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"What's so important that you summoned all of us here, Lady Natasha and Lady Y/N?" Thor asked.

Y/N chuckled. "Summoned? What are you all? Bunch of demons?"

Everyone aside from Thor chuckled.

"Demons? Oh no, we are not Lady Y/N. I am a God and even though—"

"She was joking, Thor." Clint said, cutting off the God of Thunder.

Thor nodded and laughed, "Oh. Okay, good one, Lady Y/N. You have to teach me some of your jokes, I will tell it to my people at Asgard."

Y/N giggles, "Oh you are so cute, Thor. You're even more innocent than Steeb."

Steve rolled his eyes, chuckling.

Thor's eyes widened at what Y/N said. "I-I don't think calling me such name is okay with Natasha, Lady Y/N. I don't want to cause any trouble between you two."

"Yeah, Y/N." Natasha agreed to Thor, raising an eyebrow at Y/N. "Listen to Thor."

"Wait," Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, "Why did you say that, Thor? Causing trouble between me and Nat? You know something?" She asked because they haven't told the team yet, they just got back from their home.

"You two literally walked in, hand in hand." Tony pointed out, "And Natasha's holding your waist." He added.

"Oh," Y/N blushed, "Of course, continue." She said and cleared her throat.

"We're getting married." Natasha announced. "Like, seriously getting married."

Tony dramatically gasped, hand in his chest.

Bruce smiles widely, patting Tony's back for being a dramatic diva.

Clint cheered loudly and went to hug Natasha.

Steve and Thor went to Y/N and hugged her, smiling widely.

"That was the path that you two ended up with? Not mothe—"

"No." Natasha interrupted Tony. "Don't even say it, you're the only one pushing it."

"Okay, fine." Tony shrugged and smiles, he approached Y/N and hugged her. "I'm happy for you, kid."

Y/N smiles and hugged Tony back, "Thank you, Tony. For everything." She whispered.

Tony smiles and kissed Y/N's head. Then he looked at Natasha, "You better take care of this girl, if you break her heart, you'll have to deal with me." He said, even though he's kind of scared of Natasha, he still wants to say that, for Y/N. He really cared about Y/N, she's like a daughter to him.

Natasha chuckled, she do appreciate the love Tony has for Y/N. "I wouldn't even think about it, Tony." She said.

"Good." Tony said, smiling at Natasha.

"Group hug!!!" Y/N shouted, giggling.

The Avengers formed a circle, wrapping their arms around each other, making a group hug.

"For the next chapter of Natasha and Y/N's lives." Steve said, smiling.

"For Natasha and Y/N!" The boys shouted and they all laughed in happiness.

"Oh and Thor," Y/N looked at Thor. "You're gonna be our marriage officiant because you're a God." She said and giggled.

"What is a marriage officiant?" Thor asked, confused.

"Tony, explain it to him." Natasha said and pulled away from the group hug, taking Y/N's hand and pulling her away from the boys. "Clint, go and pick up your family." She said.

"Why?" Clint asked.

"We're gonna get married today." Y/N answered, giggling. "We already talked to Fury, we asked to spare this day for all of us."

"Today?!" Tony gasped.

"Yeah and why not? Life is short, people!" Y/N said, "So we better move now! We have a wedding to prepare!" She said, letting go of Natasha's hand so she can clap.

"Yes, Ma'am!" Steve said and nodded his head. "Wait, what are we gonna do exactly?"

"Oh," Y/N nodded her head and fished out a piece of paper from her pocket. "Here's the list of your tasks boys, better do them with care and love." She said handing the paper to Bruce.

"You could've texted it." Tony said.

"But I didn't," Y/N talked back, "Now go, oh my god!" She said, rolling her eyes.

But before the boys can move, Y/N stopped them.

"Wait!" Y/N spoke.

Even Natasha stopped and looked at Y/N.

"What?" Clint asked.

"I need to say the line." Y/N grinned.

"What line?" Natasha asked.

Y/N cleared her throat and made a serious face, "Avengers!" She shouted, "Assemble." She added with her normal tone.

They all laughed, shaking their heads.

That's gonna be my wife. Natasha thought, smiling.

Her Widow • Natasha Romanoff x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now