21. Once More

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May was worried about her big brother as her parents were taking him to the doctors a lot. She was scared and confused. One night she heard him in his room when she woke up needing water.

"Buck?" She whispered and opened the door. She found him in tears on his bed. "What's wrong?"

"May? Go back to bed." He grumbled at her.

"Why do Mommy and Daddy keep taking you away to doctors?" She just wanted to know that he was okay.

Buck wiped his eyes and turned to her. "Why are you awake?"

"I needed more water. My throat hurts." She confessed.

Buck stood and lead them to the kitchen. He filled her up a cup, it was the least she could do with all he's been putting her through. "Here." He said and walked back down the hall. She followed him back to his room.

"Bucky, please tell me what's wrong? Are you sick?" She asked as she set her cup down and then sat on bucks bed across from him.

"No, I'm not sick in the way you think. I'm sick here." He pointed to her head. "I have bad memories."

"Because you're adopted?"

"Yeah." He said with a nod.

May frowned. "I love you. You're the best older brother in the world."

Buck smiled and was about to cry. "Thank you, I love you more than you're able to imagine. You and Harry keep me going."

"I'm happy I don't have bad memories." She said innocently and Buck chuckled.

"Me too kid." He paused in a thought before speaking again. "You know before I was adopted, I had a different family." She nodded. "I used to be the little kid. I had a big sister."

"Where is she?" May questioned.

Buck frowned deeply and played with his blankets. "I don't know. Mom tried to find her and she told me she never did."

"Was she nice?" May asked listening intently to her brother speak. Nobody had ever talked to her about Buck's past.

Buck nodded with a smile. "She was the best older sister. She took care of me, my parents were really mean people, that's why I was adopted. She kept me safe from them. I miss her a lot."

May frowned picturing her brother as the older figure to soon be ripped away. "I'd miss you if that happened to me."

"It won't, I'm stuck with you forever." He said seriously and gave her a strong protective hug. "One day you'll understand more of what's happening and why. Just for now I've got some bad memories."

"May back to bed." A voice from the hallway called and soon a very tired looking Athena emerged. "We can sibling bond in the morning you've woken both me and your father."

"Sorry." Buck said awkwardly, he didn't realize talking full volume would wake them up, but they are both first responders and have dealt with his nightmares before, they're light sleepers.

"Night Bucky." May called taking her cup and leaving the room with her mother.

"Baby why were you in your brothers room at 3 in the morning?" Buck heard his Mom ask.

"I needed some water Mommy." Her response made Buck chuckle.

After May was tucked back in Athena went to her son's room. He was now laying back down about to fall back asleep but she sat at the foot of his bed and he sat up.

"Thank you for talking to your sister. She's been worried sick about you."

"She thought I was sick." Buck responded with.

Evan "Buck" Buckley-NashWhere stories live. Discover now