Chapter 15 <3

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*The next morning you and Mason wake up at around 11:30am*

YN-Morning handsome.

Mason-Morning gorgeous, you okay?

YN-Yes, are you?

Mason-Fine thanks, you still down to go see my family later?

YN-Ofcourse I am, I love your family and I promise everything will still be the same as before.

Mason-I hope so!
*You cuddle up closer into Masons chest while he wraps his arms around your waist, then Mason gets a message on his phone*

The messages

Hiya Mase, are you and YN still coming down later?

Hello, and ofcourse we are! I'll message you when we're on out way.

Okay, thats not a problem, Summer is getting dropped off at about 3 so if you want head down at about 1:30-2:00pm.

Will do, see you later.

Bye hun!

*Back to Pov*

YN-Everything okay love?

Mason-Yea fine, just my mum wondering if we're still heading down.

YN-What time are you thinking?

Mason-About 1:30pm, if that's okay?

YN-Yea that's fine, gives us both enough time to get ready.

Mason-Yea true.

YN-Ill go make us some breakfast if that's okay?

Mason-Yea thats fine, what are you thinking about making?

YN-What about a smoothe bowl?

Mason-Yea thats fine, I'll be down in a second.

YN-Okay then.
*You head downstairs and make you both a smoothie bowl and place it down on the table waiting for Mason to come down*

Mason-This looks delicious love.

YN-Thanks Mase.
*You and Mason eat your smoothie bowl and take for a while until 12:30*

YN-You coming to get ready?

Mason-Yea right behind you.

YN-Mase can you help me pick out an outfit please?

Mason-Ofcourse I will.

*Outfit 1*

*Outfit 1*

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