Chapter 7 <3

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*The next morning Jack comes into your room*

Jack-Y/N I'm going out and won't be back till tomorrow so you will be home alone but you can invite Mason over if you like.

Y/N-Okay thanks Jack and I'll invite him over.

*You message Mason*

My girl💕
Hiya baby wanna come over? We will have a house to ourself till tomorrow.

My boy💙
Ofcourse, ill head over now 💋

*Mason heads over to your house*

Y/N-Hiya Mase!

Mason-Hiya babe!

Y/N-Wanna come upstairs?

Mason-Yea sure.

Y/N-Okay well I'm going to have a shower.
*You wink*

Mason-Well can I join you?


*You and Mason get undressed and head into the steamy shower room*

Mason-May I
*He stares at your neck*

*You stare into his eyes to consent*

*Mason gets you by the neck and pushes you up against the wall kissing you passionately while choking you in the way you like then let's go*

Y/N-Wow Mase didn't know you were capable of that.

Mason-Alot more where that came from.

Y/N-Well my turn then..

*You quickly turn the water on faster going down on Mason and suck him off while he pushes your head forwards and backwards*

*He cums into your mouth which you decide to swirl round alot then spit out*

Mason-I see you liked that.!
*He winks*

Y/N-Maybe I did, maybe I didn't.

Mason-Well get ready for a bit more action.

*You and Mason begin having sex in the shower for 15 minutes which you then decide to get out except there was a slight problem*

Y/N-Baby you've done it again!

Mason-Done what may I ask?

Y/N-I think you should know, come here.

*He sees you limping*

Mason-A work of art.

Y/N-Fuck off and help me up please?!

*Mason helps you up and carries you onto the bed*

Mason-Im just going to get changed.

*Mason finishes getting changed and walks in without a t-shirt and all you could was stare*

Mason-We've just finished but I'm sure you can get more later.

*You laugh*
Y/N-Mase can you help me get changed?

Mason-Yea sure.

*He quickly changes you into some silk pjs*

Mason-Wanna watch a movie for a bit till you legs are working better?

Y/N-Yea I guess.

*He laughs*

*Mason puts on friends with benefits and all you could do was stare at his chest*

Mason-Lay on top if you like.

*You lay on top of Mason and start giving him a few hickeys*

Y/N-Have fun covering these up.
*You laugh*

Mason-Wont be my problem if Jack sees them.

Y/N-I don't mind if he does.

Mason-Oh well, he won't mind if I do this then.

*Mason flips you over and starting kissing you all the way from you neck down to your chest leaving hickeys along the way*

Y/N-That was fun, your a good kisser round the chest area.

Mason-What can I say I'm the best kisser.
*He laughs*

*You start giving Mason hickeys all around his neck and chest then he lets at a moan*

Y/N-I see Mr Mount you like that.

Mason-Who wouldn't?

Y/N-Well if you'd like I'll do something else for you.
*You wink*

Mason-Id love that darling
*He winks*

*You go down under the blanket jerking Mason off until he lets out a loud moan and cums*

Y/N-That easy to please you im impressed
*You finish and decide to lay on Mason chest and watch the rest of the movie*

*While the movie plays all Mason could do was stare into your eyes so you lean forward and kiss him which lasts about 30minutes until you get a call...*

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