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Everyone that Natasha and Y/N deeply cared about are all present to witness them seal their love and to live together forever.

Maria, Fury, Pepper, Peter, May, MJ, Ned, Clint's family, and the boys.

The ceremony is taking place at the back of the Avengers' Tower where everything started for Y/N and Natasha.

Everyone is dressed up nicely and there's smiles on their faces.

Today is a great day.

Sighing deeply, Natasha gulped. She's already waiting at the end of the aisle for Y/N, ready to marry the love of her life. She's never been so nervous in her life, her heart is hammering against her chest, both from nervousness and excitement.

Everyone turned once they heard the music.

Natasha's breath hitched as she looked at Y/N, everyone vanished and it's just Y/N. Just the love of her life.

Y/N smiles, looking at everyone before looking at Natasha and her smile widened. She wanted to cry, she's so happy.

Natasha bit her lip, smiling. She's getting emotional but she controlled her feelings, she just want Y/N to walk faster and hold her hand. But she took a deep breath to calm herself down, she'll let Y/N have her moment. "You're so beautiful." She mouthed.

Y/N smiles, blushing. "So do you." She mouthed back.

Then finally, Y/N's in front of Natasha.

"Take care of her, Romanoff." Tony said, he walked Y/N down the aisle on behalf of Y/N's dad.

Natasha nodded her head at Tony, "You know I will, Stark." She said.

Tony smiles, taking a deep breath before nodding his head and walking towards Pepper. He's emotional.

Natasha helped Y/N and they stand in front of Thor, holding each other's hands.

Y/N's trying her best not to cry.

"Hi." Natasha whispered, smiling.

"Hi." Y/N whispered back, smiling.

Thor cleared his throat, holding a book that Laura prepared for him so he'll know what to say. "Lady Natasha and Lady Y/N, have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?"

"I have." Y/N answered, smiling.

"I have." Natasha answered too, keeping eye contact with Y/N. She doesn't want to look away.

Thor nodded his head, "Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?"

"I am." Y/N answered.

"I am." Natasha answered, caressing Y/N's hands.

Everyone watches in awe, May and Peter are crying.

"Now, for the vows." Thor said, looking at Natasha and Y/N.

"I'm gonna go first because I don't think I can talk and cry at the same time." Y/N said.

Everyone laughed.

"Go on, my love." Natasha said, smiling.

"I, Y/N L/N, take you, Natasha Romanoff, to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life. I promise to love you even more as days goes by, to love you with all my heart even in our toughest days." Y/N licked her lips, taking a deep breath to control her emotions.

Natasha smiles, squeezing Y/N's hands.

"I-I promise to be there for you every step of the way, to save people and the world side by side and to always be there for you no matter what." Y/N said and smiles.

"Lady Natasha." Thor spoke.

Natasha took a deep breath, "I, Natasha Romanoff, take you, Y/N L/N, to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life. I promise to love you with all my heart, I promise to protect you. I promise that I will never waste the love that you're giving me, I promise that I will take care of you until my last breath." She said, reaching out to wipe Y/N's tears.

"I've never know what love is, I didn't think that it's possible for me to experience this. But you showed me wrong, you showed me, and still showing me that I'm worth loving. That I can love and be loved, and that no matter what I did, I'm still worthy of your love. I promise to cherish that for the rest of my life." Natasha finished,

"Oh, God." Y/N chuckled, crying.

Natasha smiles, wiping Y/N tears away.

"Oh my god." MJ cried, clinging onto Peter. Ned is also crying now.

"Our best friend is getting married." Ned cried.

Lila Barton came up, holding the rings.

"Thank you, sweetie." Y/N smiles at Lila, taking the ring for Natasha while Natasha smiles at Lila and also took the ring for Y/N.

Lila giggled and went back to her parents.

"Do you, Lady Y/N, take Lady Natasha to be your wife?" Thor asked.

"I do, until the end of our eternity." Y/N answered, smiling and putting the ring on Natasha's finger.

Natasha's heart thumped.

"And do you, Lady Natasha, take Lady Y/N to be your wife?" Thor asked.

Natasha smiles, "I do, until the end of our eternity." She said and put the ring on Y/N's finger.

Y/N smiles widely.

Thor put down the book and grabbed Mjölnir, "Now, by the power that I possessed as the God of Thunder, I pronounce you, wife and wife! You may now seal it with a kiss!"

Natasha didn't hesitate and pulled Y/N closer, kissing her passionately and officially sealing their vows of forever.

Everyone cheered loudly, happy for the two women.

"Yes!!! That's my best friend!!!" MJ yelled, clapping.

"Our best friend!!!" Peter and Ned yelled too.

"This is beautiful." Tony said, wiping a tear that managed to escape from his eyes. Pepper smiles, rubbing Tony's back.

"I love you." Y/N whispered as they rests their foreheads together.

"I love you more, detka." Natasha whispered back, smiling.

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