all three are dancers?"

"Yeah," the twins answered while I just nodded.

"That's cool," she said. "I guess I'll see you around," she finished as she backed away. I watched as she joined the rest of the ditzy airheads and Jessica's death glare on her.

"She seemed nice," Cassie said.

"Yeah, so different than that blond standing right there," I pointed and then smiled and waved, causing Jessica to turn heel and stomp down the football field.

"Already making friends," Lacey laughed.

Can't help that she thinks I'm fabulous," I laughed.

When we were let into the gym, we were told to go to the locker room and get dressed. Cassie and Lacey brought their little pink and matching crop tops. I kept it casual with a pair of black dance pants and a red and white striped crop top. We walked out a little nervous because of not knowing anyone. We sat down together in the back and waited until things got started.

I watched as about twenty more girls walked in and wondered what kind of chance me and my sisters had. There were now roughly thirty five girls that was trying out so that meant that about half of us would be getting cut. Cassie and Lacey hadn't said a word since we came in and I sat sat there and watched as girls did some stretches. Once I looked over and saw a blond smiling at me from across the room and before I knew it, she stood up and came over to me.

"Hi, you're Claire, aren't you?" she asked after sitting down in front of me.

"Uh... yeah."

"I thought so. You're prettier than Brent let on though," she said. I looked up at her like she had a second head.

"Uh... okay, if you already have some kind of stake on him, we're just friends," I said, defending myself in case I was dealing with another psycho girl.

"I'm Haylee Buchanan. Brent's little sister," she laughed.

"Oh," I laughed. "I didn't even know that Brent had a sister."

"He doesn't talk about me?" she asked.

"If he has, I never heard it but than again, Brent's to interested in trying to get me to go out with him."

"Well, mom will be in here in a little while so I'll talk to you later," she smiled, stood up and walked back to her friends.

We still set there for another fifteen minutes before a tall blond walked in with a young brunette girl joined her. They sat at the desk for a few minutes before coming around and handing us a number. I pinned my number on my shirt and just continued to look around.

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