Chapter 6 - Your Eyes

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We thanked the villagers and set off east to find Tsu'tey's people, only thing was that we did not know for sure if they were still there. From what I heard, the sky people destroyed his home. That was what lead to the battle that got him killed. We could only hope for the best.

"So are you ever gonna tell me about these "seasonings" you people use to make your food taste better?" I said in quotation marks as I followed behind Tsu'tey.

He chuckled. "The art of seasoning is something that cannot be learned, you have no talent for cooking. End of story."

"Tch, well it is not my fault you are too weak to catch game and cook it yourself." I snapped.

"Ha. Being weak has nothing to do with it! Once I get my strength back up you will see!" He said while flexing his very flimsy muscles.

"I will hold you to that."
"What are you making?" I asked curiously as I watched Tsu'tey bend a stick and tie it in place with a vine.

"It is a weapon, Tsko, for hunting and killing." He smiled sinisterly at me.

My face heated up, why did his smile have to be so charming.

My face heated up, why did his smile have to be so charming

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"Ahh I see, we always use nets to catch our prey."

"That does not really work on land animals."

Tsu'tey caught our dinner, and for the rest of the evening he bossed me around to find "spices" since he was too lazy to get them himself.

"That is not what I said! If you ate that then you would die idiot!" He tossed out my greenery.

"Then get them yourself IDIOT!" I repeated.

"You! You are more difficult than an angry ikran!"

"Atleast I make things interesting! You are welcome!"
"Oh my goodness! This is so good!" I said taking a bite out of the tough yet flavorful meat Tsu'tey had cooked.

He relished in my praise. "Of course it is, I made it."

"Aw, I could marry you! You would be the stay at home who cooks and cleans and I would be the breadwinner!" I joked.

He smacked me on the head. "As if. If we got married then YOU would be useless in all aspects of life including making a living for us." He said logically.

"Oh my-" I said fake blushing. "are you implying.. that you want to get married? I had no idea you thought about it so thoroughly!"

He blushed and turned away in embarrassment.

"Hehe- wait no I was just kidding! Don't be mad-"

"You should not joke about things like that Awa'iti'." he said turning back towards me, his face was only an eyelash away from mine.

My breath hitched from the closeness, his body heat was making me tingle with anxiety.
Tsu'tey's POV

Her eyes glowed beautifully in the light of the stars of the night sky. A soft blush painted her cheeks from the cool night air, and her lips were parted slightly, allowing warm air to escape her mouth. The unique, yet stunning features that made up her body dazzled in the dark. I could not take my eyes away from hers, she enthralled me.

Eywa's Will (Tsu'tey x OC)Where stories live. Discover now