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Congratulations to Snowwieeeeeeee for being the first one to complete the mission in the previous Chapter.💜

Chapter Mission: Find ATLEAST ONE BTS×ARMY reference, as in maybe occurences that happened in real life or things the boys actually said in real life(or inside jokes) and comment on that paragraph to Unlock the next Chapter.
Good luck!😜👍

Even after a year of debut when Jimin
was still pretty much whipped for the younger though, that's when he realised it was not just an infatuation.

With the struggle he was going through on a personal level and with the group, he yearned to be loved, to be comforted. He wanted to be loved by the one he ended up falling in love with. But he didn't even know if Jungkook even liked boys. The society they lived in was also not too open to LGBTQ+ community but he was lucky that thanks to Namjoon tackling the subject early on, everyone of them seemed to be on the same page that homosexuality was not wrong even though he never told any of them he was bisexual. At first, because he was hesitant and still finding who he was but after he found peace in himself, he didn't feel the need to tell anyone.

Moreover, Jungkook was so young, how could he have expected the boy to love him back with the same intensity. He had felt so conflicted at that time. Yet, he still tried to gain Jungkook's attention, trying to atleast be his favourite hyung, someone he could lean on and Jungkook seemed to grow closer and more comfortable with him too despite the teasing. The teasing which gradually transformed into a healthy flirting was since part of the dynamics of their relationship. Although, it seemed that in the beginning they held onto that teasing aspect way more especially on camera because when something becomes a part of how your relationship is with someone you never want to let go in the fear that it might affect your bond if you stop. Thus they kept going until the group really became vulnerable with each other that the teasing was not what defined their relationship anymore, it was simply a part of it. They'd form a genuine bond, all seven of them.

As the years went on, things were gradually getting better for the band and with the help of the group he tried to not be too hard on himself and he could say now that he is definitely not hard on himself in an unhealthy manner.

During those years he also felt a switch in Jungkook especially when he stopped being too loud about how he felt towards him, Jungkook was much more expressive now especially towards him, always checking on him and making sure he ate and is resting. He had become even more hard working and a true gentleman. Ofcourse, Jungkook was always well-mannered no matter how much he unknowingly hurt him sometimes in the beginning, with his habit of using teasing to hide his own awkward and unsocial self.

It was a mess and they all had spent hours talking about the kind of mess they were in their beginning years but those years was what made them. Jungkook had apologised for always pushing Jimin away and teasing him on camera, that night in 2016 during one of their after concert dinners he had admitted to be very shy and clueless of how to handle social situations and Jimin had apologised too for being too pushy sometimes. It was all done lightheartedly and both were glad for it. That day all seven of them had turned their little dinner into an apology party, bringing up things from the past when they were all sensitive and pushed to live together with practical strangers and that was the night, Jimin and Jungkook became inseparable. Although Jimin wanted to admit the feelings he truly carried for him that night, he refrained from doing so, not wanting to ruin their friendship. But from then on, he found the courage to just be himself after clearing everything out.

And with that he also realised he loved loving Jungkook even if the later didn't know about it. What tru-

"Hyung? What time is it?" Jungkook rasps out sleepily seeing Jimin looking at him.

Jimin averts his eyes, grabbing his phone to look at the time. He shook his head a few times trying to get himself back to the present. He often found himself looking back to the past. To the road he walked to get here. And all he would find now was peace, maybe a little sadness but peace nonetheless.

"It's 12:34. Our flight is at 10 pm. Let's get up so we can pack." Jimin says, turning his phone off and getting off the bed while looking at Jungkook who had closed his eyes again.

"Get up Kook." He says watching the man scrunch his nose.

Jungkook sighs but he opens his eyes. He rubs the sleep away, looking at Jimin with an expressionless face. His face was feeling too lazy to form any type of emotion.

Jimin chuckles and grabs his things, wearing his slippers. "I'm going to my room, i'll see you in 30 mins to grab some brunch. Don't sleep again." He informs and storms out of the room.

Finally, they stepped out of the airplane, working their way through the formalities and grabbing their luggage, they head back to their home, their shared apartment.

All seven of them were pretty jet lagged and tired. They tiredly make their way inside their apartment after being dropped. Placing their luggages lazily in the living room to be dealt with tomorrow. Some of them were quiet while some were having conversations among themselves in groups of two.

Jimin was not really tired since he mostly slept in the airplane. His sleep schedule was going to be all over the place again. To him, LA was best suited for his sleep schedule but he'll get back on track somehow or perhaps he wouldn't because he loved his quality time at night.

Jungkook was pretty hungry so after changing, he heads to the kitchen for some ramen.

All seven of them were scattered around the apartment doing their own thing. Some showering, some changing, some in the kitchen and some arranging their stuff. All quietly and comfortably.

Jungkook goes to prepare his ramen as Taehyung comes to hug him from the back, "make me food too." He pleads.

Jungkook chuckles while continuing with his noodles, tilting his head at the request.

"Eh? Eh? Make me food?" Taehyung keeps insisting until Jungkook finally gives in and tells him to bring whatever noodle he wants to eat from the drawer.

Taehyung cheers and walks past Hoseok who was busy making food for himself with Jimin helping.

"You guys are eating right now?" Yoongi comes into the kitchen after showering, chuckling slightly when seeing the time. 04:35 am.

"You want?" Hoseok asks, Yoongi shaking his head as no.

In the end, all seven end up sharing their food despite some wanting to just sleep, with nothing specific as the topic of their conversation. It was peaceful. Afterwards they decided to go to their rooms, each engaging in different activities, some sleeping and some doing other things till they'll fall asleep again, they were on a break for two weeks anyway to rest their tired bodies and minds.


Don't worry! It's gonna start to pick up in the next chapter with more Jikook.

Anyways, feedback so far?

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