Chapter 2 <3

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Mason-Y/N Grealish I've liked you since the first day we met. It was the best day of my life and I'm lucky I have you right now.
*Mason starts to get nervous*

Y/N-Mase I...

Mason-I get it if you don't like me back.
*Mason gulps*

Y/N-Be quiet ofcourse I like you back.
*Mason moves closer to you*

Mason-Well I was wondering if you want to be my girlfriend?!

*Y/N pauses for a second*
Y/N-Id love too!!

*Mason gives you a kiss on your head, then your food arrives*

*After a good 15minutes of eatting and talking you and Mason were finished*

Mason-You ready to go Y/N?

Y/N-Yea masey.
*You head back to Masons with him keeping his hand on your thigh while driving*

*Just as you arrive Jack starts ringing you*

Y/N-One second Mase just need to take this.

Mason-Its fine love meet me inside when you're done.
*You answer Jack's call*

Jack-Took you long enough to answer!
*Jack shouted*

Y/N-Whats up like?
*You started to get worried*

Jack-I need you to come home immediately!


Jack-No buts!

Y/N-Okay well Mason is coming with me.

Jack-Fine but hurry up!!
*You quickly hang up and head inside to Mason*

Mason-Everything okay Y/N?
*Mason pulls you close into his chest*

Y/N-I guess so, but Jack wants me to come home. Would you please come with me?

Mason-Ofcourse I would, ill drive.

Y/N-Thank you Mase you're a lifesaver!

Mason-No need to thank me.
*You and Mason head to yours and Jack's house*

*You enter the house to Jack sitting on the couch with an annoyed look on his face*
Y/N-Everything okay Jack?

Jack-Not really.

Y/N-Whats up
*Jack pauses*

Jack-Well mum has just rung me up and told me she will be staying here with us

Y/N-For fūcksake, did she tell you why?

Jack-Just her and dad had a argument that's it.

Y/N-What day she meant to be coming?

Jack-Tomorrow night at latest.

*Anger fulfills you so you storm upstairs in your room nearly in tears*
*Mason follows quickly behind you which made Jack quite suspicious seen as Mason never usually follows you when he knows your mad but just sits and plays fifa with Jack*

Mason-Everything okay love?

He comes and sits at the edge of your bed pulling you into a hug and places a kiss on your forehead*

Y/N-I guess so.
*A tear falls down your cheek*

Mason-You can talk to me Y/N, im your boyfriend!

Y/N-I just don't wanna be home when my mums here, I know she's my mum after all but I can't see her I moved in with Jack to get away.
*You begin to cry so Mason pulls you into his chest*

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