Chapter 6 <3

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*You wake up in the middle of the night to someone making noises downstairs so you wake up Mason*

Y/N-Mase i think someones downstairs.

Mason-Ill go check now love .

*Mason goes downstairs and sees....*


*Quick story, Mason and Declan share a house and Declan flew to America for 2 weeks not telling Mason the specific date he will be back which confused them*

Mason-Fucking hell Decs you scared us!

Declan-What do you mean by us?
*You come downstairs*

Y/N-Long time no see.

Declan-Hi Y/N, wait...
*He pauses*
Are you two a thing?


Declan-Im happy for you anyways im heading to bed after a long flight.

Mason-Yea same, come on love.
*You and Mason head back to bed and go to sleep till 11am*

*You wake and start twirling Masons hair*
Mason-Morning babe.

Y/N-Morning babs.

Mason-Are we doing anything today?

Y/N-Not that i know of, but i need to get some more clothes from my house.

Mason-Okay well for now you can get changed into one of my tracksuits.

Y/N-Thanks masey.

Mason-No problem love.

*You go get changed and message Jack*

*The messages*

Little sis💕
Hiya Jack, me and Mason are nipping over for some of my clothes!

Heyy, thats fine, are you two busy tonight by any chance?

Little sis💕
Not that I know of, why?

I was wondering, if you wanna go on a double date with me and Sasha?

Little sis💕
Yes, we'd love too, what time?

That's great and 6pm, meet at that restaurant near Sashas.

Little sis💕
Okay see you then.

*Back to you and Mason*


Mason-Yes love?

Y/N-Wanna go on a double date with Jack and Sasha later?

Mason-Yea sure.

Y/N-Okay well lets head to mine so i can get some clothes for now and later.

Mason-Okay, well whos driving?

Y/N-Ill drive!
*You drive to your house with Mason and see Sasha*


*You hug eachother*

Y/N-Ive missed you!

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