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"Are you sure hyung?" Jungkook asked through the phone.

"Aah ok, thank you anyways. Also, please don't tell him anything about this. Thanks." Jungkook disconnects the call disappointedly. 

Jungkook wanted to believe Jimin so badly, he wanted to believe the older is over that crush of his but a glance in his eyes and he could see the truth. So now he wanted to find out about that guy and if possible help his hyung out to get the love of his life. 8 years? That was alot, so he will definitely help Jimin. But how? Nobody knew about the mysterious guy. Jimin didn't tell anybody and Jimin wasn't willing to tell him about his crush himself. Heck, he even went to the extent of pretending to be sad to not tell him yesterday. Yes Jungkook noticed, how could he not? He was so focused on Jimin's every emotion yesterday.

So here he was, calling all of Jimin's friends that the older himself introduced him to, as well as one of Jimin's industry bestfriend, Lee Taemin, and yet nobody knew about this crush of his. He thought maybe back then Jimin would have confided into them because back then he trusted his old friends more and was open to them more than the seven of them but sadly, he didn't even trust them with this secret of his as it seems. Which caused Jungkook to wonder even more and more, 'Who could this person be?'

Jungkook is obsessively curious. He wants to know at all cost.

"Jungkook-ah?" Namjoon calls from the living room, tearing Jungkook's mind away from his thought process.

He yells back a reply, to which Namjoon calls him out.

Sighing, he puts his phone aside, deciding to deal with this later as he goes to find out the deal with Namjoon.

"What is it hyung?" Jungkook sits down on the couch next to Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi.

"We have a song to work on." Yoongi says, leaning against the couch.

"Hyung aren't we on a break?" Jungkook smiles.

"Yeah, so let's go, clear mind, better work!" Hoseok exclaims excitedly, throwing a thumbs up at Jungkook making him laugh as Namjoon joins in.

"Ok fine. Let's go." Jungkook smiles bewilderedly.

"Ohh bro, i love you bro, Jungkookie is always ready for whatever we say." Hobi hugs Jungkook tightly, throwing himself all over him as he chuckles, everybody joining him.

"That's true." Namjoon adds, laughing adorably at the realisation.

Jungkook laughs, hugging Hobi back but all that went through his mind was I Love You Bro.

Jimin was laying on his bed. It was probably 3 in the afternoon and he couldn't care less that he's been laying on his bed since 3 hours after he woke up. He didn't even get up to go to the bathroom or eat. Just laying there and staring at the ceiling.

He was thinking about the night before. Did he mess up? He didn't know. Jungkook can be very curious sometimes. He just hopes last night was the end of the topic of his crush. But he knew Jungkook all too well.

Finally, Jungkook knows he likes guys too and although he knew the younger was not homophobic, he was still scared to tell him. Because why not, for anybody it would be so evident who his crush was if Jimin was to tell them he's bi and his crush was a boy. Wouldn't everybody just assume it's Jungkook, with how vocal he was about his liking towards the boy?

Did Jungkook think i like him? Jimin keeps asking himself this question over and over again. He hopes not. Please Jungkook, be a little dumb for once.

He was also worried about the others finding out. He knew Jungkook wouldn't go and tell everybody but still if they were to know, Jimin knows they'd figure him out in seconds. Afterall, years ago there was one person who had asked him that question. Jimin, do you like Jungkook more than a brother? That question often echoed in his mind. At that time he had refused but how convincing he sounded, only the other male knows.

"Jimin? Jiminah?" He hears knocking on his door, followed by Taehyung's deep raspy voice. The door opens before he could say anything and a sleepy Taehyung walks in, trudging to his bed. Taehyung rubs his eyes, finding Jimin wide awake unlike he presumed. He climbs on the bed and simply does what he came here for. Throwing himself on Jimin, he cuddles to his side.

Jimin smiles softly at his bestfriend, cuddling back silently.

Few minutes pass and Taehyung sleepily, with closed eyes, asks, "Why did you not come out if you're awake?"

"I'm tired and lazy." Jimin laughs, lying but at the same time not. He was actually tired and lazy but that's not what kept him in bed. He was just too preoccupied with his thoughts, besides he heard Jungkook and some of the other guys in the living room 2 hours ago and he preferred not talking to Jungkook or anyone else right now.

"Hmm." Taehyung simply hums, half of his mind in dreamland.

Seconds after, slight snoring could be heard on Jimin's chest. Jimin looks down on his chest, finding an adorable Taehyung sleeping peacefully. He chuckles and plays with the other's hair fondly.

All he could think of is how Taehyung got him into this mess by telling Jungkook he used to have a crush and now here he is, sleeping on him peacefully while Jimin tried to think of methods to do damage control. His soulmate was gonna pay for this after things were settled with Jungkook. If things were settled with Jungkook.


Anyways, do you guys think Jungkook will find out who Jimin's crush is in this book itself?😄

1st voter: Sum_Mithsie

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