13. Butterflies

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Buck came home from school and it was one of the days where Michael took him home. He could see how something was wrong and tried to ask the child in the car, but he was no Bobby and Athena. In the child's eyes he was still an outsider and a lurker, he could sense it, but he was okay with that. The boys been through a lot and his situation is quiet confusing with his sister having 3 parents equally involved in her life.

He knocked on the boys door as he glanced at his watch knowing it'll be over 2 hours before anybody else is home.

"Hey Buck, why don't you come get something to eat. I know you like chips after school."

The boy exited his room with his book bag and started occupying himself with whatever homework he'd been assigned.

"You don't have to try so hard Michael I'm okay." The boy eventually said to him without even lifting his eyes from his paper.

Michael sighed but nodded. "Okay. I just worry that's all, if you ever need to let somebody in who isn't your immediate family I'll listen."

"Aren't you family now?" He asked glancing up for a second and then quickly avoided the mans eyes.

Michael sighed again. He knew he was supposed to, but this wasn't his home, and this wasn't his son, and everything still felt so new. He was afraid that Bobby would get territorial one day and make him leave causing him to never see his daughter again. He also knew it was wrong to feel that way as Bobby is great and welcoming and literally agreed to this entire situation, he's just always been a worrier.

"Well I guess so?" Is what he settled on.

Buck nodded. "Sometimes I feel that way still." His lips twitched and Michael was curious for him to go on. "You don't know if one day they'll leave you behind, and you're powerless to what happens after that."

"Sometimes you speak like you're not 11." Michael told him.

"Well I am me. I can't help that. If people don't like me then that's on them." He said sourly and then crossed his arms over his chest having Michael notice he hit a nerve on whatever had been bothering him earlier.

"Let's get some chips."


One day of returning from school upset turned into weeks of it, which caused all three adults in Evans life to grow more concerned by the day.

Finally it reached a point where Buck threw his book bag and it hit a chair in the kitchen and caused it to slam onto the floor. Luckily May had been out with Michael or it would've scared her to death. Athena was with him that day. After a moment of silence as they both took in what he did she had him sit down on the couch.

"Evan, this is no longer okay. You've reached the point of throwing things? And everyday we ask you what's wrong and you never tell us."

"You can't understand Mom."

"No? Why not?" She asked.

"Because you don't hurt people."

Athena shook her head. "Who do you hurt?"

Buck cowered in on himself as she waited for the answer. "I feel like I hurt everybody."

"You don't honey." She said seriously. "We love you."

The reminder of love seemed to convince the boy he was allowed to talk about what's been bothering him. "It's been 3 years since I came here, well almost." Athena nodded. "And I have healed some. I wore my shorts to school without even thinking about it. Everybody thinks I'm gross now because they saw marks."

Evan "Buck" Buckley-NashWhere stories live. Discover now