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Chapter Mission: Find ATLEAST ONE BTS×ARMY reference as in maybe occurences that happened in real life or things the boys actually said in real life (or inside jokes) to Unlock the next Chapter. Just in case nobody could in the Prologue, although that's highly unlikely. 😂

"I'm hungry!" Jin exclaims, walking with the other three into the elevator.

"Yeah same!" Hoseok grabs his stomach dramatically leaning on the elevator wall and chuckling afterwards.

"Sejin hyung said he already ordered the food, we're having dinner together in the lobby of our floor." Namjoon informed tiredly, leaning against the wall too. They were all tired yet so happy. The adrenaline of the concert was still not down so they felt pumped to party tonight. Well their party consisted mainly of dinner and some drinks and their crackhead behaviour.

"We have to wait for the others?" Jin complains yet he seemed more amused.

"Yeah. Get changed." Namjoon chuckles and parts ways with the other two and one of their staff, as the elevator comes to a stop on the top floor that their company had rented entirely for them and their crew.

Minutes after, the top floor's hallway is filled with loud noises of boys talking loudly and Jin stepped out of his room to join the commotion with his bandmates, his brothers.

"Ohhh my bro, what happened?" Jin hyperly asks the maknae line as Yoongi just smiles while shaking his head and goes to his room to get changed.

"Ji-Jimin hyung r-rolled down the window and got startled by the screams of Ami." Jungkook supplies through his cute laughter. (A/n: I couldn't resist putting cute laughter. Jungkook's laugh is just too cute. Makes me wanna cry.😭💜)

Taehyung's deep laughter resonates in the hallway too, narrating how he saw Jimin's funny expressions first hand from the car Yoongi and him shared, making the staff around laugh fondly at them. Jimin simply rolls his eyes with a fond smile as he walks to his room to get changed too, leaving the rest behind with their banter and chit-chat.

Soon they were all changed into more casual and comfy clothes, most of them wearing shorts or sweatpants. They gathered in small groups to all sit together at the lobby with a huge table to eat, immerse into conversations of the concert today.

The atmosphere was so lively with the boy's careless and happy chatter.

"Cheers to another successful night. You've all worked so hard today." Namjoon smiles as they all raise their glasses of champagne.

"No no, let's do Ughhh as cheers." Taehyung says excitedly as they all drunkenly laugh together, well they weren't really drunk yet but it's hard to tell with them.

Agreeing to the other, they all raise their toasts happily and cheer together as they drink the champagne all in one go, something they agreed to do on the last day, at the start of their tour. It was finally wrapping up and tomorrow they would be flying to their home. Oh how they missed home. No matter how joyful it was to tour around, the feeling of being in the safety of their home was unbeatable. If the fact that they are eating Korean food overseas doesn't prove that then i don't know what would.

Jimin cackles in happiness, hearing the absurdity that's escaping Taehyung's drunken self right now. The latter usually drank in a more controlled pace since he wasn't much of a drinker but today Taehyung seemed exceptionally happy so he was going all out.

At this point they had eaten tons and were drinking shit load. After playing around some more, the room was much more serious but it was still a comfortable space for the members. A space where they belonged.

All of them carried gratitude towards each other in their hearts, even a blind person could see it. Especially now that the conversation had taken a drive towards the lane of their past. They were always so vulnerable especially after their concerts. Talking everything out, allowing each other in on their emotions. That's what kept them so close. It was never about one, but all seven of them and they knew together they could do any and everything.

At one point the room was quiet, a comfortable silence draping the atmosphere. They all looked at each other in the silence, a fond smile permanently etched on their face. Seconds after a chuckle erupted into the air and they all followed after, laughing at themselves and knowing they all understood the importance they each held in each other's lives.

They laughed so much for the past few hours that most of them were sober again.

"Ohh Jungkookie, ohhh Jungkookie is crying." Hoseok chuckles diverting everybody's attention on the boy whose eyes were turning glossy and now cheeks pink.

Everybody starts laughing trying to get a proper glimpse of their maknae who was shying away, covering his face.

Jimin, sat next to him, hugs the life out of the boy while laughing yet worriedly trying to wipe his tears, as Hoseok joins in on the hug too.

"Jungkookie, our official teardropper." Namjoon fondly announces, showing off his dimples. The term was stuck to the 24 year old male now. Everytime he would cry, someone would announce the term dramatically.

Eventually they all started bantering around, occasionally talking about serious topics and then venturing into a playful one again. Surely the entire world would be jealous of the bond these seven men shared. Truly one in a lifetime.

Around midnight, the hallways were clear and silent again with the members and staff going to their respective rooms.

Some of them went to sleep, finally feeling the aftermath of so much hardwork catching up.

As Jimin enters his room, he decides to wash up first before doing anything else. He planned to visit Jungkook's room which was right next to his, worried the younger was still overwhelmed and maybe crying.

After showering, he checks his phone and sees a notification from vlive. Someone was doing a live. At 00:47?

Jimin laughs and joins the live, looking at his Jin hyung chatting with Armys. He decides to pay a visit before going to Jungkook. It had been long since he had done a live.



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