I'm Sorry

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"Hey, good evening." Y/N said and smiles.

There was a chorus of greetings from everyone.

"Come on, sit. I'll make you a plate." Steve said.

"Oh no, it's okay. I already ate with Peter and aunt May. Thanks." Y/N said, smiling.

"So, what happened?" Tony asked.

Y/N grabbed herself a glass of water, "With what?"

"Your friend, Ned, sent me a video saying: Mr. Stark, don't ask how I got your contact. But this is a video of Y/N earlier, kicking ass without a sweat. Watch it and make her an Avenger already!" Tony said with a smirk.

Natasha looked up and frowned, "You got into trouble?"

"What? No!" Y/N shook her head. Taking a mental note to kill Ned later. "I just defended myself... sort of."

"Well, are you hurt?" Bruce asked, worried.

Y/N finished her water and washed the glass, then drying her hands. "No, don't worry. I'm fine."

"This is an unacceptable behavior! I won't tolerate this and you getting into trouble, Y/N." Natasha said, anger in her tone.

Y/N frowned. "What? That's so unfair! You don't even know what happened! Why is it automatically my fault?"

"Go to your room!" Natasha raised her voice.

The frown on Y/N's face vanished, replaced by nothing. Emotionless. She looked at Natasha, "Gladly."

Everyone watched as Y/N walked out and getting inside the elevator.

"Nat," Steve sighed. "That was uncalled for." He said.

"We don't even know what happened." Thor said. "And knowing Lady Y/N, I'm sure she didn't do anything wrong." He added.

"Let's find out." Tony said and placed down his phone, making a hologram onto the table.

Then he pressed play.

"What the fuck did you say?" Y/N asked, her voice deep and dangerous. 

"About Black Widow? Oh, nothing, just gonna fuck her good if I have the chance." He said, smirking and crossed his arms.

"Oh, really?" Y/N said with an eyebrow raised.

He smirked. "Really."

Y/N didn't say anything, she just swing her arm and her knuckles collided onto the boy's jaw and he fell to the floor, groaning as he held his jaw.

Y/N looked down, "Put a fucking respect in her name and you know what? Don't even say her name. And don't fucking mess with my friends again, or I'll make sure you get more than a punch in your jaw."

Everyone cheered, while Peter grabbed Y/N, pulling her away.

"Fucking asshole, disrespecting Natasha." Y/N muttered, clenching her jaw. "Come on, class is almost done."

The video ended.

Natasha sighed, feeling bad now. Y/N was just protecting her from that disrespect even though they don't really get along. And she's protecting her friends from getting bullied.

"See? She was doing what's right." Thor said.

Natasha excused herseld and stood up, going to the elevator and pressing for her and Y/N's floor.

It's not that she doesn't like Y/N, no, completely opposite. It's just that she doesn't know how this motherhood works. She cannot have children, she physically cannot have her own. Where she came from or where she was trained, they have this ceremony wherein they sterilized girls, to avoid getting pregnant and continue serving and doing missions. So, Natasha really have no idea what to do with Y/N or how she should act around her.

And really, if she can just talk to Y/N, she'd tell her that they should be just friends. Because that's what she can give Y/N, not being a mother. Besides Y/N is old enough to be just her friend.

The elevator dinged and she stepped out.

She walked towards Y/N's room and took a deep breath, she knocked two times and opened the door, using her handprint.

Y/N looked up from her book, "Yes?"

Natasha sighed, "Hey..."

"Hey." Y/N nodded, "If you're here to teach me a lesson, then just go ahead. I don't care anymore."

Natasha shook her head. "No, no. I'm here to apologize."

Now that's something.

"For what?" Y/N asked.

"For assuming you've done something wrong. I'm sorry. And also... thank you, for honoring my name and for being a good friend to your best friends. I..." Natasha licked her lips, "I'm proud of you for doing what's right, принцесса." Princess.

Y/N's heart skipped a beat.

"That's all, have a good night sleep." Natasha added before she turned around and walked out of the room.

Shocked, Y/N just watched as her door closed. That was the first close to conversation that they had for almost two years.

"What the fuck just happened?"

Her Widow • Natasha Romanoff x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now