...37... Clay's POV

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Clay's POV

I could feel myself being moved but I could not, would not open my eyes for anything in this world. I knew even before I did that it would cause me an immense amount of pain. I didn't know where I was but I felt a sense of security and unbelievable comfort with the exception of feeling a constant justle.

When I felt some pain, I could tell that some time had passed since I felt like I was being tossed around. I couldn't sleep anymore but at the same time, I did not want to open my eyes. When I tried to move just an inch, I felt like something was preventing me from it. I slowly opened my eyes and instead of being greeted with a dark and dreary sight, I saw bright, white light only causing me to close them quickly.

Am I dead, I thought.

I heard a movement coming from somewhere so I decided to try opening my eyes once again. My vision wasn't coming right to me so all I continued to see was the bright light. I felt like I was going to start going into shock because I couldn't see or move so my instincts were to fight.

"Clay, calm down, man," I heard a familiar voice.

I know that voice. Where do I do that voice from?

"Clay, move your head if you can hear me?" it said again.

I gave it my best shot but I honestly didn't know if I was moving it or not. I tried talking but I couldn't hear my voice. I heard something that sounded like a wounded animal. Was that me?

"Don't try to talk right now. Can you see me?" There was a shadow like figure that blocked the bright light. Why can't I see anything? "Hold on. I'll go get a doctor."

This was driving me insane. Was I ever going to be able to see again? I had to get my sight back because I had a family to get back to. At the time I couldn't remember much but I knew there was a girl waiting for me with my little brother and sister. My head was starting to hurt really bad because I was trying to think to much.

"Sergeant Major Redden, if you can hear me, try moving your little finger," I heard a different voice. I tried and apparently I did it because the next thing I hear was a good job. "Is your name Clay Redden?" I moved my pinky again. "Can you open your eyes for us?" Once again, I opened my eyes and was again assaulted by the bright light. "Can you see anything?"

"N..." I was able to mumble just slightly.

"Clay, give it some time before you try to talk. You've been out for almost two months."

"B..." I was trying to say his name but for a minute, I thought I had it wrong. The only thing I knew is I was getting overwhelmingly tired and I just gave up trying to do anything to go back to sleep.

"He's doing good. It will take him a little while to gain his baring back. He suffered a lot of trauma. We will work with him everyday."

"Thank you, doctor."

I remembered from the last time that if I opened my eyes to fast, I would be blinded by light. I slowly opened my eyes and from what I remember from the last time, I was gaining my vision back. I could make a few shapes out and I could actually use my sense of smell. I smelled cleanliness so I figured that I was in a hospital. I could feel something holding my wrists down and I started to twist them in attempt to get them lose.

"Clay, it's okay," I heard Brent's voice. "That's to make sure you don't pull on your IV's."

"Ge... th..."

"I'll get a doctor," he said and a few seconds later, I heard two sets of feet walk into my room.

"Sergeant Redden, can you speak?"

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