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Chapter mission (after so long): Find one thing related to Jikook.💜


"Why? It's fun!" Jungkook whines, already getting up to look through Jimin's small cabin where he keeps some of his personal favourite alcoholic beverages.

"Jungkook, we're a mess when drunk. Yoongi hyung is sick." Jimin watches Jungkook's every movement.

"We'll be quiet today hyung, and it's not like we're gonna drink too much. Unless...you want to." Jungkook raises a brow, bringing the vodka bottle and two shot glasses near the bed, deciding to drink something lighter today.

Jimin rolls his eyes, making space for Jungkook as he climbs further on the bed. He knew he would not be winning against Jungkook anyway so he decides to just play. He was glad they weren't talking about his crush or about the fact Jungkook knew he was bisexual now. This felt normal. This felt like them so he was not really reluctant to play.

"Ok, you know the drill already, so let's begin." Jungkook says after pouring them both the vodka.

"And you know so much about me already so this game is useless." Jimin smiles and rolls his eyes, taking a sip of vodka.

Apparently not hyung, as i've learned yesterday. Jungkook wanted to say it but he refrained. He didn't want Jimin to be awkward with him again.

"So, since i know everything already. Let's talk about things you wouldn't normally tell anybody." Jungkook smiles devilishly and Jimin knows to brace himself.

"How many times have you masturbated this month- wait no, this week?" Jungkook smirks.

Jimin smiles in disbelief, "I dare you to ask me that infront of Army." Jimin chuckles.

"Ain't no dare in this version hyung." Jungkook laughs. "Come on, answer."

"Thrice." Jimin answers.

"Wow Jimin-si, that's 3 out of 5 days." Jungkook teases, and Jimin shrugs while his face is a slight pink.

"My turn. Same question."

"That's not fair. Make your own questions." Jungkook squints his eyes.

"You copy me all the time, i have the right to copy you this once." Jimin teasingly sticks his tongue out.

"Whatever. Once. I'm not nasty like you."

Jimin laughs at him as Jungkook rolls his eyes playfully.

"Ok next question. 3 years ago, that night you didn't tell me what you and hobi hyung were talking about, you seemed pretty flustered so i wanna know!" Jungkook smirks.

Jimin tilts his head and lifts his glass to drink the whole content in the glass. Jungkook pours him another glass as he huffs smugly. "Now i have to absolutely know." He says.

"You can try all you want." Jimin sasses at him.

Is it about his crush? Taehyung? Jungkook wonders but his expression doesn't falter.

They keep going back and forth, with Jungkook deliberately asking Jimin questions that he would absolutely not answer so he would drink more.

"So, you've been very curious about my crush but i wanna know who Jungkookie crushes on!" Jimin leans closer to Jungkook, with a playful smile.

"No one hyung." Jungkook says sheepishly.

"Really now? All these years and no one?" Jimin squints his eyes.

"Yeah, weird but it's the truth." Jungkook shrugs.

"What kind of person do you like then?" Jimin curiously asks, distracted he ended up taking a few shots of vodka on his own, quite alot to be honest. Without making it noticeable, Jungkook pours him another glass. This was a gamble and maybe totally wrong, but he wanted to try to get Jimin drunk enough to spill everything. Because drunk Jimin is very emotional and honest, although the problem is that Jimin is not a light drinker unlike him and it was going to be difficult to get him to be drunk before he himself is all out.

"You don't get to ask two questions Jimin si." Jungkook reminds and Jimin just rolls his eyes.

"What kind of person do YOU like hyung?" Jungkook asks instead, hoping that this might help him figure out if his theories were right.

"Now who's the copycat?" Jimin squints and Jungkook chuckles. "You have to answer it." Jungkook shrugs.

"I..i don't know. " Jimin tilts his head upwards, staring at the sky from his window in deep thoughts. "Someone who's kind, sweet, cute but hot at the same time,..." Jimin thinks some more as Jungkook stares at him, at his expression. Jimin seemed to know exactly who he's talking about, a faint smile on his face and love in his eyes. All these things so far matched Taehyung and Jungkook was conflicted if he should believe his theory or not.

Who is that person hyung? That you love so much? Is it Taehyung? Or not? Please tell me. Jungkook thinks as he stares at Jimin waiting for him to complete his words.

"...someone who i am comfortable with,.."


"...someone who is always there for me,..."


"Someone who always thinks of me first,..."


"Someone with a very beautiful voice, it's so beautiful that it melts my heart,.."

Definitely Taehyung!

"His laugh..so cute." Jimin chuckles fondly, a huge smile on his face and his eyes twinkling drunkenly. Jungkook looks at him carefully, his mind reeling in triumph over the fact that he managed to get Jimin to start talking about his crush at last.

"He's so hardworking...so passionate about anything he puts his mind to." Jimin smiles fondly, his mind and heart already over the cloud.

Tae hyung is like that.

"He's such an idiot though.." Jimin chuckles drunkenly, "he doesn't give himself enough credit for all the hardwork he puts and is very hard on himself. It saddens me to see that Jungkookie, you should stop that!" Jimin pouts.

I should stop? Stop Taehyung..? How drunk exactly are you hyung?

"He's so perfect, like i love that mole that he has. It's so cute." Jimin chuckles and looks at Jungkook.

The one on Taehyung's nose?

Jungkook looks at him confused, noticing Jimin's stare on his lips?

"Under his lips." Jimin smiles, his fingers raised to touch the mole under Jungkook's lips.

Jungkook stills, just staring at his hyung in astonishment while drunk Jimin obliviously keeps blabbering more and more, unbeknownst of the younger's surprise.

"I love the mole so much, because it drags my attention to something even prettier each time, " Jimin scoots closer to Jungkook, a drunken smile omnipresent on his face, "do you wanna know what that is Jungkookie?"

Jungkook gulps, his heart rate increasing rapidly as Jimin leans closer to his face.

"Your beautiful bunny smile." Jimin smiles sweetly.

It's still for a long moment, with both staring at each other. Jimin looking at Jungkook with immense love in his eyes while Jungkook gazes at Jimin with wide eyes as realisation dawns on him.



Big baby knows.

What do you think will happen now? How is Jungkook going to react?

P.s. 2 Chapters left.

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