Chapter 9 <3

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Jack-Well.... Sasha is pregnant.

Y/N-Omg, im so happy for you, you're going to be an amazing dad

Jack-Thanks Y/N, your going to be an amazing auntie.

Y/N-The cool auntie.

*You and Jack laugh*

Jack-Anyways what are you doing about finding a new house?

Y/N-Well Masons offered to help me find one and move in with me!

Jack-That will be okay then, seen as this is the happiest I've seen you in quite abit.

Y/N-Thanks Jack, whats happening with you and Sasha then?

Jack-Well im going to move in with her seen as she has a 3 bedroomed house.

Y/N-Or yea that's good then!

Jack-Okay well I'm going to head back to hers and you can go back to Mase.

Y/N-I will do and tell Sasha I said congratulations!

Jack-Will do.

*Jack heads home and you go to Mason who's in the kitchen*

Mason-Everything okay then?

Y/N-Yea, im going to be an auntie.

Mason-Thats good then, you will be an amazing auntie.

Y/N-Thanks Masey!

Mason-Well Declan and the lads have asked us to watch something in the cinema with them, you joining?

Y/N-Yea sure.

Mason-Okay then!

*You head to Dec and the lads*

Declan-Seen you decided to join us then.

Mason-Why not.

Declan-Sit down then.

Ben-Hi Y/N.

Y/N-Omg Ben I havent seen you in ages!

Ben-Only been a few years, we need a proper catch up one day!


*You hug Ben and then Mason gets jealous so you lay next to Mase*

Y/N-Mase I promise, he's just an old friend.
*You whisper*

Mason-Okay I believe you sorry.

Y/N-Your always going to be my No.1.

*Mason kisses your forehead, while Declan puts IT on*

Mason-Not going to be scared are you.
*He laughs*

Y/N-Ofcourse not, are you going to be scared?


He gulps*

*Your sat watching the film when a scary bit comes on and Mason snuggles into your chest*

Y/N-You alright there bubs?

Mason-Yea, it's just scary.

Y/N-If you want, we can go up to your room and watch something else?

Mason-Yea please!

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