Chapter 25- The End of Eywa's Will

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My surroundings were unlike anything I had ever seen, large structures that could not have been naturally occurring surrounded me, shapes and smooth textures that I had only really seen from the skywalkers machines, but these were not built for war. They seemed to be housed, or, temples? Is that what Esnä called them... in the corner of my eye I saw movement, I looked over to find the most stunning woman I had ever laid my eyes on. She had glowing white hair that seemed to be akin to shooting stars, and deep purple skin like mine own. She had four arms and a soft yet happy expression her face. She smiled heartily as if I was the first living creature she had seen since she came here, and from what I know, I probably was.

"Hello my child." She breathed, her voice was just as melodic and beautiful as her humming. It was soft and powerful, like a beating drum.

"H-hi..." I replied half heartedly, "when you mean child you do not mean literally right?" I questioned.

She laughed and wiped a tear from her face, "All who are born from my soul are my children, but no I did not conceive you if that is what you mean. However, your clan is made up of descendants from my original clan, so I guess you could say I am a distant relative." She said while winking playfully.

I could definitely understand how her and Esnä fell in love... I looked at her with confusion, I was related to the Eywa? "Why did you call me here.." I asked adamantly.

Her eyes dropped as a guilt expression flooded her face. "That is not an easy question you have asked me little one."

"Little one? You talk to me as if you have known me your entire life!" I said angrily.

"Oh, but I have." Her voice was full of a far off sadness that I could not pinpoint. She turned her starry gaze back at me with tears falling down her cheeks. "I have known you in this life, and the last."

"The...the last?" My mind began to race as I tried to understand what she was saying, she was almost as eluding as Esnä.

"Yes sweet one, all energy is only borrowed, and one day you must give it back. However, if someone with an especially strong soul were to die unrighteously, then by pure smite, their soul would stay intact, and eventually be reincarnated. It is something that happened to many of the old gods that Esnä killed."

I furrowed my sweat ridden brows at her statement. "What are you trying to say?" My voice was shaky, I had a feeling I did not want to know.

"I am saying, that before you were of this body," She said while gently placing her hand over my heart. "you we're of another, you were a god."

I slowly backed up as my head began to feel dizzy. She's lying, she had to be. A god? This has to be a sick joke.

"It is no joke." Eywa replied as if reading my mind, and it was not just you, it was Tsu'tey too."

"No way.. we were, gods?"

"Not just any gods my dear, you two were the star crossed lovers. You were the god of the constellations that crossed our skies, and he was the god of the hunt. Out of any of them, you two were the best. You were the kindest, and he was the most powerful. In fact, I was one of your priestesses." Eywa proclaimed.

"Excuse me?"

She smiled softly and nodded her head. "I loved you dearly, you were my life. I am sorry that my actions had led to your family being broken, it was selfish of me to lead you here."

"Then why??? And why did you bring Tsu'tey back to life when you know how much that hurt you when Esnä brought you back? You are just as bad as him!" I yelled.

She dropped her head in shame. "I know. I have no room to judge him. I loved Esnä, I was hurt by his actions, but after years apart, I can atleast understand them. I resurrected Tsu'tey because he meant so much to you, and my duty was to serve you. I could not stand to see the story happen again. I could not stand to see two loving souls torn apart by death. As much as it hurt me that Esnä brought me back, it hurt even more to be apart from him. I had to break the cycle. I could not stand to see it happen again.

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