Chapter 3 - People of Ko'hatu

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Tsu'tey POV

"Help me get up." I said to the strange looking girl in front of me, she rolled her eyes and took my hand, dragging me up. Pain seared throughout my body, and for a split second I might have wished I was still dead.

She stared at me with a puzzled expression. "Hey, is everyone where you are from this tall?"

I looked at our height difference, realizing I was atleast two heads taller than her.
"I am taller than most, but most are taller than you. You are very small, are all your people this short?"

"Well.. yeah, who knew living underground for thousands of years would make us change so much." She cackled to herself.

She must find herself to be a joker... too bad it is in poor taste. "Your people are strange.. you can breathe underwater too?"

"Yes, but only for a few hours, then it gets uncomfy." She shrugged and placed her hand on the gills growing underneath her ribs.

"I see.. I need to get back to my people, I came here after traveling on a massive body of water, I thought I would never reach land again. If I could find it again then maybe.." I trailed off.

She thought for a long moment, then stared up at me. Her eyes were pale white and seemed to glow, even in the daytime. They were a lot bigger than mine, but that was probably since she lived in the dark so long. Her light purple skin was a trait you would not find in forest people, maybe the reef Na'vi... but even then I had not seen a purple Na'vi quite like her, and I have definitely never seen a reef person who had gills. She was short, but had a lot of leg mass, probably from swimming. The stripes on her skin slightly resembled the shape of scales and occasionally glittered when the sun hit them just right. Her white hair was cut unevenly just passed her shoulders, giving it a shag look. I did not know the culture of the Ko'hatu people, but she was no warrior. She was weak and had no arm muscle, and her guard was rarely up.

"Let me come with you." Her voice interrupted my thoughts.

Why would she want to do that? "No." I said flatly.

"Come on! You will die without me helping you, you can not even walk without me!" She said while letting go of my arm, which caused me to fall onto the wet rock with a slapping noise.

"Ois! What was that for!" I asked angrily.

"See, you are useless without me. Let me come with you! I have been stuck underground my entire life! I want to see what this land has to offer. There is no more war right? That was years ago..." She averted her eyes and pursed her lips.

What a strange woman. "War? You mean with the sky people." I asked.

She looked at me with much confusion. "No, I mean the Great War. Where the Clans fought for territory."

I scowled. "The Great War, was many moon cycles ago. Even before the first Toruk Makto." I said in a serious tone. Whoever these Ko'hatu people were, they turned their back on Eywa a long time ago.

"See! That is exactly what I mean. I know nothing! I can feel her. My fate, my destiny is within these lands." She said, pointing to the ground beneath her feet.

Her resolve was so powerful, she was so certain. Did she truly believe Eywa was guiding her... Perhaps her meeting me was not accidental. After all I had seen Eywa with my own two eyes, I had felt her presence crawl through my skin. She was as real as the grass that grew beneath my feet, that was a fact I could not deny. Something inside of me was calling to this woman, something much more complex than physical urge.

I sighed. "Fine you may come.. but what about your family? Are you prepared to leave them?" I questioned.

She looked away uncomfortably and put her guard up. "I am. It is not like they want me here anyways." She looked back up at me with determination, much determination, and I knew I could not say no.

Eywa's Will (Tsu'tey x OC)Where stories live. Discover now