Natasha's Place

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"What's in the bag?" Y/N asked, pointing the the bag that Natasha's carrying.

Natasha hold Y/N's hand with her free hand, "Just some things for our date tonight." She answered with a smile.

Y/N grins, "You're a softie."

"Only the best for you, dorogoy." Natasha said, smirking. "And you looked really beautiful, Y/N." She added, smiling.

Y/N blushed, smiling. "Thank you, you're beautiful too, Nat. You're always so beautiful."

Natasha smiles, kissing Y/N's knuckles. "Thank you, Y/N."

Y/N just smiles, her heart beating so fast. She's so happy, Natasha is the sweetest and she feels so lucky to be witnessing it, and even more lucky that she's the one experiencing this side of Natasha.

But then, Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, "Wait, why are we going towards the Quinjet?" She asked the redhead. "I know we're not going on a mission, Nat. We're going on a date, right?"

Natasha laughed, "Relax, baby. I'm taking you somewhere else, the Quinjet will get us there fast." She said.

Y/N hummed, nodding her head. "Did you changed the bed?" She asked, laughing.

Natasha laughed, opening their ride. She helped Y/N before stepping up herself, "Yes, I did because Clint used it. But this isn't the same Quinjet, Steve's using that one right now." She said because Steve's out on a mission.

"Oh, poor Steve." Y/N said, giggling.

Natasha closed the Quinjet, "He doesn't know, so it's alright." She said.

"Yeah, because if anyone knows, then we really need to burn it down." Y/N said and they laughed.



"Where are we?" Y/N asked, confused as fuck.

Natasha smiles, landing the Quinjet at this abandoned woods. "You'll see, come on." She said, grabbing the bag.

Confused, Y/N stood up.

They stepped out and Natasha closed the Quinjet as they walk further inside the forest.

"This looks like an abandoned woods." Y/N said as she looks around, staying alert if ever.

"It's not, it's a private place, Y/N." Natasha said and chuckled. She's really excited for this one, she knows this will be worth it, she's ready to share this to Y/N.

"You're not gonna kill me, right?" Y/N joked, playfully glaring at Natasha.

"No." Natasha said, chuckling. "I can't live without you." She smirked.

Y/N actually melted, she blushed. "I never expected the Black Widow to say such thing."

"Well, I didn't expect us to be dating. But here we are." Natasha said, smiling.

Y/N sighs happily, clinging onto Natasha's arm. Then she raised her eyebrows as they starts walking on a white sand, and Y/N can hear the waves from the ocean. "What..."

Natasha took a deep breath, smiling.

Y/N gasped, seeing the beautiful beach. "Where are we?" She asked.

"My place." Natasha whispered, "This is my home, Y/N." She added.

"What?" Y/N gasped, shocked. Then she saw a house, and it's so beautiful.

"While Clint have his farm, I have this." Natasha said, smiling. "Aside from Fury, Clint and his family, you're the only person that knows this place exists."

Y/N pouted, deeply moved. She looked at Natasha, "And you brought me here for our first date?"

Natasha smiles, "Yes. I'm sure about you, Y/N. I've never liked someone like this." She said as they start walking towards the house.

Y/N smiles, squeezing Natasha's hand.

— After giving Y/N a house tour, they went back outside at the beach after changing into comfortable clothes and Natasha made some fire so they can be warm since it's now evening, she also laid down a blanket for Y/N so she can be more comfortable. The redhead also prepared lots of foods and drinks for Y/N to choose from, she really went all in with this because she wants Y/N to feel special and happy.

That's what Y/N do to her, making her feel special and happy without even trying and Natasha just know that she won't ever let Y/N go, she's the one. She never thought she'll ever find someone to share her life with, but here she is, in her secret home having her first date with Y/N.

"This is so beautiful and so peaceful." Y/N said, admiring the ocean and the moon. "I love it here."

Admiring Y/N, Natasha smiles. "You're always welcome here, babe." She said.

Y/N looked at Natasha and she smiles, "Thank you, Nat. For sharing this to me, I promise, I'm not going to waste your trust." She said, and kissed Natasha's shoulder.

Natasha smiles, "I can promise you the same thing." She said, and for the first time, she's confident with that promise. She never liked promises because of obvious reasons, the shit that she's been through but with Y/N, she's always sincere.

Y/N smiles, and rests her head against Natasha's shoulder. "This is perfect." She whispered, listening to the waves and watching the the view.

Natasha hummed, smiling and kissing Y/N's head. "You're perfect." She whispered and rests her head on Y/N's head, smiling.

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