Chapter 8 - The Way of the Water

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As Tsu'tey and I talked to the current heads of the village we explained to them how we met and where I came from.

"So you're saying your people have been underground for thousands of years?" Jake Sully asked.

"That might be a bit of an exaggeration, after all we lost count decades ago, but ever since the great time of sorrow we have been down there. There was no way to get back up, basically we were stuck."

"Amazing..but then, how are you here?" Neytiri questioned.

"I heard a voice calling to me, it led me down a forgotten path. The openings to the cave were sealed long before I was born, they took forever to open. That is where I first saw Tsu'tey."

"So you think it was Eywa who guided you?" Asked Jake Sully.

"Yes, after all if you were not the one who put him in that boat then who else? It was not a coincidence that I was there to save him."

"That is true, this changes things.." He mumbled.

"What are you talking about?" Tsu'tey questioned.

"Well.. the sky people, are back."

"What!!" Tsu'tey stood up angrily and slammed his fists in the table.

"Sit down!" I yelled, smacking him.

He sighed heavily and slowly sat back down.

Neytiri and Jake looked at eachother and then at me.

"Is there something on my face?" I asked.

"No! Nope! Nothing!" They chimed.

"Well then, go on."

"Okay so, apparently they found some kind of... well of souls, they think that if they can access it that they'll be able to control pandora."

(James Cameron's Avatar: The Game)

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(James Cameron's Avatar: The Game)

"There is such a place out there?" I was shocked.

Tsu'tey did say that this entire planet was one life form, but I thought he meant metaphorically! If some well is able to control the entire planet then that must mean... "The well.. is it perhaps connected to Eywa?"

"We do not know.. that information was lost long ago, but the Trees are all connections to the Great Mother. This Well, could be the greatest connection to her we have ever encountered." Neytiri explained.

"The sky walkers are back and then suddenly Tsu'tey gets resurrected and brings along a girl who can breathe underwater.. this can't be a coincidence." Jake Sully added.

"You think Tsu'tey brought me here for a reason? To help you people?" I questioned.

"I do.."

I looked at Tsu'tey but he was just as confused as I was, how could I help anyone? I was practically dead weight in most situations.

"We think the well might be underground." Neytiri said.

"Oh I see, so the sky people are trying to find it too? How?"

"At the heart of a soul tree there is... a key of sorts, if you get four of these 'keys' then you have the power to unlock the well. As for how they plan to find it.. the humans came here looking for a rock. That place is said to have giant rings of the rock they are seeking. With their machines they will be able to find the location soon."

Jake nodded. "Unobtanium."

"Ahh what does this all have to do with me though?"

"The only people who can translate these are the elders of the Tawkami Clan, and we don't have any of those in this village." Jake chuckled, which confused me.


He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "So you said your people have been underground for a long time right? You must be able to read the ancient dialect!"

"Not necessarily, but there is a good chance I might be able to. I will give it a shot." I said, not wanting to disappoint.

Jake and Neytiri smiled. "Great! We are heading out in two days."

"You are coming too right Tsu'tey?" I do not think I could stand being alone with the lovey dovey couple.

"Of course, our people from a young age learn quickly how to hunt, even how to fight. You know none of that, so I will try my best to teach you what I can in two days."

"Oh great!" I said excitedly. "I am also curious about your village, you said you guys lived in a giant tree right? It was that one yes?" I pointed to a very large mass of fallen wood, we were about three miles away from it but it was clear that the thing was massive.

He looked down angrily and nodded. "Yes, that was our home before the sky people invaded."

"It is crazy that such a strong structure could fall.." I said in awe.

"Their weapons are not to be taken lightly. They are evil."

I nodded my head, seeing the damage they had done... I could finally understand why he hated the sky peoples so much.

Tsu'tey and I looked around the village as it was new to both of us, along the way tons of different people greeted him warmly. His friends, warriors, children and women.

They were all a bit freaked out by the way I looked at first but after a while they came around.

"Lesson one on how to fight, never take your eyes off the enemy!" Tsu'tey said as he sweeped my leg.

I fell face first in the mud.

He laughed unreasonably hard.

I kicked him in the shin and he knelt over in pain.

It was my turn to laugh now.

Tsu'tey was good at training me how to fight. I assume he taught a lot of the younger warriors how to, even though he himself is pretty young.

"Tsu'tey how old are you?"

"Hmm? Why?"

"Just cause."

"I'm 21."

"Wow you really are young!"

He looked at me with sudden curiosity.
"How old are you?"

"I'm 18."

"Same age as Neiytiri.." He said thoughtfully.

"Oh that is cool, what about her mate? Jake Sully?"

"Who knows, sky people age differently.."

"Huh? He is a sky person? I thought you said they were pink and small."

"They are, Jake sully is a dreamwalker. He lives in a body that is not his own." Tsu'tey sighed and rubbed his temples.

"But the stench of shit still stays.." I said thinking back to how funny he smelt.

"I did not smell anything." Tsu'tey said.

"Well, I suppose my senses are more adept then yours. Win for the Ko'hatu clan!" I yelled.

"You barely even know what that word means." He said in an annoying voice.

"Shut up"

Eywa's Will (Tsu'tey x OC)Where stories live. Discover now