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Survey Questions [Please do answer before going. You can answer a select few if you don't have answer for all.]

Q1: Did you like this story?
    ▪ If YES, what did you like?
    ▪ If NO, what do i need to improve

Q2: Something(s) that stucked out to you in the whole story? Any memorable moment(s)?

Q3: Favourite character(s)?

Q4: The most absurd thing(s) written here?

Q5: What is lacking here that you would have liked to see?

Q6: What do you think of my writing?🤔

Q7: What do you think of me in general lol?😄😂


Ok that was the last one, i don't want to bore or shoo you guys away with too many questions.

Stay tuned for more. Check out my other books in the meantime if you want.

Until now, it was Miwi, see ya guys soon! Bye!!!

Book One: Selfless Love [Jikook]Where stories live. Discover now