
378 17 12

Congratulations to Snowwieeeeeeee for being the first to complete the previous chapter mission again.💜

Chapter Mission: Find ATLEAST ONE thing that is significant to Jikook to Unlock the next Chapter.

"Jungkook come on, let's go!" Jimin whined.

"Hyung just a minute." Jungkook buttoned up his shirt.

"Come just like that." Jimin impatiently started dragging Jungkook, not giving him the chance to button up his shirt.

"Jimin hyung i can't go without buttoning up my shirt." Jungkook releases his wrist and buttons up the three remaining buttons.

"Give them buttons some rest Kookie." Jimin wiggles his eyebrows as he teases with a chuckle. Jungkook chuckles along and drags Jimin out the door.

They both go down the parking lot of the ground floor through the elevator. They get in the car, Jimin in the driving seat.

"Where are we going hyung?" Jungkook asks while looking outside.

"To the jeweller."

"Huh?" Jungkook eyes Jimin confusedly with a raised brow.

"I need to get my ring and necklace that i customised." Jimin explains, glancing at Jungkook once.

"Oh, why'd you not tell Sejin hyung to get it?" Jungkook pouts, he didn't wish to be woken up this early for a ring and necklace.

"Because it's mine and i have to be the one getting it. I can't just bother hyung like that." Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Then why am i going?" Jungkook complains, whining.

"You don't want to come with me Jungkookie?" Jimin acts hurt, making a turn at the same time. He looked hot.

"No hyung obviously not, who would miss such an opportunity of hanging out with THE Park Jimin." Jungkook plays along, giggling while looking at Jimin who smiles amusedly.

"Oh hyung~ you look good while driving!" Jungkook exclaims, looking at Jimin driving with one hand on the steering wheel.

Jimin laughs shyly but openly, taken aback by the statement as he says Thank you to Jungkook in a dramatic tone, both laughing afterwards. Things like these made him very happy. Being told he looked good, receiving compliments and being looked at with adoring eyes by his love. Alas, he knew it was all just as a bestfriend, brother, as a bandmate and family. He didn't mind, he considered Jungkook family too and adored him for who he was before looking at him as a lover. But somewhere in his heart he wished the flirting they did wasn't just friendly, wasn't just how their dynamic worked. But, he'll take whatever he can get because it's unfair to expect something more from someone who's straight to begin with.

As they reached the Jewellery shop, fully masked to not risk being recognised, they step out the car and make their way in.

"Welcome Jimin-si, " the jeweller welcomes with a huge smile, seeming starstruck even though he's met the man before, "your ring and necklace is ready." He informs. "Oh, Jungkook-si welcome too." He says, only now noticing the man coming from behind. They both bow to the jeweller and smile politely, taking off their mask.

"Jimin-si~" Jungkook says with an amused smile.

The jeweller guides them to the back room for more privacy even though there were no other customers in the shop, even so it's safer that way.

"Wow hyung this looks good." Jungkook says in awe, looking at the silver jewellery the jeweller showed them. It was a beautiful yet simple ring and matching necklace customised for Jimin only with the writing, 13, on it.

Jungkook's eyes twinkles, as he smiles brightly at the silver beauty. Jimin smiles at how innocent and pretty Jungkook looked. Just like always.

"You want one Koo?" He asks with a smile. Jungkook looks up at him and nods. "Ok let's customise one for you, i'll get it for you." Jimin nods at the jeweller, who nods in return.

"Thank you Jimin hyung." Jungkook says excitedly. "Can we get matching ones?" He widens his eyes.

Jimin's heart swell, getting matching things with Jungkook always feels like they were a couple. It wasn't the first time nor were they the only ones who bought matching items among the seven of them, but everytime it would feel like the first time and he would still feel butterflies in his stomach. It made him happy.

Agreeing with the younger, they try to decide what do they want to get.

"Hyung how about writing something that represents our friendship?" Jungkook suggests being someone who always liked having meaning in everything he does as he looks at the ring and chain they had selected for them.

"Like what?" Jimin asks, thinking to himself about what could they write.

"Umm maybe Me + You?" Jungkook states unsure.

"Why?" Jimin asks curiously, while his heartbeat sped up.

"You are me, i am you." Jungkook smiles softly with a little blush on his cheeks as he felt a little embarrassed suddenly to be proposing this idea.

Jimin smiles widely, cooing at the younger. "Ok, great idea. Let's get it."

They place their order and complete the formalities and payments, getting a later date to collect their customised jewellery. Grabbing Jimin's ring and necklace they both make their way out.

"I'm hungry, let's grab something to eat." Jungkook suggests as they get into the car again and Jimin nods.

Since Jungkook was craving McDonald's, they both order enough for all seven of them to take home, it was about to be lunch time and since it's only the second day of their break time, it was highly unlikely anyone of them was stepping a foot into the kitchen. They rarely ever did at home anyways, being always busy in work and during breaks all they wanted to do was stay in their rooms conveniently.

They reach home, calling loudly to the others to come eat. It was 13:07 pm and the only ones awake were Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok along with them both. Jin had been gaming at night despite being tired and Taehyung obliged too upon being asked, so they are still in dreamland.

As much as the five of them wanted to let the both rest, they decided it would be better if they ate as long as the food was fresh so they decided to wake them both up, it's not like they had anything else to do afterwards other than what they personally decide.


It all starts in the next Chapter yall.😄

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