Chapter 8 <3

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*You get a call from an Unknown Caller so you decide to answer it*

*On call*


Unknown-Hi there Y/N.

Y/N-Who is this?

Unknown-No one but i can hear every thing you and Mason have been doing

The person chuckles*

Y/N-Wait, what?!

*You hang up and start shaking*

Mason-Are you okay Y/N?

Y/N-Not really...

Mason-Who was that on the phone?

Y/N-I don't know but mase they said they heard everything we've been doing..
*You burst into tears so Mason pulls you into his chest for comfort*

Mason-How though, were both home alone at the minute though?

Y/N-I know mase, can we go to yours please i dont feel safe?

Mason-Yea thats fine, pack a bag if youd like i dont mind how long you stay.

Y/N-Thank you Mase im just going to ring Jack.

*On call*

Jack-Hiya Y/N, whats up?

Y/N-Im going to stay at Masons forra bit i dont feel safe at home.

Jack-Why whats happened?

Y/N-Not going into full detail but i was laying down with Mason and got a call off of someone saying they can hear us.

Jack-It will be safer for you to move out and maybe look for a new house, same goes for me but Y/N i promise you will be safe with Mason.

Y/N-Thank you Jack, ill see you tomortow anyways.

Jack-Bye Y/N.

*Back to you and Mason*

Mason-Whats Jack said?

Y/N-Hes told me to luck for a new place but I don't really wanna live on myself.
*You gulp*

Mason-If you want ill move in with you.
*You let out a huge grin*

Y/N-Id love that mase, but what are you going to do about Dec?!

Mason-Im sure he will be fine with it and if you want you can stay with me till we find a house.

Y/N-Thank you baby, I don't know what I'd do without you.
*You hug Mason tight and get a bag ready to stay at his*

*The drive there was quite silent seen as you were still shook about the situation*

Mason-Want anything to eat love?

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