Girlf- what?

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The next morning, Y/N found herself in a car.

Not just any car, but Natasha's car. One of the redhead's sports cars. And Y/N is excited because Natasha's actually the one driving her to her university. Well, she won't be going there to attend her classes. She's being homeschooled, considering her busy schedule as an Agent and Avenger. She's just going to get her remaining stuff at her locker.

Still, Y/N was excited that Natasha took the time to be with her. It means a lot to her.

"Thank you, Natasha." Y/N said after some time.

Natasha glanced towards Y/N, "For what?"

"For taking the time to come with me." Y/N answered, smiling shyly.

Natasha smiles, "Of course, принцесса." Princess.

Y/N looked away and bit her lip, there's just something about Natasha's pet names for her that makes her weak. Is that a normal reaction? My family would call me pet names too but why is it different with Natasha? She wondered.

Not long after, they have arrived. Y/N told Natasha to just wait for her in the car while she gets her stuff and the redhead just nodded.

While walking inside the campus, students were looking at her and greeting her here and there. You can say that she's kind of popular around their campus, it's expected, I mean she's smart, beautiful, and she stand up for what is right, she's not afraid to call someone in their wrong doings— in short, she doesn't tolerate bullshits.

She made it to her locker and smiles widely when she saw that her best friends are there, waiting for her. They all went to the tower the other day to welcome her back, and to congratulate her for succeeding her first solo mission, and of course for being part of the Avengers. It was an awesome day for her and for everyone.

She greeted her best friends with hugs.

"You guys coming to the party later?" Y/N asked, proceeding to pack away her stuff.

"Are you kidding? Of course, we are!" Ned answered.

Tony's sticking to his words and obsession with parties. He'll be throwing a welcome back slash congratulations slash welcome to the team party for Y/N.

"Good, I'll see y'all later then." Y/N smiles and closed her locker.

The party will be held later tonight.

Y/N and her friends starts walking out, Ned, Peter, and MJ still have classes, but they wanted to walk Y/N out. They neared Natasha's car, her windows are tinted, and you cannot see inside.

Before Y/N could say good bye to her friends, someone walked up and decided to ruin the moment.

"Well, if it isn't the missing kid." Flash smirked. After Y/N disappeared for two months, he gained his role back. And that is being an asshole. So he thinks that he can do it all over again. "Decided to come back? Don't have anyone to care for you?"

Y/N was about to say something when the driver's door of the car opened, Natasha got out and swiftly made a u-turn to walk towards Y/N.

Everyone's jaw dropped upon seeing The Black Widow. They rarely see her in person, maybe never. Only in the news. And to see her like this is and up close is unbelievable. It's such a sight to see, something that they won't ever forget.

"Hey, baby." Natasha husked, looking at Y/N.

Y/N blushed. What is she doing? She thought.

"W-Why is she calling you baby?" Flash asked.

"Because Ms. Black Widow is Y/N's girlfriend!" Ned bursts out.

Everyone's eyes widened, except for Natasha.

"Oh, Ned." MJ mumbled, shaking her head.

"Girlfr— what?" Flash was shocked.

"Ned!" Y/N's eyes widened and her mouth agape.

MJ laughed, while Peter stood there awkwardly.

"I mean..." Ned scratched his head.

Natasha only smirks, an idea popped in her head. She smoothly wrapped an arm around Y/N's waist, pulling her closer. "You ready to leave?"

Y/N gulped. "Y-Yes, Nat."

"Come on then." Natasha smirks. She opened the passenger door for Y/N.

"Bye guys, see y'all later." Y/N mumbled and got inside the car.

Natasha closed the door and turned to Y/N's friends, "We'll see you later."

The three friends immediately nodded their heads, too intimidated to actually answer.

Natasha turned to Flash, she raised an eyebrow. Smirking when the boy flinched, scared. "And you, get a life and stop bullying people. If I hear something or if you mess with Y/N's friends again, I will personally make sure your life will be a living hell. You understand?"

Flash almost peed himself. He nodded, squeaking out a yes before running away.

Natasha smirked, "Have a great day." She said and walked towards the driver's side.

Natasha got in, she buckled up and drove off.

"W-Why didn't you corrected Ned?" Y/N asked, blushing. Oh my god, what the fuck is happening to me? And why is she acting this way? Am I going crazy? Maybe head butting Hydra Agents did damage to my head! She thought.

Natasha didn't know either. But she rather be known as Y/N's girlfriend rather than her mom. As to why? She's got no idea. And she doesn't even know if she wants to find out.

"I didn't wanna ruin the moment." Natasha answered then, chuckling.

"What if they put that online? What will the news say to you?" Y/N asked, concerned.

"Y/N," Natasha smiles. "Don't worry too much. Besides, it's modern days, people are more open about LGBTQ. And quite honestly, I don't care what people say or think about me."

"That's good to know," Y/N sighs. "But like... are you?" She asked, curious.

"Am I what?" Natasha asked.

"Part of the community..." Y/N mumbled, blushing. God, I'm blushing often these days.

"Oh," Natasha smirked. "Let's just say that I am, but for different reasons."

Y/N furrowed her eyebrows, "What does that mean?"

Natasha just hummed, shrugging. Leaving Y/N with a confusion on what it meant.

Her Widow • Natasha Romanoff x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now