Chapter 14 <3

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I'm so sorry for not uploading in a while I've had no motivation at all for this story specifically but I'm going to try my best and finish it before Christmas. There may end up being different lay outs due to how ive changed my lay outs on other stories I have made. But thank you for being patient hope you enjoy reading :) There's going to be a time skip seen as i have an idea on what to write. Please comment some ideas.

*Time skip to December you and Mason have been dating 6 months*

*It's 10:00am when you and Mason wake up*

Mason-Morning darling.

Y/N-Morning Mase!

Mason-You got anything planned for today?

YN-Not that I know of.
*Just as you finish your sentence you run to the bathroom throwing up, it's been happening the past few mornings but you didn't think anything of it*

*Mason follows behind you and holds your hair back, rubbing your back*

Mason-It's going to be okay darling.
*After a few minutes you stop throwing up, you brush your teeth while Mason waits in the bedroom for you*

YN-Mase, I have a question?

Mason-Whats up?

YN-You know the past couple of times we've had sex, did we use protection?

Mason-I don't think so.

YN-Well, do you think I could be pregnant, it will help explain the morning sickness.

Mason-Maybe darling, stay in bed while I go to the shop to buy a pregnancy test but remember I'm going to be by your side through it all I promise you.

YN-I love you Mason.

Mason-I love you YN.
*Mason heads to the shop for a test while you lay in bed stuck in your om thoughts*

*Your thoughts- What if its positive? What will everyone think? Will I be treated differently? Will Mason really stay with me? What will Jack think? Will he disappointed? Aren't we too young?*

*A tear slips down your face that's when Mason comes in the bedroom and pulls you into a hug*

Mason-Its going to be okay darling, no matter what I'm always going to be here for you and won't treat you any different!

YN-Mase, im just scared what will everyone else think?

Mason-There opinion doesn't matter all that matters is us and our decisions.

YN-Im too scared to take it.

Mason-It will be fine, the quicker you do it the quicker we find out.
*You go take the test and sit down next to Mason while waiting for the results*

*The 2 minutes of waiting are the slowest 2 minutes of yours and Masons life without a doubt*

*You're mind was all over the place, just thinking about the outcome of being pregnant or it ending up being negative scared you*

*The timer goes off and you both got check the test which it turns out to be.....


*You burst into tears while Mason pulls you into his chest*

Mason-You can do this love, soom we will have a mini you or mini me running around.

YN-I love you so much!

Mason-I love you too darling!

YN-When do you think we should tell people?

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