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Author: guys, in this story, Age of Ultron haven't happened yet. But yes, Peter as Spiderman is here already. Okay, let's continue<3


Y/N get into the back seat with Ned and MJ. She greeted everyone and kisses MJ's cheek and May's cheek, May is driving them for today. MJ has a car, but she didn't feel like driving today. Peter, Y/N, and Ned are saving up to buy the exact same looking car because their minds work that way.

"Hello, aunt May. Looking beautiful as ever." Y/N grins, and relaxes herself.

May laughed, driving off. "Always the charmer, Y/N. Thank you."

"Of course." Y/N giggled.

Peter groaned from the passenger seat, "Y/N, stop flirting with my aunt." He said.

Everyone laughed except for Peter.

"I am not flirting with aunt May!" Y/N defended herself. "I'm just telling her that she looks great, as she should hear Peter. You know what? You should take notes from me, maybe then you'll have yourself a girlfriend." She teased and stick her tongue out.

"Shut up." Peter blushed while glancing at MJ through the rear-view mirror.



"Yo, Parker!"

Y/N and MJ looked at Flash, and they rolled their eyes. Flash is an asshole who likes to bully people to show that he's cool. But really, he's just plain stupid and an asshole. (We're talking about Flash in the Amazing Spider-man because he's best fit for this one.)

Great, where's our Prof when we need him? Y/N thought, rolling her eyes again.

Peter ignored Flash and continue his conversation with Ned. This is their last period and they hope it will end with peace.

But of course, assholes are assholes.

Flash pushed Peter away, but because he's got some spider senses, and yes, Y/N knows about Peter being Spiderman. MJ and Ned also knows.

Since Peter's reflexes are fast, he immediately balanced himself before he could touch the floor.

"Ooh," Flash mocked, smirking.

Y/N rolled her eyes, she knows Peter wouldn't do anything. He's a sweeheart. "Back off, Slowpoke." She said, calling Flash opposite his name.

Flash looked at Y/N, "Or what?"

"Or you'll regret it." Y/N answered, not backing out.

"Y/N, come on. It's not worth it." Peter said, trying to pull Y/N away.

"Yeah, listen to your puppy, L/N." Flash said, smirking.

Y/N clenched her jaw, glaring at Flash. She can take him down without even trying, she's literally an Agent that works for S.H.I.E.L.D., but she decided against it. She took a deep breath and allowed MJ and Peter to pull her away.

"That's right, scoot along, losers!" Flash shouted, before turning to his friends, "Did you see Black Widow in action last night at the news? Damn, right? I'd fuck her good if I could."

Y/N stopped dead in her tracks upon hearing that. Her blood boil. She may not be close with Natasha, but she still cares for her and there's no way she'll let someone disrespect her like that.

"Oh, you're fucked." MJ muttered and let go of Y/N. She knows there's no way she could stop her best friend now.

Peter did the same, sighing and shaking his head.

"Yeah, he's fucked." Ned agreed as he starts filming.

Y/N turned around and calmy walk towards Flash. "What the fuck did you say?" She husked.

By now, everyone's looking at them. Y/N never lose her shit, so this is new for all of them.

Flash faced Y/N, smirking. "About Black Widow? Oh, nothing, just gonna fuck her good if I have the chance." He said and crossed his arms.

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "Oh, really?"

Flash smirked. "Really."

Y/N didn't say anything, she just swing her arm and her knuckles collided onto Flash's jaw. He couldn't take the impact and he fell to the floor, groaning as he held his jaw.

Y/N looked down, "Put a fucking respect in her name and you know what? Don't even say her name. And don't fucking mess with my friends again, or I'll make sure you get more than a punch on your jaw."

Everyone cheered, while Peter grabbed Y/N, pulling her away.

"Fucking asshole, disrespecting Natasha." Y/N muttered, clenching her jaw. "Come on, class is almost done."

— After hours of spending time at Peter's house, chilling with her friends and making their research, Y/N's ready to go home and Maria is now waiting for her outside.

"Bye, bro." Y/N hugged Peter.

"You take care, I'll see you later." Peter smiles.

Y/N nodded, and waved at May. She smiles widely, "Bye, aunt May. Have a good night!"

Peter slightly pushed Y/N away, "No flirting with my aunt!"

"I was just saying good night! Oh my god!" Y/N laughed.

"Good night, sweetie!" May shouted from inside the house.

"Go!" Peter glared.

Y/N giggled before walking away. She saw Maria's car and get into the passenger side. "Hey, Maria."

"Hey, sweetie." Maria smiles. "Ready?"

Y/N nodded, "Always."

It's always Maria who picks her up, if not May, or Tony. But never Natasha. Maybe one or two times, but that's it. And she tried her best not to overthink about it, it's not like they have the best relationship and she understands that Natasha have a lot to do, more important than picking up a college student from her university.

But whoever's picking her up must not get out of the car, aside from May, of course. It's because people might recognize them and Y/N likes to keep her life private. Aside from her best friends, no one else knows that she's got the Avengers as her family.

"Thanks, Maria." Y/N smiles, unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Anytime, sweetie." Maria smiles. "So, we'll have new deliveries and I think you'd like some of them, especially the submachine guns, wanna check them out?"

Y/N's eyes sparkled with joy, "Yes!"

Maria smiles widely, "Alright. Come to work early and I'll show you."

Y/N nodded, she leaned in and kissed Maria's cheek. She likes kissing her family's cheeks, it's her way of showing that she cares. She's not good with her words, she's more of an action type of affection. And her family adores that. Though, Y/N never hold or kissed the redhead, she's too shy and scared for the rejection. She knows Natasha doesn't like being touched, so she never tried, besides they aren't even friends.

Y/N bid Maria good bye and starts making her way inside the compound. She greeted the people she passes by and get inside the elevator. Since she already ate at Peter's, she won't be eating dinner. But a glass of water will do.

The elevator dinged and she got out. Greeting the AI back when JARVIS greeted her. She walked towards the kitchen and sees her family there.

Her Widow • Natasha Romanoff x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now