Chapter 18 - Tracker

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"I would say Esnä's taken quite a liking to Nawkey." I whispered to Tsu'tey.

It had been two days since we left the Tipani lands, we were closing in on the third harmonic. We were heading towards a place called willow tomb, it was Northeast of the "needle region" as Esnä called it.

He says it is beautiful there. "Long ago it was closed up so that humans could never touch it."

Though I had a feeling he knew more than he was letting on, I may have been born in the rocks but I was no idiot. Esnä speaks about past events like he was there, whatever he is, he must be very old. Perhaps as old as Eywa herself.
Jake POV

After days of flying nonstop I could finally see the Omaticaya settlement, I raced towards it as fast as I could not stopping for a moment. As soon as we landed Bob collapsed, I patted his neck and thanked him generously. Quickly I ran towards me and Neytiri's home, inside I saw Mo'at sitting beside my bedridden wife. I gasped and knelt down beside her, her face was pale and her eyes were glazed over.

"Jake Sully? What are you doing here?" Mo'at said with shock.

"I came back because Neytiri was sick, what happened?"

"When she is with child her body grows sick, she had become susceptible to disease.''

"But I thought there was no disease on Pandora" I said with confusion.

"There are no native diseases that is true, but the Skywalker's have brought many things to Eywa including sickness."

"Will she be okay?''

"We can only pray."

Out of nowhere Mo'at's ears begin to cock. "There is a stranger in our midst."

"What?'' I ran out of the hut and looked around but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Somehow though, I felt a presence staring at me. I stayed there for a long time trying to figure out who it was. It would only take one wrong move, one broken twig, or one loud breath. As soon as I pinpointed their location I sprinted over and jumped into the bush tackling them. They screamed and cut me with a knife from their chest, out of surprise I let go of him. His skin was purple and his hair was white just like Awa'iti's.

"Who are you?'' I said as I stared down at his small frame.

"Let me go!'' The strange man said with a frightened look on his face. "Where are you hiding her?''

"What are you talking about?'' I asked.

"I know my sister is here! Give her to me!"

"Are you talking about Awa'iti?"

"Yes, obviously who else would I be talking about? It is not like purple skin is common around here."

"She told us that she ran away from home, usually that means that someone doesn't like you very much right? People don't just run away for no reason." I said annoyed.

"How dare you assume such a cruel thing? We have been nothing but fair and kind to her. It is not my fault she is a troublemaker."

With every word this tiny man spouted I grew angrier. "She is not your property, she has every right to leave if she wants to. Now I suggest you leave before I make you leave."

"What makes you feel so confident in yourself?"

"Well for one I am a trained warrior with years of experience, and also I am very aware that your tribe did not have any threats therefore you have no real fighting experience if any at all." I said confidently.

He stood there shocked for a moment. "How do you know that?"

"Because unlike you I actually listen to your sister."

"I do not have time for this just give me my sister!" He yelled.

"She's not even here, even if I wanted to I couldn't."

"Well where is she?"

"I'm not telling you" I said in a matter of fact voice.

"You got it all wrong, you see our tribe does not have any need for warriors because there is no war, but that does not mean there are not those of us who are trained." He then pulled his knife out, now that I got a better look at it I realized it was made of a clear rock. A type of crystal maybe?

"Alright," I said while smiling. "let's dance."

Awa'iti's POV

"We're here." Esnä whispered as he knelt down by a cavern. I could hear voices coming from inside, voices of skywalkers!

"They have found the location! Quick we have to get the harmonic released before they do!" I yelled.

Tsu'tey had already began charging into the cavern with Nawkey covering his flank.

I jumped up and followed behind, Esnä was looking worried and a bit angry. I can imagine this gave him flashbacks of the Lost Cathedral.

"This time you will stop them!" I shouted to him, he nodded his head and ran forward. As we entered the cave I gasped, it was unusually cold inside and though it was above the surface I could have sworn I was underwater.

The tree was ginormous, underneath it about two dozen skywalkers were chipping away at the bark

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The tree was ginormous, underneath it about two dozen skywalkers were chipping away at the bark. Tsu'tey yelled crazily at them so they would stop. Once they spotted us they began firing, I took cover and snuck my way over to the tree. Nawkey shot an arrow at one of them killing it instantly. He was indeed a great warrior and an excellent marksman just like the Chief said. Tsu'tey tackled two of them to the ground and bashed their heads knocking them out, I cringed at the thought of it and ran under the tree. Esnä gave me cover by taking out half a dozen of them with the vines. I quickly pulled out a piece of unobtanium that we collected and shoved it into the keyhole, a beautiful melody was released as it joined the other two inside of my head.

"I got it!" I yelled to them, they finished off the rest of the skywalkers quickly and came over to me.

"Great only one more." Esnä said while smiling.

I laughed and shoved the key into my bag.

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