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"So, are you going to say something or not?" Jungkook inquired looking at the frozen male next to him. He turned his phone off, placing it on the nightstand next to him and turned his body to face Jimin, giving him his undivided attention.

"Hyung?" He shook the other, seeing he was simply unmoving and staring at him with wide eyes.

"Who- who told you that?" Jimin whispered out instead, still processing what's happening.

"Tae hyung did. Now answer my question hyung." Jungkook whined impatiently.

"N-no it's not true." Jimin blurted out quickly, averting his gaze to his phone as he cursed Taehyung in his head. He tried pretending he didn't care but unfortunately for him Jungkook was far too good at reading his expressions. He was caught in his lie.

"Hyung look at me." Jungkook demanded with a sigh. Jimin ignores him and continues staring at meaningless things on his phone, praying to god that Jungkook would just drop this topic. Why in the world would Taehyung all of a sudden after 8 years tell anybody about this? How could he possibly tell Jungkook who his crush was? Part of him feels bad for hiding something from Jungkook, he almost never liked hiding anything from the younger.

"Hyung!" Jungkook huffs, moving near Jimin and snatching his phone. Jimin snaps his head towards Jungkook, who looked at him with raised brow.

"Kook give me my phone, i have nothing else to say." Jimin simply says with a poker face. He would have to try to be unbothered about this if he wanted Jungkook to believe him because he knows once he's told Jungkook he had a crush, there was no way Jungkook was gonna let him go without knowing who it was. Gotta resist right from the beginning.

"No i'm not giving your phone until you tell me who it was." Jungkook stubbornly shakes his head.

"But i already told you it's not true. I didn't have a crush." Jimin tries to deny.

"And you really want me to believe that hyung?" Jungkook squints his eyes at the older.

Jimin sighs. How could he make Jungkook believe him or atleast make him drop the topic? Jimin wonders.

Instead of answering, Jimin leans forward and tries to snatch his phone back. Jungkook puts his arm behind his back seeing the attempt.

"Jungkook, give back my phone!" Jimin says in irritation.

"Nope!" Jungkook stubbornly says, leaning backwards to make it harder for Jimin.

"Jungkook, stop! I'm warning you!" Jimin says in a low voice with raised brow, now getting on his knee on the bed as he leans more on Jungkook and throws his hands around Jungkook to grab his phone. But, Jungkook's form was bigger compared to him, although Jimin had been working out alot lately, so he was even stronger than before.

Jungkook didn't say anything but he gave Jimin a teasing smile and switched the phone from his right hand to his left just to trick Jimin. Jimin shook his head in annoyance, grabbing onto Jungkook's waist so he could push him down the bed to render the other defenseless. He doesn't like being challenged especially when he's on edge about not getting caught.

Jimin pushes Jungkook down, Jungkook struggling to push him as his hands were behind his back. Jimin evil grins at Jungkook, getting on top of him as Jungkook gives up fighting back knowing he wouldn't be able to with his hands at the back and just lays on the bed, trying to atleast secure the phone in his hand.

"You are trapped, give me the phone Jungkook-si!" Jimin sits on top of Jungkook's abdomen, smirking as he held his hand out, roleplaying as some guard who just caught a thief.

"Never." Jungkook chuckles smugly.

"You're going to regret it if you don't." Jimin warns, tone still playing around yet totally meaning his words.

"First, tell me who was your crush?" Jungkook demands, head plopped on the bed in a relaxed manner.

"You're the one under me Jungkook, you really think you can negotiate?" Jimin raises a brow teasingly with a scoff.

"Hyung~ what's so bad about telling me who you used to have a crush on, unless..." Jungkook raises a brow, "..unless you still like that person?" He completes, watching all the colours drain out of Jimin's face. What? How could i not know?

"Shit! Hyung! It's true! You still love her?" Jungkook chuckles in disbelief as Jimin tries to compose himself.

Not her you idiot, it's you. Jimin so badly wants to facepalm right now. Why was Jungkook reading him so well right now? Stop!!!!

"No i don't." Jimin denies calmly, rolling his eyes and folding his arms on his chest.

"Oh so you aren't going to deny you had a crush now?" Jungkook smiled amusedly, catching the older red handed.

Jimin freezes on the spot, cursing himself in his head. Why did he have to be such an idiot. This was it, there was no way out now. Part of him wishes to just confess but he knows better that it would not end well. He doesn't want things to be awkward between them or for their group when Jungkook rejects him, he would never want to risk losing his precious bond with the younger just because he loves him in more ways than one.

"Don't just freeze on top of me, spill Jimin-si."

Jimin sighs. He was not going to give up so easily. "Jungkook, stop being so stubborn and just give me my phone back and go back to your room. It's getting late." Jimin leans forward and grabs Jungkook's right arm, trying to pull it from behind his back.

Jungkook resists Jimin nonetheless. "Wow hyung, you don't wanna tell me to the extent that now you're trying to throw me out of your room?" Jungkook says, hurt that the older was being so secretive to the point where he'd for the first time told him to leave his room.

"Jungkook. Don't. Stop giving me that expression!" Jimin says defeatedly after seeing Jungkook look at him with betrayal and hurt in his eyes. Pulling Jungkook's right hand also proved unfruitful as the phone had been in his left hand, making Jimin sigh. If this continued on, he would end up spilling the truth.


Sorry for the delay guys, i got caught up in school and tuition and also had a panic attack today so i was not feeling too well but now i feel better. So i'm back.

No mission for today, next chapter comes tomorrow around the same time or maybe earlier. You can still try to find One reference if you want but next will be out tomorrow regardless.

But try to guess what happens next. What will Jimin do?

Also, can you guys believe i almost d!ed on friday?😃😭

Book One: Selfless Love [Jikook]Where stories live. Discover now