Chapter 4 <3

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*The next morning, Jack storms into your room*
Jack-What the fuck is going on?!


Jack-Whys your bra and Masons boxers on the floor then?

Y/N-None of your business, your not my dad!!

Jack-Your a sl@g, no wonder mam and dad wanted you to move in with me so quick.
*Jack laughs to himself*

*You start crying*
Mason-Jack get the fuck out of Y/Ns room!!

*Mason cuddles you*
Mason-Get ready love than we can head over to mine and chill.

Y/N-Thanks Mason!
*You quickly get changed and pack a bag to go to Masons house*

*Your burst out crying on the way seen as you were frustrated*
Mason-It will be okay love, im here.
*You and Mason head inside his and you go sit on the couch*

*Your phone starts pinging crazy*

*The messages*

Jack-Y/N im sorry, please forgive me!
Jack-I didnt mean what i said!
Jack-Come on Y/N, your my little sister and i want whats best for you.

Jack-Im sorry, its just that i dont like seeing you grow up and i didnt mean what i said about dad and you being a slag.

Jack-Please Y/N im sorry please just let me explain properly.

*Back to you and Mason*

Mason-Arent you going to answer him?

Y/N-No theres no point, he said what he intended to.

Mason-Y/N Im not on his side but try let him explain im sure he will have a good explanation, hes your brother after alll.

Y/N-Okay i guess...


Y/N-Jack im giving you a few minutes to properly explain yourself.

Jack-Look Y/N, you may not forgive me this quick but I'm sorry about everything I said, I didn't mean anyone it I promise. Its just that I dont want you getting your heartbroken, you're still a kid in my eyes, your my little sister. Im sorry aswell for saying no wonder mam and dad wanted you out of the house so quick I really am. I'm happy if there's something going on between you and Mason and I didnt mean to overreact that much.

Y/N-Jack I understand we're you're coming from but sooner or later you're going to have to except im an adult now. Thank you for apologising and just to inform you me and Mason are a couple but please dont overreact everytime we're sharing the bed or in the same room together.

Jack-Thanks for understanding Y/N and im happy for you both its your life, also mums just messaged me just on the way to ours now.

Y/N-Oh fuck, i forgot about that, ill head back home ina bit but Mason is coming with me.

Jack-Okay thats fine, but be careful.

*Back to you and Mason*

Y/N-Thank baby for the advice its helped alot and can you do me a favour if you dont mind?

Mason-Ofcource whats up love
*You let out a gulp so Mason holds your hand*

Y/N-I know we have just came from mine but do you mind if we go back seen my mum is coming over.

Mason-Yea sure, are you okay?

Y/N-Not really i know shes going to complain at me for no reason its all she does.

Mason-I promise it will be okay and if you get frustrated or anything you can hold my hand, i dont mind.

Y/N-Thank you Mason, i dont know where i would be without you, you've always been there for me.
*You and Mason head to your house*

*Jack comes over to the door and hugs you*
Jack-Im sorry Y/N really!

Y/N-No its fine i promise!

*Your mum enters the house just as you were about to go upstairs*

Mum-Hiya Jack, what she doing here?

Jack-She lives here and she's your daughter.

Mum-I thought I'd never see her again after she moved out!
*She scoffs*

Y/N-Why can't you fūck off and handle your own problems instead of always running back to your kids.

Mum-God someone's in a mood.
*She replied hoping Jack or Mase would laugh or agree with her but they both did none*

*You quickly hold Masons hand tighter and he pulls you closer*
Mum-So Mason are you two a thing?

Y/N-Just leave him alone its non of your business.

Mum-You're just a little slag hooking up with anyone you see.

*You start crying into Masons chest*
Jack-Thats it fuck off, all you know how to do is mess up our lives, starting from today me and Y/N want nothing to do with you!!

Mum-You cant do that, im your legal guardian.

Y/N-Says who?

Jack-You do realise I'm 26 and Y/N is 21 so we can both look after ourselves, so get outta our house and this will be the last time seeing us!
*Jack pushes her out of the door and slams it in her face*

Jack-It will be okay from now on without her around i promise!

Y/N-Thanks Jack, Mason can we head back to yours please?


Y/N-Ill see you tomorrow Jacky!

Jack-Bye little sister!
*You and Mason head to his*

Mason-Wanna play fifa to get your mind off of everything?

Y/N-Yes please thank you!
*You and Mason play fifa and you end up falling asleep on his chest.*

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